September 2015 board meeting minutes

Great Start Collaborative of Ionia County
Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2015
Present: Beau Brainard, Dave Cook, Traci Flanner, Cheryl Granzo, Cindy Hill,
Cassondra Keller, Darin Magley, Jason Mellema, Nancy Sherd, Jessica Rowland,
Maria Santoro, Nancy Secor, Sarah Gorby, Melissa Stevens, Cynthia Talcott,
Roger Thelen, Deborah Trierweiler
Guest: Megan Flannigan
Called to order by Roger Thelen
Next Meeting: November 10, 2015
I. Welcome & IntroductionsRoger Thelen Introduced the new director Becky Kaechele. Becky
Kaechele breifely introduced herself.
II. Public Forum:
No Comments
III. Meeting Minutes Approval:
1st by Melissa Stevens 2nd by Dave Cook
IV. GSC Update-Jessica Rowland
Work Plan at a Glance: We are continuing to review our progress via the Work
Plan at a Glance. We are on track with our funders and our commitments to the
Early Childhood Celebration: This year’s event went well. Thank you for your
continued support. Approximately 91 children were in attendance. Over 50
children received haircuts thanks to Great Clips.
2015-16 32 P allocation: Ionia has received their allocation for next year. We will
be receiving about $177,000 for the ICGSC activities and early childhood
Kindergarten Round up Report: The annual report is almost completed. We are
just waiting for some final edits.
2015-16 ICGSC Meeting Schedule: Please see the enclosed schedule for the
ICGSC board and committee meetings. Hopefully, this is helpful in helping
everyone meet the board membership attendance requirements. Please let me
know if you have any questions or concerns about the meeting schedule.
Early Childhood Conference: This year the conference is at the Greenville High
School. Registration is still open so please share with parents, child care
providers, and really any one that is interested in Early Childhood topics!
Joint Recruitment: 2015-16 applications for preschool are still being accepted!
Please help spread the word if you know of any 4 year olds that are still in need of
Reminder about principles of collaboration survey: Agenda item and written
feedback. Tell us what you think!!
ICGSC Collaborative Activities & Support Recognition:
 Ionia Health Department Sponsored our photo booth and provided free
space for the Early Childhood Celebration
 MSU Extension for donating meeting space for the Wellness Committee
 Great Clips: provided haircuts to over 50 children for free!
 St. Johns Lutheran for donating meeting space for the Parent Coalition
 Walgreens for providing water at a discounted rate to the PC
V. New Business
A. Highlight Presentations:
Megan Flannigan who is a enrollment specialist from the Department of
Health and Human Services presented to the group on how to apply for services
online. She walked the group through the application process. You can use the
site to apply for Medical, food, or cash assistance. If you are just applying for
medical then you can apply by just doing the medical only applications. Clients
must create an account to apply. They should write down there log in and
password as they will be able to use it later to check the status of their
application, upload documents, or reapply. Clients should make sure they
complete all sections of the application. This will allow for a quicker application
process. You will know the application is complete when the % level reaches
100%. DHHS has someone in the waiting room at their office to help clients apply
for benefits. There is link at If you go to the
bottom of the page there is a link that says Click here for more training. Click on
that and a YouTube video will pop up that will walk you through how to do the
Well Child Visits
Dr. Beau Brainard presented to the group on Well Child Visits and what
parents can expect at the well child visit. If you meeting for the first time the
physician will typically get family history from the parents. Typically Physicians will
do a review of the growth chart and where their child is. There is special growth
charts for children who are premature or have genetic growth condition. Some
physicians do ASQ or some type of evaluation to track a child’s development.
There also is a social emotion ASQ that can be used to test for possible early signs
of Autism. As kids get older they become more of a part of the well child visit.
Instead of asking the parents all the questions they would ask some of the
questions to the children. Dr. Brainard reminded the group that what he is explain
is done at his office and that he cannot guarantee that his explanation is exactly
what other do. He also stated that everyone wants to do everything but there is
only 20 mintues in a well child visit and unfortunately doctors might not get to
everything they want to talk about.
B. 32 P Block Grant Recommendations
32P allocations and grant application was shared with the group. Dave Cook
made a motion to approve the 32P allocations and Mellissa Stevens supported his
motions. The board unanimously approved the 32P allocations. Dave made a
motion to approve. Dave Cook also made a motion to approve the 2015-16 Fiscal
year work plan. Cassandra Keller support the motion. The motion was carried.
