Lesson 15 - Endeavor Charter School

Lesson 15
Body Language
 Corps
 Literal definition - body
 Dictionary definition – (n) a group (body) of people
engaged in a particular activity
 My brother joined the Marine Corps when he turned
18 because he wanted to be one of the few and the
 Corpse
 Literal definition – body
 Dictionary definition – (n) a dead body, usually that of
a human
 During Halloween, people often decorate their lawns
with fake corpses.
 Incorporate
 In (in, into) + corp
 Literal definition – body in
 Dictionary definition – (v) to include something as
part of whole; to form a company, city, or other
organization as a legal entity
 With the competition only days away, it is too late to
try to incorporate any new elements into our routine.
 Dermatology
 Derm + logy (study of)
 Literal definition – study of skin
 Dictionary definition – (n) the branch of medicine
concerned with the treatment of skin disorders
 I visited Wake Forest Medicine’s School of
Dermatology to learn about becoming a
 Hypodermic
 Hypo (under) + derm
 Literal definition – under skin
 Dictionary definition – (adj) of or relating to a region
immediately under the skin; (n) a needle or syringe
used to inject medicine beneath the skin
 Doctors must properly dispose of their hypodermic
needles since reusing needles might transmit disease.
 Pachyderm
 Pachy (thick) + derm
 Literal definition – thick skin
 Dictionary definition – (n) any of several large, thick-
skinned, hoofed animals such as the elephant,
rhinoceros, or hippopotamus
 “Power Pachyderms” is a comic book about elephants
with mutant powers.
 Maneuver
 Man + operari (to work)
 Literal definition – hand work
 Dictionary definition – (n) a movement or series of
movements that require skill and care; (v) to perform a
movement that requires skill and care; to guide in
order to achieve an end
 Pulling off that maneuver required months of training.
 Manual
 Man + al (related to)
 Literal definition – related to hand
 Dictionary definition – (adj) of or done with the
hands; (n) a book of instructions, especially for
operating a machine or learning a subject
 Before driving the forklift, Wolfgang had to read the
instruction manual.
 Manuscript
 Manu + script (write)
 Literal definition – hand write
 Dictionary definition – (n) a book, document, or piece
of music written by hand rather than typed or printed;
an author’s text that has not been published
 Ernest Hemingway’s wife lost a suitcase full of his
manuscripts at a Paris railway terminal when she was
going to visit him in Geneva, Switzerland.
 Impediment
 Im (in) + ped + ment (action)
 Dictionary definition – (n) literally means “in the way
of the foot”; a hindrance or obstruction in doing
something; a defect in speech
 In The King’s Speech, King George VI has to learn to
overcome his speech impediment.
 Pedestal
 Ped + stallo (stall)
 Literal definition – foot stall
 Dictionary definition – (n) the base or support on
which a statue, obelisk, or column is mounted; a
position in which someone is greatly or uncritically
 We often put our heroes on pedestals and think that
they can do no wrong.
 Pedestrian
 Ped + ian (one who)
 Literal definition – one who foots
 Dictionary definition – (n) a person traveling on foot
 When driving through intersections, watch for
pedestrians who may be trying to cross the street.
 Podium
 Pod + ium (place)
 Literal definition – foot place
 Dictionary definition – (n) a small platform on which a
person may stand to be seen by the audience as when
giving a speech or conducting an orchestra; a lectern
 When giving your presentation to the class, the
teacher might require you to come to the podium to
 Tripod
 Tri (three) + pod
 Literal definition – three feet
 Dictionary definition – (n) a three-legged stand for
supporting a camera or other equipment; a stool or
table resting on three legs
 Attach the camera to the tripod to avoid shaking the
camera while filming.
 Osteocyte
 Osteo + cyte (cell)
 Dictionary definition – (n) a bone cell
 Scientists study osteocytes to learn more about how
bones are formed.
 Osteogenesis
 Osteo + genesis (beginning)
 Literal definition – bone beginning
 Dictionary definition – (n) the formation of a bone
 Osteocyte research can help scientists better
understand osteogenesis.
 Osteoporosis
 Osteo + poros (pore) + sis (process)
 Literal definition – process of bone pores
 Dictionary definition – (n) a medical condition in
which the bones become brittle and fragile
 Doctors often recommend taking calcium
supplements to help improve osteoporosis.