Round by Maryland Not Blind

Sun ‘n’ Fun XI: Ars Longa, Tossups Brevis
Packet by Maryland Not-Blind
1. This man's lesser known inventions included a precursor to the inhaler which used pine vapor as well as the
modern mousetrap. He’s not Joseph Swan, but did claim to invent the light bulb before Edison. This man then
began work on a device that would be first used in the First Matabele War by the British. His namesake device
was sold primarily by Basil Zarahoff after it was mass produced. Because of overheating problems, this man
improved his device by adding a cylindrical water filled case that went around the barrel. That gun could fire at 600
rounds per minute because of a spring system that utilized the guns recoil in order to empty and reload the
breech. For 10 points, name this American born, British inventor whose namesake machine gun was the basis of
the Vickers guns used by the great powers in World War I.
ANSWER: Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim
2. One of this man's works was inspired by an incident where two priests murdered a London Justice named Sir
Edmondsbury Godfrey. That work focuses on two girls ditching their squire fiancés and getting married to
Yorkshire gentlemen, while the corrupt titular priest performs a fake exorcism on Sir Edward Hartford. In
addition to writing The Amorous Bigot, another work by this author sees a supposedly virtuous character brag
about all the love letters and gifts she acquires as a prostitute. Mrs. Jilt, ends up marrying the Clodplate, the
protagonist of Epsom Wells. He appears as the King of Nonsense in The Dunciad, and as the character Og in
Absalom and Acitophel. For 10 points, name this English author who was presented as a “True Blue Protestant
Poet” in Mac Flecknoe.
ANSWER: Thomas Shadwell
3. Cecilia and Sergei Gaposchkin found that a more symmetric subset of these stars found in the Magellanic
Clouds are systematically brighter than predicted, and the Baade-Wesselink Method can be used to find their
size. The shortest known period of one of these stars in a binary system is 507 days in S Muscae, leading to the
theory that most observed examples are on their second or high crossing of the instability strip. Metal-poor
examples of these stars are called W. Virginis. A shark-fin curve represents their most distinction feature, which is
caused He-plus ionizing to He-two-plus, leading to a pressure gradient and subsequent expansion. For 10 points,
name this class of variable star with period longer than RR Lyrae that is often used as standard candles.
ANSWER: Cepheid Variables
4. In Australian Dreamtime legends, a race of these creatures called Indjbena were notorious for their arrogance
while in Maori tales, spirits of the dead were thought to transform into a small variety of this animal known as
Tutumairekurai. In Amazonian myth, these creatures transform into men to impregnate women and are known
as botos. A Hindu depiction of one these creatures is emblazoned on the flag of Kama, called Makara, and is more
often depicted as the mount of the god, Varuna. A group of these creatures rescued the Greek lyre-player Arion
after an attempted escape from a band of knife-wielding sailors and the people of Crete were led to the mainland
by Apollo in the form of one of these creatures. For 10 points, identify these aquatic animals which in Greek myth
were created upon the jumping into the sea of Dionysus’ pirate captors.
ANSWER: dolphins
5. This man propounded the belief that even ugly brides should be told they are beautiful on their wedding day,
as well as the idea that a man should be able to divorce his wife for any reason, instead of just adultery. This
man’s grandson shared his name, and is credited with creating the modern version of a calendar that contains
the months Iyyar and Kislev. He is attributed with the aphorism, “If I am not for me, who will be,” and a
challenge to this scholar to recite the entirety of a certain text while standing on one foot led him to recite the
Golden Rule. This man’s namesake school’s disagreements with the school of Shammai include the regulations for
lighting certain candles, while this man’s namesake sandwich is made from bitter herbs and matzah. For 10 points,
name this Jewish sage who also lends his name to a Jewish foundation found on many college campuses.
ANSWER: Hillel the Elder
6. One suite, by this composer for viola, small chorus, and orchestra consists of six movements each labeled with
a verse from the Song of Solomon, and takes its title from the Latin for “flower of the field.” In addition to Flos
Campi, this composer stayed in the port town of King's Lynn for nearly three months collecting folk songs he
later used in his Norfolk Rhapsody. The last movement of his third symphony opens with a pentatonic recitative
for wordless soprano voice with muted percussion, and his second symphony opens with the harp sounding the
chimes of Westminster. He wrote the score for the 1948 biopic, Scott in the Antarctic, much of which he reused in
his seventh symphony, Sinfonia Antartica. For 10 points, name this English composer of The Lark Ascending and a
Fantasia on Greensleeves.
