The Body Systems

By: Zachery Limer
The Skeletal System?
The skeletal system is our frame work
and it protects our organs.
 Our skeletal system is made up of
 Our bones help us move by working with
the muscles in our body.
What are Bones?
Bones are hard whitish sticks that make
up the human skeleton.
They are made of calcium and
connective tissue.
How are Bones Connected?
Bones are connected by ligaments.
Ligaments are tough stringy materials
that are attached to each bone in order
to connect them.
What is the Muscular System?
The muscular system is the organ
system responsible for movement of the
body connected to the bones.
What are Muscles?
Muscles are bundles of tissue in the
human body.
How are Muscles Connected to
Muscles are connected to bones by
 Tendons are flexible strong cords that
hold muscle to bone.
What is the Digestive System?
The digestive system is a group of
organs working together to convert food
into energy for the entire body to use.
The Many Parts of the Digestive
System and What they Do
Mouth(breaks food)
 Esophagus(transports food to stomach)
 Stomach(breaks down food into thick
 Small intestine(absorbs nutrients from
food we eat)
 Large intestine(converts food into feces)
What is the Nervous System?
The nervous system is the part of the
body that sends messages through out
the body.
The Parts of the Nervous System
and what They Do?
There are two parts of the nervous
 Central nervous system and peripheral
nervous system
 Central: brain sends messages through the
body using the spinal cord and nerves of
the peripheral nervous system.
 Peripheral: has nerve fibers that branch out
throughout the body and send messages to
muscles for them to move.
What is the Respiratory System?
The respiratory system is a system that
consists of the many organs needed for
us the take in oxygen and breathe out
carbon dioxide.
The Parts of the Respiratory
System and What They Do
Mouth and nose (take in the oxygen)
 Trachea (filters air we breathe)
 Bronchi (carry air into lungs)
 Lungs (takes oxygen in and converts to
carbon dioxide
 Alveoli (air sacs on end of bronchi that
turn air into carbon dioxide)
What is the Circulatory System?
The circulatory system is a system that
circulates or carries blood through the
The Parts of the Circulatory System
and What They Do
Heart (pumps blood through body)
 Blood vessels (transports blood through
 Lymph (fluid that circulates through the
lymphatic system)
How Do all the Systems Work
They all work together to make a body,
fight of diseases and to keep us healthy.
A chart that shows how the body
systems work. Body Systems Chart