Kite Runner, Chapters 3-4 Questions

Student Name: ________________________________ Hour: ______ Date: _______________________
Kite Runner
Chapters 3 Guided Reading Questions
Close and Critical Reading
A. Highlight evidence in the text that illustrates Baba as the perfect ideal of Afghan masculinity.
B. Highlight examples of metaphors and similes hat help convey Baba’s character to the reader.
C. Highlight evidence from the text that conveys the novel’s theme of jealousy.
D. Highlight evidence from the text that conveys the novel’s themes of guilt and shame.
E. Highlight evidence from the text that conveys the novel’s theme of personal honor.
F. Highlight text which helps the reader understand the complexity of a father/son relationship.
G. Highlight examples of irony.
H. Highlight an example of symbolism.
I. Highlight the theme stated directly in the chapter and copy it here:
J. Highlight examples of foreshadowing.
Use complete sentences to answer the following questions.
1. Copy down one example of a simile used to describe Baba and cite it with a parenthetical reference.
2. Copy down one example of a metaphor used to describe Baba and cite it with a parenthetical
3. Re-read your answers to questions #1 and #2. How does the author’s use of these literary devices
enhance Baba’s character for the reader? Explain.
4. Compare and contrast Amir’s character with Baba.
5. Describe the complex nature of Amir’s relationship with his father. HINT: Consider the wide range
of emotions that he feels toward his father.
6. How does guilt complicate Amir’s relationship with his father? Explain.
7. Describe Baba’s sense of morality and personal honor. HINT: Compare and contrast his views on
religion and sin.
8. Explain the significance of the final line of the chapter.
Student Name: ________________________________ Hour: ______ Date: _______________________
Kite Runner
Chapters 4 Guided Reading Questions
Close and Critical Reading
A. Highlight examples of the rigid social stratification observed in Afghan society. HINT: Consider how
Amir and Hassan regard one another.
B. Highlight evidence which illustrates the novel’s theme of prejudice.
C. Highlight evidence from the text that conveys the novel’s theme of jealousy.
D. Highlight evidence that illustrates the complexity of Amir’s relationship with Hassan.
E. Highlight evidence in the text that provides the reader with new insights into Hassan and Amir’s
F. Highlight evidence from the text that further demonstrates the strain between Amir and Baba.
G. Highlight an example of foreshadowing.
Use complete sentences to answer the following questions.
1. Consider the story of “Rostam and Sohrab.” Explain how this tale could be an example of
foreshadowing. HINT: Think about the nature of the father/son relationships presented in the novel
up to this point.
2. Describe the author’s use of irony in the chapter. Consider the various examples you highlighted and
how they help the reader understand the narrator’s character.
3. Describe the complex nature of Amir’s relationship with Hassan. HINT: Consider Baba’s relationship
with Ali as well as the similarities and differences in each boy’s life.
4. How does jealousy impact Amir’s relationship with his father?
5. How does jealousy impact Amir’s relationship with Hassan?
6. What message is the author trying to convey about jealousy in the novel?