ANSWER: Ralph Vaughn Williams
7. One character has a tradition of giving chocolate to the girl's pool, and another claims to be dumber than an
eight year old because she doesn't know what a charlatan is. The crazy Knowles operates the mayonnaise
elevator number five. Hazels' obsession with Hoosiers is an example of a false karass, while the ambassador
Horlick and his wife Claire represented a duprass; Horlick was later fired for his comments regarding Americans.
Frank, who stages bug fights and was known as secret agent X-9, and Newt, who is shorter than an umbrella stand,
are the sons of Dr. Hoenikker, whose central invention of the novel was originally developed for marines. Featuring
the banana republic of San Lorenzo and the religion of Bokononism, for 10 points, name this Vonnegut novel about
ice-nine, which takes its name from a string game played by Dr. Hoenikker.
ANSWER: Cat's Cradle
8. This work calls the medium of plenipotentiaries through which the two central groups communicate “The
Glass Plate.” The sixth section of this text’s introduction offers a warning to the reader, which notes that the
search for scientific knowledge depends on valuations as well as facts. It cites George Washington Cable in order
to show the predominance of the “static assumption.” It notes that the central paradox presented by the
“American Creed,” is partially resolved once a distinction is drawn between equality and equal opportunity, and
this work articulates a vicious cycle of oppression and blame on the subtitular group described as the “principle of
cumulation.” Cited in Brown vs. Board of Education and funded by the Carnegie Foundation, for 10 points, name
this sociological analysis of US race relations written by Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal.
ANSWER: An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy
9. Russell Arundel paid this politician twenty thousand dollars to lobby for an end to postwar sugar rationing,
causing this politician to be mockingly known as “the Pepsi-Cola Kid.” He pandered to German-Americans in his
home state by defending S.S. men who massacred American soldiers at Malmedy. His attack on Cedric Parker,
the editor of the Capitol Times, contradicts the myth that his conversation with Father Walsh led him to the issue
that revived his career. He posed the question “Who promoted Peress?” during his ridicule of Ralph Zwicker, which
led the Army to conduct hearings in which Joseph Welch asked him “Have you no sense of decency,” helping to
destroy his reputation in 1954. For 10 points, name this Wisconsin senator who gained prominence in the early
1950s by alleging that various numbers of Communists had infiltrated the US government.
ANSWER: Joseph McCarthy
10. One test for this disease screens for the proteins ESAT-6 and CFP-10 emitted by the bacteria that cause
disease; that method is the QuantiFERON Gold test. Drugs used in treating this disease include one which
inhibits autorepressors by attaching to RNA polymerase holoenzyme and one which binds to a protein reductase
known as InhA, thus blocking synthesis of mycolic acid and preventing the creation of the cell wall. Those drugs,
rifampicin and isoniazid, are part of the Directly Observed Therapy, Short Course, or DOTS, which is prescribed to
treat this disease . One type of infection by this disease sees bacteria invade the circulatory system, creating seed
like spots on the lungs; that version is known as the miliary form. For 10 points, name this disease caused by a
mycobacterium which infects the lungs.
ANSWER: Tuberculosis
11. In a translation of this poem, J.B. Leishman included the line "His so misted with tiredness," though
he is sometimes contrasted with a more plodding translator Edward Snow who described one figure in this
poem with the line "his gaze...holds nothing anymore." A translation by Leonard Cottrell describes "a noble will
that stands there numb" and describes that prisoner with the line "along a nerve, awareness darts - arriving in
his heart, it dies." The translation by Robert Bly describes the exhibit as "bars, a hundred thousand bars, and
behind the bars, nothing." Composed at Rodin's advice after a trip to the Jardin des Plantes, for 10 points, name
this Rilke poem about a big cat.
ANSWER: The Panther
12. Eggertsson and Woodford showed that this phenomenon can be caused by central bank adherence to a
Taylor Rule. The government can address this phenomenon with a ‘rules vs. discretion' dichotomy and making
announcements, because this phenomenon is caused by consumers' future expectations. It can lead to
deflationary pressure and in this situation consumers avoid bonds because they believe interest rates will rise.
