Book - sarahrswikispace

Source #1
Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Publication. Publication City: Publishing House, Year Published. Name of Database. School Name. Web. Date Accessed.
Build your own: Karpf, Jason. "I Came. I Saw. I Spun." Military History. 01 Jan. 2008: 18. eLibrary. Web. 12 May. 2010.
Notes: Copy and paste key passages or paragraphs.
A military leader wins a series of battles, altering the
geopolitical balance and bringing new wealth and security
to his country.
Upon returning home, the military leader dives into
politics, employing multimedia and memorable slogans to
gain support and enhance his reputation.
Caesar sought more than supremacy within the Roman system; he meant to
redefine Rome politically and socially…... Caesar used three communication
channels: Commentaries-compilations of his battlefield observations; public
spectacles such as gladiatorial games and processionals; and coinage, an
enduring mass medium.
Once appointed governor of Farther Spain, Caesar set the pattern that would
propel him to power: subjugating new territories, securing wealth and
reporting his achievements in regular dispatches to the senate. Caesar won
the consulship in 59 BC, thanks to successes in Spain and his triumvirate with
Crassus and Pompey, military hero of the east who was newly married to
Caesar's teenage daughter.
At the end of his consulship, Caesar was appointed governor of Illyricum and
Cisalpine and Transalpine Gaul.
The First Triumvirate unraveled when Caesar's daughter, Julia, died giving
birth to Pompey's child, and Crassus was killed in battle.
The message of these Commentaries was that if Caesar should fail, Rome
would be doomed from within. The civil war became a world war as Caesar
swept Pompeians from Italy, then fought a battle that ran from Spain to
Greece.In Egypt, a routed Pompey died, and Caesar formed an alliance with
Response: Paraphrase, ask questions or clarify
Julius Caesar was one of the world’s greatest influential people in
history. Not only did he have the guts to step up to the senators of
the Roman Empire and make new laws, he also set a new
foundation for the Roman people. He created many new laws and
lead people to see things in a different prospective. As military
leader, he won a great series of battles. Buying the trust of his
people and supplying his country with more money.
While returning home, Caesar takes great interest in politics,
advertising slogans and spreading multimedia to improve his
reputation and to gain popularity.
Caesar craved to redefine Rome politically and socially by using
the three branches of communication. He wanted to become
someone to make an impact on the world.
After becoming governor of Farther Spain, Caesar wanted more
power. He made his achievements known to the senate. In 59BC,
Caesar won the consulship because of accomplishments in Spain
and the military hero of the east, Crassus and Pompey, was newly
married to his teenage daughter.
Caesar was appointed governor of Illyricum, Cisalpine, and
Transalpine Gaul at the end of his consulship.
Soon after, Caesar’s daughter, Julia, died giving birth to Pompey’s
child, and Crassus was killed in battle.
Caesar was warned that if he should fail to defeat Pompey and his
Caesar completed the civil war by defeating Pompeians in Africa and Spain.
The four triumphs of 46 BC were the pinnacle of Caesarian showmanship, a
living multimedia experience. Each celebrated a specific victory: Gaul, Egypt,
Pontus and Africa.
Until Caesar's time, Roman coins did not bear the likeness of living leaders,
avoiding a practice associated with the hated kings of Rome's antiquity.
Caesar broke the taboo in 44 BC when his face appeared on Roman coins.
On March 15, 44 BC, knife-wielding senators assassinated Julius Caesar, his
death leaving a chaotic political vacuum. Mark Antony, Marcus Aemilius
Lepidus and Caesar's great-nephew and adopted son, Octavian, formed the
Second Triumvirate. Thirteen years after Caesar's death, Octavian assumed
complete of the Roman Empire, taking the name Augustus Caesar.
army, disaster would come to Rome. As Caesar moved
Pompeians from Italy, and fought a battle rushed from Spain to
Greece, the civil war became a world war.
In Africa and Spain, Caesar defeated the Pompeians and
completed the civil war feeling accomplished and successful.
Caesar had accomplished four victories in 46BC such as Gaul,
Egypt, Pontus, and Africa.
Roman coins did not tolerate the likeness of living leaders until
44BC, when Caesar’s face appeared on Roman coins.
On March 15 of 44BC, Caesar was assassinated by senators.
Thirteen years after Caesar died Caesar’s great nephew and
adopted son, Octavian, took the name of Augustas Caesar and
assumed complete control of the Roman Empire.