APUSH Final Review (XIV)

APUSH Final Review (XIVXXX)
Things to Know
Need to Know
 G.I. Bill
 helped returning WWII veterans buy houses, go to school
 Taft Hartley Act
 made closed shops illegal
 House Committee on Un-American activities
 investigated Communist influence
 Alger Hiss Case
 spy case
 Rosenbergs
 U.S. citizens found guilty of espionage
 Joseph McCarthy
 led anti-communist “witch hunts”
 collection of union members
 very powerful
 Gideon v. Wainwright
 right to a lawyer if can’t provide one yourself
 Office of Economic Opportunity
 part of war on poverty in Johnson’s Great Society
 War on Poverty
 see last one
 Medicare
 Immigration Act of 1965
 dramatically increased immigration (Asia, Latin America)
 Woodstock
 3 day rock concert (New York)
 hippies
 counter-culture
 Environmental Protection Agency
 reduce pollution, protect environment
 Kent State shootings
 Ohio college, protest gets out of hand, National Guard kills 4
 Chicago Democratic Convention (1968)
 best known for huge anti-war protests
 police called in, seen on tv (police riot)
 Reaganomics
 economic policies of Reagan
 supply side economics (tax cuts)
 “trickle down” theory
 Clinton Twelve (Tennessee)
 first integration of a school in Tenn.
 Strom Thurmond
 “Dixiecrat”
 ran for president on segregation platform
 Bull Connor
 police chief of Birmingham
 used fire hoses, dogs on civil rights marchers
 George Wallace
 governor of Alabama
 anti-Civil Rights
 Diane Nash
 Civil Rights leader
 sit ins, founder of SNCC
 Rosa Parks
 Montgomery Bus Boycott
 nonviolence approach to civil rights
 Civil Rights Act of 1964
 banned employment discrimination
 created EEOC
 Voting Rights Act of 1965
 helped end formal and informal barriers to african american
literacy tests
 black power
 call for African Americans to unite
 Stokely Carmichael
 coined term Black Power
 Black Panthers
 militant black political organization
 urged violent resistance
 Freedom Riders
 took bus trips to protest illegal bus segregation
 Little Rock Nine
 integrated Central High School, national guard called in to
prevent trouble
 Black Muslims (Nation of Islam)
 radical movement for black power
 started by Elijah Muhammad
 encouraged separation from whites
 Elijah Muhammad
 see last slide
 Malcolm X
 radical civil rights leader (separatist)
“by any means necessary”
later changed views
 sit ins
 attempts to integrate lunch counters
 Montgomery Bus Boycott
 Rosa Parks
 March on Washington
 huge march in support of a civil rights bill
 Watergate
 scandal involving break in at Democratic national committee
 Richard Nixon
 center of Watergate scandal
 Woodward and Bernstein
 newspaper reporters who uncovered the Watergate scandal
 “Deep Throat”
 Wood/Bern’s source for Watergate
 women’s rights organization
 Betty Friedan
 The Feminine Mystique
 feminist
 Gloria Steinem
 feminist leader
 founded Ms. magazine
 Roe v. Wade
 right to an abortion
 Cesar Chavez
 organized immigrant farm workers
 United Farm Workers
 organization started by Chavez
 Desert Storm
 first Gulf War
 Colin Powell
 military general in Gulf War
 first African-American Secretary of State
 Norman Schwarzkopf
 general during Gulf War
 Bill Clinton
 self explanatory,
 globalization
 trend toward increased cultural and economic connections b/t
people, organizations, and businesses throughout the world
 trade agreement b/t U.S., Canada, Mexico
 Bill Gates
 Microsoft
 Steve Jobs
 Auburn
 Sam Walton
 Wal-Mart
 Michael Dell
 Dell Computers
 Ray Kroc
 Jeff Zebos
 Amazon
 Donald Trump
 real estate
Important Definitions
XV. Women’s Issues
XXVI. Native Americans
XXVII. Immigration
XVIII. Labor
XXIX. Supreme Court
XXX. Important Writings