Friedman offered a solution to this problem involving helicopters, and according to the Keynesian theory, the
effective interest rate of zero makes monetary policy ineffective, but this condition can be addressed by issuing
debt, a process called quantitative easing. For 10 points, name this situation during the Great Depression as well as
modern Japan in which institutions hoard money.
ANSWER: Liquidity Trap
13. One essay by this thinker uses the hypothetical philosophers McX and Wyman to respond to the problem of
nonbeing, and also employs the example of a "round square cupola" to critique a Russellian analysis of names.
This thinker defines such words as “Creation” and “Anomaly” in his “Intermittently Philosphical Dictonary” titled
Quiddities. In addition to writing "On What There Is," this thinker used the example of a native uttering a foreign
word “gavagai” upon seeing a rabbit to expound upon his idea of the indeterminacy of translation, a concept
discussed in both Ontological Relativity and Word and Object. For 10 points, name this philosopher who aimed to
eliminate the distinction between analytic and synthetic truths of logical positivism in his "Two Dogmas of
ANSWER: Willard Van Orman Quine
14. A formulation of this quantity due to Kolmogorov is derived by dividing phase space into infinitesimal
hypercubes and is equal to an integral of the Lyapunov exponent over possible trajectories. By relaxing the
requirement of additivity, Renyi generalized one form of this quantity using a parameter alpha. Von Neumann's
formulation of this quantity sets it proportional to the trace of the density matrix times the natural log of the
density matrix, though this quantity is more commonly understood in a Gibbs state and in a form named for
Shannon, where it measures the amount of information needed to encode a state. In equilibrium thermodynamics,
the Gibbs free energy is equal to the enthalpy minus the temperature times this quantity. For 10 points, name this
quantity which, according to the second law of thermodynamics, always rises.
ANSWER: Entropy [accept S]
15. Samuel Kline Cohn argues that the inefficiencies of a fiscally bureaucratic state and lingering effects of a
previous famine were the impetus of this event. One chronicler of this event wrote about an attempt to pass
constitutional reforms to the monarchy, called the Grand Ordinance. That bill was primarily backed by the head
of the Third Estate, Etienne Marcel, who took over Paris with a peasant army that would eventually lose when
besieging the fortress at Meaux. The leader of this event was tortured and murdered at a peace conference at
Mello, which resulted in the now leaderless army being massacred in the subsequent battle. That leader was
Guillaume Cale. For 10 points, name this popular revolt that was sparked by high taxes and the capture of King
John II of France at the Battle of Poitiers, which has its name taken from its leader's nickname Jacques Bonhomme.
ANSWER: Jacquerie
16. These compounds are converted to an iminium salt using tin II chloride and hydrochloric acid, and then
quenched with water in the Stephen aldehyde synthesis, while they combine with an alcohol by nucleophilic
addition in the Pinner Reaction. They self-react to form enamines in the Thorpe reaction, while in muscles a
chemical of this type reacts with sarcosine to form creatine. They can be reduced to primary amines by lithium
tetrahydridoaluminate(III). This functional group can be created by dehydration of amides with phosphorus V
oxide or by reacting an alkyl halide with hydrogen cyanide in a synthesis named for Kolbe. For 10 points, name this
functional group which contains a nitrogen triple bonded to a carbon.
ANSWER: Nitriles [accept cyanides until mentioned]
17. The Swiss-born American painter and designer of Meditation Boxes, Sonja Sekula, studied with this painter
before enrolling in Sarah Lawrence College. He named a set of satirical nativist lithographs, which were drawings
of oafish political figures, after a translation of “Nobiscum Deus.” His Dadaist influences can be seen in a
painting, which shows two aristocratic faceless robots, one in a bowler hat, holding a German flag in Republican
Automatons, and he dedicated another painting, depicting an expressionist procession led by a drinking Grim
Reaper, dedicated to the playwright of Liebeskonzil. For 10 points, name this German artist of The Pillars of Society,
and The Funeral who along with Otto Dix was a central figure in the New Objectivity movement.
ANSWER: George Grosz
18. The Knights Hospitallers tried to set up outposts in what would become this polity after being given land
belonging to Johannes and Farcaş, two prominent knezes, though that attempt by King Béla IV failed. One ruler
here fought frequently with Bogdan the Blind, and, eventually, was succeeded by Mihnea. A man known only as
Radu Negru unified several areas to form this region, and he shared a name with a later ruler of this region, Radu
the Great. Another ruler of this region signed a short-lived peace treaty with Mehmed I the Ottomans. In addition
to Mircea the Great, one ruler of this polity, Prince Gheorghe Bibescu, was overthrown in a revolution in 1848.
