2013 Annual Report - American Baptist Churches of Greater

Rev. Joan C. Friesen
Executive Minister
April 18, 2013
Dear ABCGI Friends,
As we seek to live into our vision of Churches helping churches to be the heart, hands, and feet of Christ,
I see countless ways God is using the gifts and strengths of one church to build up another. Whether it’s a
Listening Conference Team, discernment retreat leadership, service on our Board, or churches initiating
with one another, we continue to look for ways to be the Body of Christ in Greater Indianapolis.
Looking back to 2013, here are some of the highlights and happenings in ABCGI.
Our Annual Gathering theme in May was Set Sail With the Spirit. This gathering celebrated both the
200th anniversary of the first missionaries from North America arriving in Burma and the movement of
the Holy Spirit today. We hosted a Saturday event, Tools for Missional Leaders, with Rev. Glynis
LaBarre from the AB Home Mission Societies who then spoke at our Sunday worship. During worship
we welcomed three churches—Indiana Kachin Baptist, Karen Baptist Fellowship, and our new church
ministry, Iglesia Hispana Lynhurst. Our thanks to Greenwood First Baptist for their wonderful hosting of
Two congregations celebrated significant church anniversaries during 2013. Mount Pleasant Baptist
Church turned 150 and Garfield Park commemorated 100 years of ministry.
With the moving of the Edna Martin Christian Center into the newly renovated 37 Place, the ABCGI
Board made the decision to sell the old property to New Hope Missionary Baptist Church. New Hope
plans to continue the Edna Martin tradition by offering complementary services to the neighborhood.
Proceeds from the sale were placed in a community ministry fund and continue to benefit the ministry of
EMCC. Edna Martin held its grand opening in May and gained both space and visibility in their new
location behind the juvenile court center on 25th and Keystone.
Pastoral Transitions
Rev. Justin Thornburgh was called to be pastor at Emerson Avenue Baptist Church. Their Search
Committee met Justin at our annual Face to Face event. Justin and his wife Meggon Mae moved from
Chicago with their young daughter. He is already involved in region and community ministry.
Since its start as a new church ministry in February 2013, Iglesia Hispana Lynhurst began under the
leadership of Rev. Vicente and Maria Moreno. The Morenos moved to Indianapolis from Shelbyville
where they had a solid Spanish-speaking ministry. We are thankful for their beginning what we hope will
be the first of many churches worshipping in Spanish in ABCGI.
Chin Evangelical Baptist Church welcomed John Za Thleng as their Associate Pastor. John is an
enthusiastic leader who hopes to begin his Master of Divinity studies in 2014.
Maw San Awng, known as Jum, began work with Indiana Kachin Baptist Church over the summer. Jum
finished his Doctor of Ministry program at Fuller Seminary and was able to extend his visa in order to
provide leadership to IKBC and other Kachin churches in the U.S. Jum and his wife Mai have two
We welcome the pastors of two churches that were received into membership of ABCGI during 2013.
Rev. Clarence Moore and his staff pastor Northside New Era Baptist Church. Pastor Moore is a wellknown leader in Indianapolis and we are delighted to have New Era partner with us. He and his wife
Hope have lived in Indianapolis since 1990. Rev. Michael Johnson pastors Mount Pleasant Missionary
Baptist Church located on the northwest side of Indianapolis. He previously served on staff at Eastern
Star and is a graduate of Virginia Union Seminary. We welcome Michael and his wife Kristi to ABCGI.
Arlington Heights Baptist continues under the interim leadership of Rev. Mark Hetrick and Church of the
Master is in their search process with Rev. Jay Kennedy as interim. Karen Baptist Fellowship is also
seeking a pastor.
Regional Ministries
The Missional Church Learning Experience or MCLE continues to be a highlight event each year. Our
fourth learning community in conjunction with ABC of Indiana & Kentucky was held in 2013 with
Arlington Heights Baptist and Church of the Master participating with church teams. Over 1/3 of ABCGI
congregations have gone through MCLE, learning how to engage anew with the neighborhood, over the
past three years. We hope to begin our next learning community in the fall of 2014.
ABCGI was blessed to receive a Palmer Grant of $25,000 for shared learning experiences for pastors.
This grant will help provide continuing education for our non-English language pastors, for specific
cohort learning experiences like the Nehemiah Leadership Network, and for selected Center for
Congregations workshops.
