Chapter 10-11

OPRFHS-NGSS Curriculum Alignment
Big Idea(s)/
Unifying Q(s):
Unit: Chapter 10 States of Matter 11 Gasses
Mass, velocity and arrangement of atoms all has an affect on energy
Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Gasses
Diffusion and Effusion
Surface tension
Capillary action
Crystalline solid
Amorphous solid
Dynamic Equilibrium
Equilibrium Vapor Pressure
DCI, EOB and
Chemistry 577
 Melting, freezing, fusion
 Evaporation, vaporization, boiling,
 Sublimation, deposition
 Specific Heat
 Heat of fusion (Molar enthalpy of
 Heat of vaporization (Molar enthalpy
of vaporization)
 Boiling Point, melting point
 Normal Boiling Point
 Critical Pressure
Avogadro’s Law
Ideal Gas Law
Combined Gas Law (and variations)
Graham’s Law of effusion
Kelvins – Deg C conversions
Absolute zero
Atm, mm Hg, kPa conversions
Student Learning Targets (coded to DCI, EO or OPRF Objectives)
 I can calculate the energy flow into our out of a substance using the q=mct equation.
 I can calculate the specific heat of a substance.
 I can calculate the energy flow into or out of a system using the molar enthalpy of vaporization or the molar enthalpy of fusion.
 I can identify phase changes and energy flow and/or identify the phases present given a heating or cooling curve.
 I can identify phase changes and/or identify the phases present given a phase diagram and pressure/temperature conditions.
 I can explain and apply the kinetic molecular theory to laboratory observations of solids, liquids and gasses.
 I can explain the difference between evaporation and sublimation
 I can explain how molecules move in solids, liquids and gasses
 I can identify sublimation, melting and boiling points on triple point graphs as well as heating curves
 I can explain what happens at the triple point of a phase diagram
 I can predict boiling points using a vapor pressure graph
 I can use the PVNRT law to calculate any of the missing variables
 I can use the combined gas law to solve for any of the missing variables
 I can convert temperatures between K and deg C
 I can calculate pressure of gasses using the Law of Partial Pressures
 I can compensate for the vapor pressure of water when calculating the pressure of a gas collected over water.
 I can calculate the molar mass of gasses
 I can calculate the density of gasses
 I can use Grahams Law of Effusion to calculate relative rates of effusion between different gasses
OPRFHS-NGSS Curriculum Alignment
Chemistry 577
Classroom Instructional Activity Bank
Labs/Lab Activities/Videos/Demonstrations
 Heating Oil and Water mini-lab (Vinier)
 Determining the Heat of Fusion of snow (ice) (from flip chart Question)
 Energy and phase changes of water (Vernier)
 Dry ice triple point lab page 358 and handout
 Determining the specific heat of a metal
 Vapor Pressure dropper/pressure demo
 PT squeeze bottle demo
 Gas demonstration day
 Molar Volume of a Gas Lab
 Grahams Law of Effusion Lab
 Alka Seltzer Gas Collection: Subtracting Vapor Pressure of Water
Investigations/Engineering Projects:
 Designing an Air Bag
Unit: Chapter 10 States of Matter 11 Gasses
Resource Bank
Worksheets/Reading Guides/Formative Assessments/On-line Homework
 Bozeman AP Chem Solids and Liquids (7 min)
 Bozeman AP Chem Thermodynamics-Temperature (4 minutes)
 Bozeman AP Chem Heat Exchange (5 min)
 Khan: States of Matter (19 min)
 Khan: Specific hat, heat of fusion and vaporization (15 min)
 Chapter 10 chapter review problems pg 353: 5, 6, 9, 13, 19ab, 20, 21ab,
22ab, 26ab?, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35
 Chapter 10 standardized test prep pg 357 5, 8, 9, 10, 11
 Geek: AP Chem Review: Phase Diagrams #2
 Geek: Chemistry review: Calculations involving Specific Heat and
latent heat
 Geek: AP Grahams Law of Effusion
 Geek: Gas Laws
 Geek: PVNRT Problems
 Study Guide Chapter 10-11
Summative Common Unit Assessment:
 Chapter 10-11