After that revolution, Alexander John Cuza was instrumental in helping this region unify with several others in
becoming part of its present day country. For 10 points, name this region, home to Vlad Tepes, part of Romania.
ANSWER: Wallachia
19. One author from this country wrote a story about a girl forced into prostitution because a storm washed
away her cow, titled Because We Are So Poor. Another author from this country wrote a novel in which the
protagonist breaks a curse imposed by her tyrannical mother preventing her from marrying; that work is divided
into 12 chapters each beginning with a recipe. Yet another author from this country is studied in The Traps of
Faith and wrote a play in which Human Nature allegorizes Christ as the title figure. In addition to being the home
of the authors of those works, Like Water for Chocolate and The Divine Narcissus, a famous collection of essays
about this country includes “The Sons of La Malinche” and “The Pachuco and other Extremes.” For 10 points, name
this country whose national character is described in The Labyrinth of Solitude, a work by Octavio Paz.
ANSWER: Mexico
20. In 1811, this work was copied in bronze at the request of the Righetti brothers and was put in the courtyard
of the Palazzo Brera in Milan. When finished, Vivant Denon advised that it should be the centerpiece of the
titular patron's museum instead of the statue of Laocoon. At the base of this statue, a cloth is tied around a
stump which actually supports the statue itself and seems to support the titular man's sword. He also has a toga
draped over his left arm which is supported by his contraposto pose. The titular figure holds a long staff as well as
an orb on which a gilded depiction of Nike stands. The archenemy of the titular apotheosized figure acquired this
sculpture after purchasing a lot of art from the looting after Waterloo. For 10 points, name this sculpture by
Antonio Canova featuring a French Emperor as a God of War in a seemingly contradictory role.
ANSWER: Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker
1. They are called homogenous if they have no terms without the dependent variable or its derivative, and they
differ from a related type of equation exemplified by the heat equation and wave equation that includes partial
derivatives. For 10 points each:
[10]Name this class of equation which can sometimes be transformed into related integral equations.
ANSWER: Ordinary Differential Equations
[10]This class of iterative numerical techniques for solving ODEs improves upon Euler's Method. Common varieties
such as Dormand-Price, Lobatto, Felberg, and Bogacki-Shampine have their coefficients enumerated in Butcher
ANSWER: Runge-Kutta methods
[10]This other iterative method for solving ODEs is a consequence of the Contraction Mapping Theory, can be used
when the differential equation can be put into the form dy over dx equals f of x and y.
ANSWER: Picard Iteration
2. Answer the following about the recent (July 2010) dismissal of General Stanley McChrystal, For 10 points each:
[10]McChrystal was fired following publication of his imprudent remarks in Rolling Stone magazine, among which
was a criticism of this current U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan as "one who covers his flank for the history books."
ANSWER: Ambassador Karl Eikenberry
[10]McChrystal was replaced by General David Petraeus, which led to the nomination of this Marine general to
take Petraeus' place at the head of U.S. Central Command. He aroused controversy when in 2005 he told a military
audience that "it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot" Taliban insurgents.
ANSWER: General James Mattis
[10]Mattis previously headed this functional combatant command based in Norfolk, Virginia, which is responsible
for developing doctrine and training across the services.
ANSWER: U.S. Joint Forces Command (accept USJFCOM)
3 Name some works of Junichiro Tanizaki, for 10 points each:
[10]In this story, which first propelled Tanizaki to fame, Seikichi recognizes in an apprentice geisha a perfect
canvas, and creates for her an enormous black spider.
ANSWER: The Tattooer [accept Shisei or Tattoo]
[10]This novel chronicles the infidelities of Kaname, with the geisha Louise, and Misako, with the more modern
Aso. It also portrays the conflict between Kaname pretensions to modernity and his conservative classicism.
ANSWER: Some Prefer Nettles
[10]This novel sees a destructive four-way love tryst between Sonoko Kakiuchi, her husband Kotaro, her classmate
Mitsuko, and Mitsuko's ex-fiance Watanuki Eijiro. It ends with Sonoko discovering she has been tricked into a
suicide pact.