Our 2013 state-wide Mission Conference was hosted by Chin Evangelical Baptist Church. This joint
effort between ABCGI and Indiana/Kentucky churches continued our celebration of the Judson 200
anniversary. CEBC were wonderful hosts!
Let’s Talk about Money, a workshop with practical tools for effective communication, was held last
November with five churches participating. This three hour event will be held twice during 2014.
An ordination council was held at First Baptist Church Indianapolis for Associate Pastor Evan Bever.
The service was held on May 19th.
On June 1st Indiana Chin Baptist Church celebrated 50 years of ministry for their Senior Pastor, the Rev.
Dr. Stephen Kio.
Big changes were seen as the American Baptist Biennial Convention became the 2013 Mission Summit.
Over 1,000 of the participants took part in conversations around more than 30 issues identified as critical
for the future of our churches. These conversations are continuing on-line, through the Mission Table
held in November, and now by regions and national program groups. Registration is already open for the
2015 Mission Summit with a return to Overland Park, Kansas.
We are continuing some of these conversations at our 2014 Annual Gathering and plan to continue to
engage these concerns.
For those of you who would like additional information on our Region finances (we are blessed, thanks to
your generosity!) information follows this report.
Lastly, I want to say what an honor it was to represent ABCGI in Burma (Myanmar) last December
during the Myanmar Baptist Convention’s celebration of the 200th anniversary of Ann and Adoniram
Judson. Their joy and thankfulness that the good news of Jesus came to them was palpable. Around
40,000 people registered for the celebration. More than 10,000 volunteers handled the logistics of food
and transportation while every Baptist church, school, and office space was cleared out to become
sleeping quarters for guests. I hope you will share my report via the video piece provided to each church
in your worship hour or other venue.
It is a joy to journey with you.
Joan C. Friesen
Executive Minister
2013 ABCGI Financial Report
United Mission Giving from Churches
$135,222.80 $132,073.21
Thanks for your generosity!
Region Offering
Over and above gifts from churches and individuals
Annual Meeting
Program Fees
Honoraria & Miscellaneous Income
American Baptist Foundation Bequests
New Church Fund
Salaries, Travel, Benefits
Programs, Ministries, Regional Gatherings
Includes joint Mission Conference, MCLE, Annual Gathering, etc.
Professional Fees
Audit, Foundation Services, Insurance, Legal, Bank fees
Office rent and expenses
Rent, equipment, phone, internet, website, copies, postage
New Church Fund
$210,015.46 $153,309.11
America for Christ Offering & AB Foundation Bequest Distributions
Edna Martin Christian Center
American Baptist Camping
Lynhurst Baptist Church Community Center
Renaissance Center, Mt. Zion Baptist
American Baptist Youth of Indiana/GI
Restoring Lives West
Total Gifts
Total Investment Income
Total Interest Income
Portion restricted for New Churches
Investment Income used for Operations
2014 ABCGI Ministry Resources
United Mission Giving
We count on tithes and gifts from member churches that support all of
American Baptist life, ministry, and mission, while modeling proportional
giving to their own church members
Region offering
Annual Meeting Income
Honoraria & Miscellaneous income
American Baptist Foundation Bequests
Investment Interest used for operations (anticipated)
New Churches Fund
Anticipated Total
Salaries and Benefits
Executive Minister (full-time) concentrates in the following areas – 1)
being a pastor to pastors and providing clergy support and training, 2) Working
with region leadership to live out God’s vision and direction, 3) Creating a
broader network among ABCGI churches while offering innovative opportunities
for congregational vitality, 4) Resourcing mission and stewardship
The Office Administrator handles communication, financial accounting,
and day-to-day responsibilities of office management
The Church Leadership Strategist works with congregations to develop
leaders, discern vision, re-design church structure, and for spiritual formation
The Congregational Life Facilitator helps churches have honest,
intentional, and fruitful conversation about how they live together as the Body of
Travel and Staff Professional Expense
Includes Continuing Education, travel, professional memberships
Professional Expenses
Audit, Foundation Services, Insurance, Legal, Bank fees
Office rent and expenses
Rent, equipment, phone, internet, website, copies, postage, depreciation
Programs, Ministries, Regional Gatherings
Most if not all of our region activities are offered at low or no cost. Other
educational events and worship gatherings are funded by your mission gifts or for
a minimal fee. This resource allows us to be responsive to the needs of our
churches as we seek to add innovative and relevant opportunities.
New Churches
Anticipated Total