minutes s - belmeade

CALL TO ORDER: Beverly Jacobson, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. The
following Board Members were present:
Beverly Jacobson, President
Bill Hogge, Vice President
Monika Bradley, Treasurer
Erin Olson, Secretary
Management Representative: Sharon Keith, The Select Group
Beverly Jacobson, introduced Sharon Keith, our new Management Representative from The Select Group
Corey Fogle, 1165 Belmeade Drive, expressed concern about the letter he received from The Select Group
with regards to his front storm door. He is just now in receipt of a violation letter, however, the storm door
has been in place for awhile. When asked by the Board of Directors, the homeowner did note that the
storm door is not a full view glass door nor is it the pre-approved model for the Association.
a. Beverly Jacobson, President, requested the homeowner’s e-mail so she can personally correspond
with him
B. Phyllis Awbrey, 1141 Belmeade Drive, asked when the exterior fence painting project would begin and
which homes were involved?
a. Beverly Jacobson, President, reported there were two major fall projects for the community.
i. Seal-coating of all the Belmeade roads, projected time-frame in October 2012
ii. Interior and Exterior painting of the patio fences and trash can enclosures (approximately
1/3 of the community) to include Norwell Lane, Hawksworth Court, Broadholme Place,
Bathley Place, Ordsall Place and part of Belmeade Drive. Projected time-frame late
October/early November 2012.
b. She assured the residents that there will be an extensive communication plan to include letters, emails, up-to-date information on the Website, use of the phone tree and signage at the community
entrance. Sharon Keith, our management representative is coordinating with the vendors now and
will brief the Board of Directors on the timeline.
C. Jill Monette, 5201 Kirton Court, reported that there is still a mess from the downed trees by her house. She
also asked if a storm door could be placed on the back of the Pembroke models.
a. Beverly Jacobson, President, described the clean-up project by the gazebo. Part of the area, by the
gazebo belongs to the Ridgely Manor Homeowners’ Association (RMHOA), part belongs to Terry
Peterson, the developer of North Shore at Ridgely Manor (NSRM) and part belongs to the city of
i. Terry Peterson, (NSRM) immediately came in and cleaned the debris along the walkway.
ii. The RMHOA, continued clean-up and removed the three downed trees ($6,000), however
in the process some of the landscaping was torn-up and needs to be replaced.
b. Beverly Jacobson, President, has contacted the RMHOA and requested the remainder of the cleanup and repair be concluded in a timely manner. She also noted that the docks, walkways, and
bridges are also being power washed.
c. As for a storm door on the back of the Pembroke, the approved model for the Association is
authorized for the ONE operational door on the back of the Pembroke model. The correct color
matching is on the Architectural Request form (ACC) that is located on the website, and must be
approved prior to installation.
D. Bob Monette, 5201 Kirton Court, reported that in the process of the walkways being power washed, a lot of
the debris ended up on the side of his newly washed home. He asked if the RMHOA was going to cover
the cost of re-cleaning the side of his house.
a. Beverly Jacobson, President, requested this homeowner email her directly, and she will forward
his communication onto The Community Group (Management Company for the RMHOA)
E. Tony Burgio, 5209 Balderton Court, noted that Terry Peterson owns the property behind Balderton Court
(NSRM). On July 11 2012, he took pictures of the weed infested, undeveloped property and sent them to
Jill Albright, (our former Management Representative, The Select Group) and followed this with a phone
call to her. He didn’t hear anything back and two months later, in September 2012, he took additional
photos and referred these again, to Jill Albright. His main concern, apart from the unsightliness, is the fire
hazard this unkempt property poses, and the habitat it provides for snakes, rats and mice. He feels that if
Terry Peterson won’t clean it up, then the City of Virginia Beach should be contacted for resolution.
a. Sharon Keith, Management Representative, will review the situation with Jill Albright, prior
Management Representative, and see what steps have been taken, and will move forward
contacting Terry Peterson and the City of Virginia Beach for resolution.
Carrie Knott, 1113 Daventry Place, is concerned with the algae growth in Lake Smith.
a. Bill Hogge, Vice President, has been working with the local Lake Smith Civic League and they
have concluded that we will need a full community effort to compel the City of Norfolk, who
owns Lake Smith, to act to clean up the algae growth. He has called the City of Norfolk, the
Department of Water and our local councilman, to no avail. The machinery the City of Norfolk
uses to cut down the algae is apparently broken and/or breaks down repeatedly.
