Minutes from Fall Meeting 2012

Illinois Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (ILAECTE)
Fall Meeting
October 19, 2012
In Attendance: P. Steinhaus, , C. Main, K. Sheridan, E. Sherwood, M. Young, L.
Wellen, G. McNamee, J. Asimow, L. Bliss, J. Weiner, L. Dauksas, P. Hoffman, J, Klomes,
S. Maloney, R. Penzik, M. Latorre.
Meeting Minutes
1. Welcome & Approval of minutes
Kathy Sheridan (ILAECTE president) welcomed attendees.
The meeting minutes from the Spring 2012 meeting were approved.
2. Vote for Board positions
Kathy Sheridan announced that all board positions were up for renewal and
based on nominations received at the Spring 2012 meeting, a vote was now
Elizabeth Sherwood, current vice-president, accepted position of president
position for next term.
The floor was opened for nominees for vice president, secretary and treasurer.
Nominations included Pat Steinhaus for vice president, Linda Dauksas for
Treasurer, and Jennifer Asimow for Secretary. A vote was held for each position
and each nominee was elected to their position (15 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstaining).
3. Other Business/Updates
Kathy Sheridan agreed to continue to maintain and manage ILAECTE website.
M.J. Young encouraged everyone to become a member or renew membership.
Membership forms were passed out and are available on the ILAECTE website.
Members can check their membership status online.
J. Klomes reported that Massachusetts recently set an early childhood licensing
band as Prek- 3rd. J. Weiner added that no new information on this topic has
come from the isbe.
4. ED TPA presentation
Cathy Main provided an overview the UIC pilot of the Ed TPA in early childhood.
Twenty students participated in the pilot and the data from pilot showed major
differences in scores across ED TPA categories and grade levels.
Rebecca Penzik, former student in the UIC ECE program who completed the Ed
TPA gave presentation outlining her experiences and recommendations for ECE
teacher educators. The powerpoint presentation is available on the ILAECTE
website. The presentation led to a spirited discussion about the Ed TPA and
many questions and concerns were discussed. The group agreed that we would
benefit from continued shared discussion. Kathy Sheridan suggested we use the
ILAECTE to continue discussion and share resources.
5. AECTP Presentation
Celina Chatman- Nelson and Jennifer Kushto-Hoban presented information
about the Appraising Early Childhood Teacher preparation project at UIC that
was funded by the Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust. Copies of the
final report, Breaking it down and building it out: Enhancing collective capacity
to improve early childhood teacher preparation, were distributed. Both the full
report and the executive summary are available on the ILAECTE website.
6. Next Meeting
Next meeting will be held in Spring 2013. The date is TBA. Information about
the meeting will be posted on the ILAETE website.