ANSWER: Quicksand
4. One event during this man's reign was the Great Sleigh Drive, where he coerced local peasants into providing
him with the namesake means of travel in order to mobilize his infantry and cut off some retreating Swedes. For 10
points each:
[10]Name this Elector and Duke of Brandenburg-Prussia whose small contribution during the 30 Years War earned
him a seat at the Peace of Westphalia. His efforts in the Northern Wars laid the foundation for his son to become
the first King in Prussia.
ANSWER: Duke Frederick William I [or Frederick William the Great Elector or Elector Frederick William I prompt
on partial answer]
[10]Because Louis XIV revoked this 1598 edict, many Huguenots sought the safety of Brandenburg-Prussia which
had become of a haven for Calvinists under Frederick William the Great Elector's Edict of Potsdam.
ANSWER: Edict of Nantes
[10]The Prussian electorate and Junker class were hesitant to support a standing army because of the fear that
Frederick William the Great Elector would become a tyrant. This meeting gave the Great Elector 530,000 thalers to
build up an army at the cost of making the peasantry virtual serfs to the Prussian Junkers.
ANSWER: Recess of 1653
5. In 1923, Henri Collet referred to a group of French composers in reacting against Wagnerian bombast as les Six.
For 10 points each, answer some questions about them:
[10]A follower of German Romanticism, this composer was least opposed to impressionistic music. He wrote the
choral piece “Le Roi David” and Pacific 231, which imitates the sound of a steam locomotive.
ANSWER: Arthur Honegger
[10]Probably the least dedicated member of les Six, this composer refused to work on the group's collaborative
effort Les mariés de la Tour Eiffel for Jean Cocteau. He was later active in the leftist Popular Musical Federation and
wrote strongly political music.
ANSWER: Louis Durey
[10]Though not an official member of les Six, this composer of Gymnopédies and Gnossiennes associated with
them within his own group of nouveaux jeunes.
ANSWER: Erik Satie
6. The two major branches of this dynasty include the Hasankeyf and the Mardin, for 10 points:
[10]Name this Turkmen dynasty which ruled during the 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries, whose eponymous founder
was a general under Malik Shah I.
ANSWER: Artuqid Dynasty
[10]Malik Shah I was a member of this dynasty, his predecessor was Arp Arslan of Manzikert fame.
ANSWER: Seljuk Dynasty
[10]For services rendered to the Seljuk Dynasty, Artuq received this province surrounding its namesake city. The
largest city in southeastern Turkey, this city has a large Kurdish population, and was a massacre site during the
Armenian genocide. Wikipedia claims its famous for its watermelons.
ANSWER: Diyarbakir
7. Answer some questions about quizbowl's favorite topic from fluid dynamics--dimensionless numbers, for 10
points each.
[10]The product of the Grashof and Prandtl number gives this dimensionless quantity, which determines whether
heat transfer through a fluid is conduction below the critical value or convection above it.
ANSWER: Rayleigh Number
[10]This theorem, a restatement of the rank-nullity theorem, states that if a problem has n physical quantities, and
p different physical dimensions, then it will have n minus p independent dimensionless constants.
ANSWER: Buckingham Pi Theorem [accept Buckingham's Pi Theorem]
[10]This number, sometimes named for Suratman, is the ratio of surface tension to momentum transfer. But since
no one could possibly identify it based off of that, its namesake also names a transform whose inverse is called the
Bromwich integral.
ANSWER: Laplace Number [accept Laplace Transform]
8. In one story in this collection, the last of the dinosaurs is mistaken for a new one, and in another the narrator
deconstructs the significance of just what a sign is. For 10 point each:
[10]Name this collection of tales that each take off from a given scientific statement.
ANSWER: Cosmicomics
[10]This author of Cosmicomics is better known for a story in which Marco Polo describes the titular Invisible Cities
to Kubla Khan, as well as a story about stories, If on a Winter's Night a Traveller.
ANSWER: Italo Calvino
[10]This is the narrator of Cosmicomics as well as another Calvino work Time and the Hunter. He appears to have
taken many forms throughout the history of time, and has a similarly time spanning family.
ANSWER: Qfwfq [be very, very generous with pronunciation]
9. Answer the following about Zoroastrian myth, for 10 points each:
[10]This antagonist of Ahura Mazdah is also called Angra Mainya. He prevented Ahura Mazdah from making Persia
into a paradise.
