
Spanish Revolution (1820)
Greek Revolution (1821)
Belgian Independence (1830)
Serbian Independence (1830)
Creole Discontent (1808)
Chilean and Peruvian Independence (~1820)
Mexican Independence (1821)
Venezuelan Independence (1821)
Brazilian Independence (1822)
The Decembrist Revolt in Russia (1825)
Russian military officers form secret societies to push
for representative gov’t and the abolition of
 Exposed
to liberal ideas during Napoleonic wars
Refuse to swear oath to Nicholas I
 Demand
a constitution
 Abolition of serfdom
 Demand Liberal Constantine as Czar
Nicholas has cavalry attack
Czar Nicholas I
Most extreme autocracy of the 19th century
Official Nationality
 Orthodoxy,
Autocracy, Nationalism
Organic Statute declares Poland part of Russia
 After
Russia uses force to suppress
liberal and nationalist revolts
British Corn Laws 1815
Corn Laws 1815- raised tariff on foreign grain,
prices rise
 Passed
by The Tories who represent the aristocracy
 Good for landed aristocracy, bad for working class,
liberals, middle class
 Workers protest with support of radicals
Tories suspend habeas corpus and assembly
 Six
Acts- restrict press and meetings
Battle of Peterloo 1819
Mass protest against the Six Acts
Broken up by cavalry, 11 die, 100’s injured
Catholic Emancipation Act 1829
Grants full civil rights to Catholics, repeals the Test
Reform Bill of 1832
“Whig” government :
 Increases
 All
number of voters to 12% of pop.
wealthy middle class
 Eliminates
 Gives
“rotten boroughs”
House of Commons more power than Lords
Also outlaw slavery, legislate labor conditions,
provide aid to the poor,
Chartist Movement
“People’s Charter”
British people demand annual elections and
suffrage for all men
Also demand secret ballot, end to property
requirements, salaries for parliament
Fails but will all be adopted in 20th c.
Liberal Reforms
Corn Laws repealed 1846
Navigation Acts repealed 1849
Britain manages to reform without revolution
Irish Potato Famine
Catholic Irish live under the thumb of Protestant
English landlords
 Desperate
poverty, increasing population
 Overdependence on the calorie rich potato
Potato “Blight” decimates crops in mid 1840’s
 Emigration
to US and death drop population from 8 to
4 million
Government responses exacerbate problem
 Promoted
Irish Nationalism
The July Revolution in France (1830)
Charles X succeeds Louis XVIII (1824)
 Strong
believer in Divine Right
 Conquers Algeria in hopes of Nationalism
Liberals win seats in “Chamber of Deputies” (1830)
Charles passes “The Four Ordinances”
 Restricts
press, dissolves Chamber, restricts vote, calls for
new elections
The July Revolution (1830)
Violent riots in Paris kill 1,800 and force Charles X
to abdicate
Louis-Philippe proclaimed king
 Rules
with liberal policies while ignoring the working
 Crushes working class Parisian uprisings