Chapter 11 Lecture

Election of 1800
 John Adams BOO!
 Federalist, Alien & Sedition Acts
 New Navy = “John Adams Jackasses”
 Huge Navy, no war with France
 Thomas Jefferson & Aaron Burr
 FLAWS = state legislature “chooses electors” not
popular vote
 Jefferson & Burr tie at 73 electoral votes
 The decision goes to the House of Representatives
 12th Amendment = Electors choose a Pres & VPres
Jefferson Restraint:
Jefferson “Undoes” Federalist
Changes Alien & Sedition Acts =
Naturalization Law of 1802 (5 yr citizenship)
Repeal excise tax
Reduction of debt, balanced budget
Distrusted a large army
 Reduction to 2500 men
Jefferson Restraint:
Jefferson “keeps” Federalist
Federalist Programs remain
 Bank of the United States (BUS)
 Tariffs
 Funding state debts at par
The Dead Clutch of the Judiciary =
Marbury v. Madison 1803
 John Adams begins to “court pack with
 Appoints Madison as Justice of D.C…..the letter
does not get delivered before TJ is Pres
 Madison sues for delivery of the letter
 Chief Justice John Marshall: “The Judiciary Act
of 1789 was unconstitutional…the court cannot
ENFORCE law, we can merely judge law” =
 TJ Angry = court overturns the nullification law!
 Payback time….
Jefferson & Foreign Policy
Barbary Pirates
1801 Tripoli wants more bribery money
4 yrs long
Pays us $60,000
Mosquito Fleet
The Louisiana Godsend
 Spain gives France Louisiana Territory 1800
 US rights to port of New Orleans revoked!
 Go to war with France?????
 In 1803, Jefferson sent James Monroe to join regular
minister Robert R. Livingston to buy New Orleans
and as much land to the east for a total of $10 million,
tops! And the rights to the port of New Orleans.
 Napoleon sells Louisiana Territory for a bargain of
$15 million.
 They did not want a US/GB alliance
 They abandoned their US dreams of a French empire
due to losing of the Napoleonic Wars
Jefferson = Two Faced
 Strict constructionist
 US Constitution does not allow for purchase of land
 He lets it happen anyway…..
Louisiana in the Long
The purchase
created a precedent
of acquisition of
foreign territory
through purchase.
 Lewis & Clark
Aaron Burr!
Plots to secede NY & NE
Hamilton exposes him!
Hamilton & Burr “Duel”
Burr tries to secede the West
Many followers
PROBLEM! The US cannot effectively govern the
America: A Nutcrackered
 War with GB & FR
 British Orders in Council 1806
 Shipping must stop in GB before France
 6,000 Americans impressed
 GB fires on the Chesapeake
 US Embargo Act of 1807
 No trading to foreign countries
 Colonial Response: “That Dambargo!”
 Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 (trade yes, GB/FR no)
That “Dambargo” was
pretty “Damgood”
 US turned to building factories
President Madison 1809-1817
 Non Intercourse Act = Macon’s Bill No. 2
 Opens all trade
 If we trade w/GB…we won’t trade w/Fr
 Vice versa
 Napoleon agrees (lies)
 GB to trade w/US or we cannot trade at all!
 Madison the idiot
War of 1812 - Causes
 12th Congress = “War Hawks”
 Want a GB war and expansion into Canada
 Argument: GB is supplying Indians in the west
War of 1812
The Second War of
 On to Canada to wipe out the Native American base
 To protest against GB impressment
 Purpose: to restore confidence in Republicanism
 Leads to sectionalism
 New England shippers do not want war
 Federalists did not want agricultural Canadian lands
(more slavery?)
 US to fight Old England and New England