India - vocabulary and reading guides

Ancient Indus Valley
Label the following locations on the map.
Be able to locate and label these places on a blank map.
Indus River
Ganges River
Arabian Sea
Bay of Bengal
Indian Ocean
Himalaya Mountain Range
Hindu Kush Mountain Range Karakorum Range
Khyber Pass
Deccan Plateau
Mohenjo-Daro Harrapa
Shade the area of the Indus River Valley civilization
India Vocabulary
name _________________________
Section 1 page 194 – 201
1. __________________________ - a large area of land that is part of a continent but somehow
separated from the rest of the continent.
2. __________________________ - causing terrible damage or destruction
3. __________________________ - in large amounts
4. __________________________ - a place that has been strengthened against the attack
5. __________________________ - a floor or flat structure higher than the surrounding area
6. __________________________ - the plan or design of something, how the parts are arranged
7. __________________________ - an open area surrounded by walls
8. __________________________ - something that provide comfort or saves effort, something
that makes life easier.
9. __________________________ - a narrow tilted passage from dropping things down, like
garbage or laundry
10. __________________________ - developed
11. __________________________ - a) in the middle b) most important
12. __________________________- a group of people with a shared history, language, religion, and
some physical characteristics
13. __________________________ - to move from one region or country to another
14. __________________________ - highly valued or appreciated
15. __________________________ - finally, at last, after a while
16. __________________________ - holy, having to do with religion; or very important and
deserving great respect
17. __________________________ - to order someone not to do something.
18. __________________________ - meet
19. __________________________ - people who use their strength and their hands to do hard
physical work.
20. __________________________ - important
manual laborers
ethnic group
Unit 4: India
India’s Early Civilizations
Section 1 Guided Reading 1 pages 195 – 197
The Land of India
Copy the main idea:
1. India is a part of Asia; it is known as the
2. What is the highest mountain range in the world which separates India from the rest of
the continent?___________________________
3. India has two very fertile river valleys – the _______________________ and
4. A monsoon is what?
5. What do monsoons bring in the winter? ______________________________________
6. From what direction do they come?__________________________________________
7. What do monsoons bring in the summer? _____________________________________
8. From what direction do they come? __________________________________________
9. What are the consequences of rains that come on time? Rains that are late?
India’s Early Civilization
10. India’s first civilization grew where?__________________________________________
11. What allowed the civilization to develop? _____________________________________
12. How many towns were part of this civilization? _________________________________
13. These villages stretched between what two physical features? _____________________
and __________________________
14. The civilization lasted how many years? ________________________
15. Archaeologists have learned about this civilization by studying what was left of two large
cities –_________________ and ___________________
16. The civilization is known by two names. They are _____________________________ or
Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
17. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were built according to a ___________________.
18. What was built on a tall platform for protection? _______________________________
19. Homes were made of what? ________________________________________________
20. What was in the center of the house?_________________________________________
21. What did these houses have that houses did not have in Mesopotamia or Egypt?
Look at the pictures and captions
22. The Harappans used what to transport goods? _________________________________
23. How did the Harappans dry their crops? ______________________________________
24. How did the buildings get water?_____________________________________________
Harappan Society
25. The Harappans had a written language that included what? ______________________
26. Why can’t we read their language?
27. What do archaeologists believe were built on top of the walled fortresses?
28. What does this suggest about the government and religion of this civilization?
29. The occupation of most Harappans was what?____________________________.
30. List five things that artisans made __________________________________________
31. Where did the Harappans trade these goods? _________________________________.
Harappan civilization
Egyptian Civilization
Section 1:
Reading Guide 2
The Aryans page 198 – 199
Copy the main idea here
1. Harappan civilization collapsed when? _________________________________
2. Historians have different ideas as to why this happened:
a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
3. Who invaded and settled in the region/ __________________________________
4. Who were these people and where did they come from?
5. What was important to these people and how were they used?
6. The Aryans were skilled in three ways
b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
7. What did the Aryans use to invade the villages? _____________________________
8. When did the Aryans enter the Indus Valley? _______________________________
9. What happened as they settled in the rest of the Indian continent?
10. What did the Aryans continue to do? ____________________________________
11. How did the Aryans view their cattle? ____________________________________
12. What technology turned the Ganges valley into better farmland?
13. List the crops and spices that grew in this area ______________________________
14. The language was known as _____________________________________________.
15. How did the leaders organize themselves? _________________________________.
16. What were the leaders called? ___________________________________________.
Section 1
Reading Guide 3
Society in ancient India – pages 199 – 201
Copy the main idea:
1. When the Aryans settled in India, they developed what type of system? __________
2. The system is defined as
3. The system tells a person
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
4. Who created the name for this system? ___________________
5. What do the Indians themselves call this system? _____________________.
6. What are three reasons historians think this system was created?
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
7. India had _____ main social groups called _________________.
a. ___________________ - these there the ______________ in the top social class .
b. ___________________ - the warriors who ran the ___________ and _________.
c. ___________________ - the merchants and farmers
d. ___________________ - the unskilled workers and _______________________.
8. One group was not in the varna system – the _______________________________,
also called pariahs or the ____________. (check out the caption of the picture.)
9. This group did dirty jobs like
a. _____________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________.
10. The Untouchables were considered _____________________________ so they had
to stay away from other people.
11. Large families lived together in the same house with whom in charge? ___________
12. Who had more rights? _________________
a. Only males could _________________________________________
b. Only males could become __________________________________
13. Where did girls learn? ______________________
14. Who taught the boys? ______________________
15. In ancient times and even now, what do the parents do for their children?
16. Describe the tradition known as the suttee.
If a woman refuses to do this, what was the consequence for herself and her family?