ANSWER: Ahriman
[10]This Zoroastrian first man was created immediately after the Primal Bull, and both that animal and this man
were killed by Ahriman. Despite this man's death, forty years later a plant born from this man's body grew into a
male and a female to begin human life.
ANSWER: Gayomart
[10]This name for the Zoroastrian apocalypse refers to a recreation of the universe, and will see all of mankind
walk through a river through which only the good may pass. Another test that humans will face must see them
pass through molten metal.
ANSWER: Frashokereti
10. Answer some questions about a chemical reaction Andy Watkins thinks is useless, for 10 points each.
[10]The Cannizzaro reaction is this type of reaction, because in it two aldehydes react with each other to form a
carboxylic acid and an alcohol.
ANSWER: disproportionation [prompt on redox or oxidation-reduction]
[10]For aldehydes with an alpha hydrogen, the preferred reaction pathway is the aldol condensation, because they
can tautomerize to form this functional group.
ANSWER: enol [accept enolate, alkenol]
[10]This variant on the Cannizzaro reaction uses catalytic aluminum oxide as a Lewis base in order to form an ester
from two aldehydes.
ANSWER: Tishchenko Reaction [accept Tishchenko Disproportionation]
11. He discussed the theory behind Germany’s public economic policies from the sixteenth to the nineteenth
century in The Cameralists, and with George E. Vincent he wrote the first sociology textbook, An Introduction to
the Study of Society. For 10 points each:
[10]Name this founder of American sociology whose works include Adam Smith and Modern Sociology and
Between Eras: From Capitalism to Democracy.
ANSWER: Albion Small
[10]Small held the first chair of the sociology department at this school, whose other members included Robert
Ezra Park, Ernest Burgess, and W.I. Thomas who with Florian Znaniecki wrote The Polish Peasant in Europe and
ANSWER: Chicago School [accept University of Chicago]
[10]Park's relation cycle concerning this social construct was divided into contact, conflict, accommodation, and
assimilation phases.
ANSWER: race
12. Answer some questions about figures important in Sikhism, for 10 points each.
[10]Stories about this first guru include the time he asked a rich man to give him a needle in the next world, and
the time he embarrassed Hindus who were offering water to the sun.
ANSWER: Guru Nanak Dev Ji
[10]This last guru is divided into thirty one ragas, it was notably compiled by the previous guru Gobind Singh and
given the title of Everlasting Guru.
ANSWER: Adi Granth
[10]This Sufi saint of Lahore was invited by Guru Arjan to lay the first foundational stone of the temple built at
Amritsar. A mason corrected the stone, cursing it to require reconstruction in the form of destruction by Ahmad
Shah Abdali.
ANSWER: Pir Mian Mir
13. It specifies three types of moral deficiencies: incontinence, evil, and brutishness. For 10 points each:
[10]Name this philosophical work that also suggests that the ultimate aim of humanity is the attainment of
happiness and that virtue is achieved by avoidance of extremes.
ANSWER: The Nicomachean Ethics
[10]That aforementioned avoidance of extremes has been referred to by this name. Examples include striving for
friendliness instead of being extremely obsequious or quarrelsome, and truthfulness instead of boastfulness or
ANSWER: doctrine of the mean (accept logical equivalents that include “mean”)
[10]This Greek word often translated as happiness requires the exhibition of virtue in accordance with reason.
Aristotle suggests that the acquisition of good habits allows for the possibility of this word.
ANSWER: eudaimonia
14. Answer these questions that are in some way linked to Marcel Duchamp FTPE:
[10]Perhaps the best known of his “ready-mades” was this urinal which he signed R. Mutt. This Dada work is
famous for not being displayed in a French exhibition which claimed that they would not turn any piece down.
ANSWER: Fountain
[10]Duchamp once claimed that this Swiss symbolist painter was his favorite and had the most influence on his
own work. This guy is famous for painting five versions of two men sailing to the namesake Isle of the Dead.
ANSWER: Arnold Bocklin
[10]Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase No.2 premiered at the Armory Show along with this Edouard
Manet painting that sees a crowd watching a white horse being gored by a wild animal at the titular event.
ANSWER: The Bullfight
15. It set the number of Supreme Court Justices at six, for 10 points:
[10]Name this foundational act of Congress, passed during its first session and formalized the hierarchy for Article
III section 1 of the Constitution.
