Questions & Answers Ch. 10-14

The Kite Runner - Reading Questions for Chapters 10-14
What "weakness" of Amir's does Baba have to apologize for in Chapter 10? Motion sickness
Why are Amir and his father fleeing Afghanistan? They have to leave Russian-invaded
Afghanistan five years later when Amir is 18. They could not trust anyone
anymore for fear of being turned in. It was too dangerous to stay in Afghanistan
any longer.
Why does Baba challenge the Russian officer who is obviously high on drugs? Baba shows his courage
and strength by preventing the Russian soldier from raping the woman in the
truck. Baba believed in the core value of decency, especially in the time of war
and would not tolerate such behaviour from anyone, less a Russian soldier. “…
War doesn’t negate decency. It demands it even more than in times of peace”
(Hosseini 107).
In Chapter 10, several things happen that are ironic. Explain what is ironic about each:
- The only way Amir can survive the long ride in the fume-filled tank is by remembering flying kites with Hassan.
– Amir must rely on Hassan to save him once again from a situation the Amir is
not strong enough to do alone (ie. standing up to the bullies). Hassan gives
Amir peace in this situation through Amir’s memories.
- Kamal's father commits suicide after Kamal dies from breathing in the fumes of the tank. Kamal’s father
has lost everything – his wife, his son was raped and then dies; he no longer
has a reason to live. Once he is finally free, he no longer has anyone he loves
to share that freedom with.
- Kamal, one of Hassan's rapists, has been raped himself and hasn't spoken since. Kamal may not have
participated literally in the alleyway, but was a witness and did nothing to
stop the horrific event. Kamal was alone one night and gang raped by four
individuals and was never the same since. He seemed to have withered away,
doesn’t talk anymore, and just stares. It is ironic how this horrific event he
was an accomplice to also happens to him later in the future.
Chapter 11 has a new setting. What is it? Fremont, California – 1980s
"America was different. America was a river roaring along, unmindful of the past. I could wade into this river, let
my sins down to the bottom, let the waters carry me someplace far." This quote from Chapter 11 is said by
whom? What does it reveal? What does this metaphor mean?
Amir states this quote. The quote reveals that the USA would seem to be an ideal
place to Amir as it will allow him to escape the guilt from his past. He
believes that the ghosts of his past will stop haunting him (Hassan). It also
shows the reader that he is again ignoring his problems rather than facing them.
America is the river that washes his sins away and carries him away from those
memories of his past, of Hassan; even if only temporarily.
In Chapter 11, who is Soraya? Soraya is the General Taheri’s daughter who helps her
parents at the flea market every Sunday.
What are Baba and Amir doing in San Jose on the weekends? Baba and Amir buy items from garage
sales and sell them from a stall in the Afghan section of the San Jose flea
Who is General Taheri? General Taheri used to work for the Ministry of Defense in
Afghanistan. He is friends with Baba and a respected member of the Afghan
10. What does Amir tell his father he wants to study in college? What is Baba's reaction? Amir tells his
father that he wants to study Creative Writing, English, in college. Baba’s
reaction is not positive as he wants Amir to study something that will lead to a
‘proper job’ but Amir stands his ground.
11. Baba observes that, "It may be unfair, but what happens in a single day can change the course of a whole
lifetime." Whom is he speaking about? Why? What else might be significant about that quote? Baba’s
comment is on Soraya’s past. This comment is a warning to Amir to not embarrass
him by inappropriate interaction with her. It is a sentiment to which Amir can
relate, and the suggestion is that it forms a significant part of his attraction
to her. She acts as a mirror, reflecting Amir’s own life back to him. If Amir
had only stood up for Hassan, then all of their lives would be different.
12. What does Amir observe about a double standard in Chapter 12? Afghani women are treated
differently, which he never really took notice of before. He realizes he had it
good growing up as a male. He learns of Soraya’s past sins that ruined her
reputation, and how common it is for men to get a way with the same
indiscretions without shame or blame in the Afghani community. No one knows his
sins, and so he doesn’t judge Soraya for hers because of the continuing weight
of his guilt over Hassan.
13. What is Baba diagnosed with? How does he decide to treat it? Baba is diagnosed with Oat Cell
Carcinoma – a type of cancer that is incurable in the long run. Baba decides to
forgo chemotherapy. Instead, he decides to chain smoke the whole way home. Baba
is too proud to treat the cancer only prolonging the inevitable.
14. Why does Amir ask Baba to meet with General Taheri? Amir asks Baba to approach Soraya’s
family for her hand in marriage, and it is all agreed.
15. In Chapter 13, Amir thinks about the "bears" his father has wrestled during his lifetime. What "bears" has Baba
wrestled? Baba’s many bears in his lifetime have been: losing his young wife,
raising a son alone, and leaving his beloved homeland, poverty, indignity and
finally, cancer.
16. What good news does Amir learn in Chapter 13? Amir secures a place at college and later has
his first novel published.
In 1989, what is going on in Afghanistan? Who are the Mujahedin? The Shorawi (Soviets)
withdrew from Afghanistan, but the Mujahedin continued – the war raged on in
other forms. The Mujahedin (Islamic Extremists) were the ones who finally won
Afghanistan and converted it to an Islamic State. ***Mujahedin - A term used to
describe a group of Muslims engaged in a war or conflict. In this novel, it
describes the Afghanistan Mujahedin Freedom Fighters Front, which challenged the
Soviet forces and later lost against the PDPA (People's Democratic Party of
Afghanistan) government.
18. Chapter 14 brings us back to the opening of the book: the telephone call from Rahim Khan. What is Rahim
asking Amir to do? Rahim Khan is sick and wants Amir to come to Pakistan.