Level D Vocabulary 3A (includes Word List, Synonyms/Antonyms


Level D, 3A Daily


Abridge-verb- to make shorter

Synonyms: shorten, condense, abbreviate

Antonyms: expand, enlarge, augment


Adherent – noun – a follower, supporter adjective- attached, sticking to

Synonym: disciple Antonyms: opponent, adversary, critic, detractor


Altercation – noun- an angry argument

Synonyms: quarrel, dispute, squabble Antonyms: agreement, accord


Cherubic – adjective – resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful, round,

or chubby face; sweet innocent

Synonyms: angelic, seraphic, beatific Antonyms: impish, devilish, diabolic, fiendish


Condone – verb – to pardon or overlook

Synonyms: ignore, wink at, turn a blind eye to

Antonyms: censure, condemn, disapprove, deprecate


Dissent – verb – to disagree noun – disagreement

Synonyms: differ, dispute Antonyms: agree, concur, unanimity, harmony


Eminent – adjective - famous, outstanding, distinguished, projecting

Synonyms: illustrious, renowned

Antonyms: obscure, nameless, unsung, lowly, humble


Exorcise – verb – to drive out by magic; to dispose of something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive

Synonyms: expel, dispel


Fabricate – verb- to make, manufacture; to make up, invent

Synonyms: put together, devise, contrive, concoct

Antonyms: take apart, undo, destroy, demolish


Irate – adjective – angry

Synonyms: incensed, infuriated, enraged, livid

Antonyms: calm, composed, cool, unruffled

Name ________________________________

Level D Vocab 3A Cloze

Choose the correct form of this week’s vocabulary words to complete each sentence.

_________________________ 1. During a recent interdenominational service in our community center, the _____ of various faiths met to worship as one.

_________________________ 2. “That child may have an angel’s ___ features, but at heart he is a little devil,” I exclaimed in disgust.

_________________________ 3. A few of us who disagreed strongly with the committee’s conclusions felt compelled to raise our voices in _______.

_________________________ 4. In order to fit the newspaper article into the space available, the editor had to _____ it by omitting secondary details.

_________________________ 5. Although I am not a particularly argumentative person, last week I found myself involved in a heated ____ with a salesclerk.

_________________________6. “I think,” said the salesclerk, “that the phrase ‘hot under the collar’ aptly describes the typical ____ customer that we have to deal with.”

_________________________7. “I am willing to wink at a harmless prank,” the dean remarked, “but I will not ____ outright vandalism.”

_________________________ 8. It is a real tribute to the ingenuity of the human mind that for thousands of years people have been ____ new and interesting theories of the universe.

_________________________ 9. After so many years of distinguished service in the United States

Senate, he can properly be called a(n) ____ statesman.

_________________________10. In this clever spoof of horror movies, the local witch doctor encounters hilarious difficulties when he tries to ____ an evil demon that has taken up residence in the heroine’s body.

Name ______________________________

Level D Vocab 3A Synonyms/Antonyms

Synonyms: Choose the word from this week’s vocabulary which most nearly means the same as the bold word or expression.

_________________________1. tried to dispel our feelings of gloom and doom

_________________________2. supporters of the free market system

_________________________3. refuses to turn a blind eye to corrupt practices

_________________________4. bravely faced the enraged crowd

_________________________5. a positively angelic appearance

_________________________6. gets into one quarrel after another

_________________________7. tried to make up a credible alibi

_________________________8. condensed the long and detailed report

Antonyms: Choose the word from this week’s vocabulary words that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the bold word or expression in the given phrase.

_________________________9. a major novel by an obscure writer

_________________________10. A prevailing mood of harmony among the members

Name ________________________________

Level D Vocab 3A Past Word Review

Past Words: Give the letter of the word which best completes each sentence.

_____ 1. Though a trained veteran is often a well-tuned fighting machine, a raw recruit is sometimes no better than cannon (A. feint B. fodder).

_____ 2. To keep my self-respect, I must stand (A. comely B. unflinching) before the authorities and tell them the truth as I see it.

_____ 3. After the formal dinner was over, we (A. adjourned B. tantalized) to the den in order to continue our conversation in a more relaxed atmosphere.

_____ 4. As soon as I entered that charming little cottage, I noticed that everything in it was neat and

(A. erratic B. comely).

_____ 5. At one point in our fencing match, my opponent unexpectedly (A. sullied B. feinted) to the left and threw me completely off guard.

_____ 6. Instead of all those long, flowery passages, why don’t you try to write more in the

(A. mediocre B. terse) and direct style of a good newspaper reporter?

_____7. I can understand how poor people sometimes feel (A. tantalized B. jeered) by the wealth and luxuries they see displayed on TV programs.

_____8. His behavior is so (A. erratic B. terse) that we never know what to expect from him.

_____9. When I first noticed how (A. illegible B. lucrative) my roommate’s handwriting was, I suggested that he sign up immediately for a course in penmanship.

_____10. I would be unwilling to vote for the (A. expulsion B. fodder) of club members just because they are behind in their dues.