ANSWER: Judiciary Act of 1789 [prompt on partial answer]
[10]This U.S. Senator from Connecticut and the future third Chief Justice was a primary drafter of the Judiciary Act
of 1789.
ANSWER: Olliver Ellsworth
[10]While at the Constitutional Convention Ellsworth sat on this committee with John Rutledge, Edmund Randolph
and others, and whose primary responsibility was to establish a first draft of the Constitution.
ANSWER: Committee of Detail
16. The titular protagonist of this poem has a love interest named Bess, who is the daughter of a landlord, and who
kills herself rather than allow that man to be captured. For 10 points each:
[10]Name this narrative poem about a bandit that recalls, “the moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy
seas” when the titular man came “riding, riding… up to the old in door.”
ANSWER: The Highwayman
[10]This author of The Highwayman also produced the poetry collection A Loom of Years as well as the poem
“Beethoven in Central Park.”
ANSWER: Alfred Noyes
[10]Noyes’ anti-war poem “A Victory Dance,” first appeared in a 1920 edition of this bimonthly magazine, edited
for many years by George Lorimer. It is recognized for its emblematic illustrated covers, which documented
American life.
ANSWER: The Saturday Evening Post
17. He is white and thus has to compensate for his lack of soul by using his classical musical background (Editor’s
Note: isn’t racism fun, thanks Maryland). For 10 points each:
[10]Name this West Coast jazz pianist who played with Paul Desmond a lot. His works include Unsquare Dance and
“Blue Rondo a la Turk.”
ANSWER: David “Dave” Brubeck
[10]Dave Brubeck also turned this Disney song from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves into a jazz standard. It
also is the name of a 1961 Miles Davis album that also includes the songs Pfrancing, Teo, and I Thought About You.
ANSWER: Someday My Prince Will Come
[10]Someday My Prince Will Come featured Coltrane on saxophone. Prior to Coltrane, Davis' group included this
saxophonist who played on Milestones and Kind of Blue. He worked with Miles Davis on the album Somethin’ Else.
ANSWER: Cannonball Adderley
18. Answer some questions about a laboratory procedure, for 10 points each.
[10]This procedure is used to separate out components of a mixture. The mobile phase is applied to the top of the
column, and different eluents pass through the matrix at different rates.
ANSWER: Column Chromatography
[10]Affinity chromatography often uses these molecules in the matrix that bind to specific proteins. These
glycoproteins are composed to two identical heavy chains and two identical light chains.
ANSWER: Antibodies [accept Immunoglobulins, prompt on IG]
[10]While column chromatography is usually performed under the influence of gravity, Professor W. Clark Still of
Columbia coined this term to describe chromatography where the mobile phase is forced through the column by
positive air pressure.
ANSWER: flash chromatography
19. When the titular character reached Surinam he is given the Christian name of Caesar because of his royal
demeanor that he gained when was an African prince. For 10 points each:
[10]Name this book about a slave who revolts in the West Indes so that he can return home with his love Imoinda.
Aphra Behn wrote his “true history” in an epistolary frame.
ANSWER: Oroonoko: Or the Royal Slave. A True History
[10]Another slave narrative is an autobiographical one which describes his interesting geographical journey as well
as his spiritual one to find Christianity. He fought in the Seven Years War and worked as a barber before buying his
freedom. Give the Christian name of this slave more commonly known as Equiano.
ANSWER: Gustavus Vassa [accept either]
[10]This Bermudian woman was born into slavery and worked in the salt industry before being sold to James
Wood. She escaped from him in England and began working for Thomas Pringle who hired Susanna Strickland to
record her “history.”
ANSWER: Mary Prince [accept either]
20. This machine had three different rotors which when turned, produced different results when typing on the
keyboard. For 10 points each:
[10]Name this cryptographic device, stolen by the Polish, which made allied shipping more cost effective because
of the British's ability to sometimes decode messages in time to avoid the German wolf packs in World War II.
ANSWER: Enigma Machine
[10]This estate, known during the war as Station X, was the school in which young men were trained how to use
math in order to break encryption. It also was the center of operations for creating the intelligence called Ultra.
ANSWER: Bletchley Park
[10]This machine at Bletchley Park was designed by Tommy Flowers and was used to break the cipher of the
German’s Lorenz machine, which produced a cipher nicknamed “Tunny.” It was pretty big.
ANSWER: Colossus