G. Larry Smith, 1192 Belmeade Drive is concerned about the tree, by his home and driveway, which needs to
be trimmed. The branches encumber the driveway. Several other homeowners also expressed concern
about trees near their homes and driveways that need trimming.
a. Erin Olson, Secretary, will contact Mark, with Evergreen (our Landscape contractor) and Chuck
Olson, Landscaping Committee, to discuss short as well as long term solutions to manage the tree
Ed Markiewicz, 1140 Belmeade Drive had several questions
a. Could a list of termite companies be forwarded to the residents?
b. Does the Landscaping company spray for weeds and bugs?
c. What about getting the common areas treated for bugs?
Beverly Jacobson, President, suggested homeowners go to our Website, www.belmeade.org, for
extermination services other Belmeade residents have used.
The Landscape company sprays for weeds.
She also addressed extermination services for the common areas and the potential cost for such a
service. Our Management Company will seek bids for extermination of the common areas and
present the bids to the BOD.
Xxxx, 5237 Shepparton Way, expressed concerned about a lack of light in some areas and some of the
street lights don’t stay on long enough.
a. Beverly Jacobson, President, advised that the community street lights are owned by the City of
Virginia Beach and each is numbered. Should there be a problem with that light, please call the
city and give them the pole number so they can investigate.
i. As for other “dark spots” in the community, residents are encouraged to keep their front
and back lights on for extra illumination and safety. The homes along Ordsall Place,
Broadholme Place, Hawksworth Court, Norwell Lane and Averham Drive, which back
up to the walking path, all have pole lights on their fences. Those light bulbs are
routinely replaced by Chuck and Erin Olson (Lighting Committee)
Budget Committee: Monika Bradley reports that she and her committee are preparing the 2013
Budget for the BOD review. Note was made of a crack in the pool, that will require repair. (The pool
was scheduled for resurfacing in Spring 2013. Sharon Keith, Management Representative will request
2 quotes for resurfacing, (plaster and fiberglass), from each company that bids on the project.
Social Committee: There was no report
Trash Committee: Erin Olson reported the two extra cans at the pool were picked up. A question
arose on recycling. Community recycling is available at Princess Anne High School.
Website Committee: Ken Klein was not available due to prior commitment
Landscaping Committee: Erin Olson, will forward the neighborhood concerns on tree, bush trimming
to Chuck Olson who will personally meet with Mark from Evergreen for a community walk through.
Rules Committee: Luce Pangle reports the committee hasn’t received any correspondence from the
Board. Erin Olson, Secretary, pointed out that Management did respond to the Rules committee in
July 2012. Sharon Keith, Management Representative to forward that correspondence on to Luce
Phone Tree Committee: No report
Monika Bradley, Treasurer, notes this year’s budget remains on target.
Sharon Keith, Management Representative, reviewed the Management Report with the BOD.
Management also included Budget recommendations to the BOD.
Monika Bradley, Treasurer, provided a correction to the July 17, 2012 minutes in section IV. a.,
the second line should read $27,446.33 negative equity.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the July 17, 2012 minutes as amended: Approved:
4; Disapproved 0.
Seal-Coating of the Belmeade Roads: Sharon Keith, Management Representative, is meeting
with the seal-coating contractor, Parking Lot Maintenance, September 26, 2012, to discuss the
plan for the community.
i. Beverly Jacobson, President, again, emphasized how critical it is for Management to fully
communicate the plan with the BOD and the community.
Fence Painting: This will start after the Seal Coating project, approximately 2-3 weeks after seal
coating is completed.
Landscaping Contract. Three bids were received. The BOD discussed the proposed bids.
i. A motion was made and seconded to accept Evergreen Property Management’s proposal
for the Landscaping contract. Approved: 4; Disapproved: 0.
Pond Contract. A motion was made and seconded to accept Solitude Lake Management’s
proposal for the pond (Lake Belmeade) contract. Approved: 4, Disapproved: 0.
Board Resignations: Beverly Jacobson, President, announced that two members have resigned
i. Erin Olson, Secretary, has resigned effective September 28, 2012. The BOD appointed
Kathie Fowler, to assume the Secretary position until the November 2012 Annual
ii. Andy Duncan, Vice President, resigned effective immediately. The BOD appointed Ken
Klein, to assume the Vice President position, until the November 2012 Annual Meeting.
iii. The BOD and community sincerely thanked these two individuals for all they have
contributed to Belmeade.
ADJOURNMENT. As there was no further business, Beverly Jacobson, President, adjourned the
meeting at 7:11 P.M.
a. The next meeting is the ANNUAL HOMEOWNER’S MEETING November 27, 2012 at 6:30
P.M. at Cypress Point Country Club.
Erin Olson
Beverly Jacobson