C. ICGSC Vice Chair Position
It’s that time of year again where we say thank you to our current chair and
welcome our vice chair to their new position as chair of the collaborative. Jessica
Rowland thanked Roger Thelen for his time as the collaborative chair. She
presented him with a certificate and some candy. The board now has a vacancy in
the vice chair positions. Jessica Rowland asked the group to please make
recommendations on a vice chair at the bottom of the principles of collaboration
form. Roger Thelen talked about the executive committee meeting on the months
of that the GSC board doesn’t meeting. The Vice Chair will need to attend these
meeting and help plan for future GSC board meetings.
VI. Committee Reports
A. Executive: Roger Thelen
Last met in August where we put together this meeting and reviewed
principles of collaboration surveys. Also, discussed preschool billboards and the
status of where they are placed and if there is need for more. Also, got updates
on committees and welcome home babies. There was also a discussion on 32P
allocations and 2015-16 meeting schedule approval.
B. Parent Coalition: Jessica Rowland
The parent coalition has been out and about this summer attending
community events. They will also be attending fall fest again this year as well as a
few parents will be attending the annual conference at Greenville High School.
Next meeting will take place on September 15, 2015 at 6 pm at St. John’s
Lutheran church here in Ionia.
C. Family Support: Cassi Keller
The family support committee took some time going out into the
community and letter members of the community know that they are here in
Ionia County. They provided a breast feeding tent at the Ionia Free Fair kids day
where they provide a clean space for parents to feed and change their children.
They also provided cold water for them. Did car seat events throughout the
summer. Current have 2 more car seat events planned for this fiscal year. If
parents aren’t able to make the events then they can contact Cassi or Maria to
schedule a time to have their car seats checked. They distributed 48 out of the 50
car seats they received from a grant. They applied for another grant at the end of
August and are waiting for that to go through. So far they have replaced more car
seats in Ionia County then the UP combined. Community Gardens is going good.
They have held 2 events to help teach kids about harvesting the vegetables and
fruits. Next meeting will take place on October 1st, 2015.
D. Family Wellness: Cindy Hill
We have an upcoming Training for child care providers about dental
hygiene and connections. It will go over the ASQ and why developmental
screening is important. The connections program is also go to talk about a
opportunity for daycares to partner with them. Dr. Kinser from Belding Family
Dentistry will also talk about why dental hygiene is important and how child care
facility can incorporate it into their schedule. Deb Trierweiler stated that she
would like to register for this training. Annual nutrition night will take place on
September 23rd, 2015. There will be lots of activities for families including BINGO,
games, and crafts. The Wellness Committee is looking for donations for the prizes.
The next wellness committee meeting will take place on October 19th, 2015 at
1:30 at MSU Extension.
E. Early Education & School Advisory: Cheryl Granzo
Cheryl Granzo gave an update on GSRP. GSRP was funded at the same level
as they were last year so they were not able to add any more community
partners. They did offer 4 spots to St. Peter and Paul but they rejected the
opportunity. They are looking at running the same programs as last year. Still
working on getting enough kiddos to determine if they will do a half day or whole
day program. They are up to 45 but need 48. The plan is to decide by the end of
the week what type of program they will have. Currently have 17 over income and
can have up to 30 over income slots. GSRP starts September 22nd, 2015. There will
be a curriculum and TSGold training and a Math training coming up for GSRP. Play
groups are starting this week. Currently have 8 different sessions. There is
playgroup in every community but Lakewood. There is an Early On Video with
parents from Ionia County that should be out within the next month. The
committee is continuing to post articles in the paper as well as blog entries in
their weekly blog. They are looking for people to write blogs so if you are
interested please contact Cheryl.
VII: Roundtable Updates
Mellissa Stevens – Head Start Started today. All Eight Cap run GSRP and Head
Starts are rocking and rolling with no issues so far. Joint recruitment is still going
so if you know of children who are age eligible for preschool please have them
still fill out the application.
Dave Cook – Ionia Community Library Friends of the Library will be hosting a
fundraiser this Saturday starts at 2 pm. A crocket tournament.
Dr. Beau Brainard – There is a group that is trying to say that ASQ and
developmental screening is not cost effective. He is not sure what to say about it
other than those who are doing developmental screenings can say that they are.
Just in case you come across them please take their information with a grain of
Sarah Gorby – Continue to recruit foster parents. They are getting ready to start
their next round of Pride training. So if you know anyone who is interested in
becoming a foster parent send them Sarah’s way.
Deb Trierweiler – Introduced her kids
Cynthia Talcott - Ionia Literacy Council is continue their tutors for kids and adults.
If you know anyone who might need this service please have them get in contact
with them.
VIII. Principles of Collaboration and Feedback
Don’t forget to leave your comments or questions 
Next Meeting Date: November 10th, 2015 1:30-3:30PM @ the ISD
**Please see website for most updated information @