5 th Grade Science Study Guide Chap. 5 Test Date: __11/24

5th Grade Science Study Guide
Chap. 5
Test Date: __11/24___
The stonefish is the most poisonous fish.
The moray eel is the fish that looks like a snake.
The wrasse is the fish that helps larger fish by eating bothersome parasites.
The parrotfish is the fish whose teeth are fused together and can bite through a fish hook.
The blenny is the cleaner mimic that will bite the large fish.
The Great Barrier Reef is off the coast of Australia.
Sea stars have tube feet.
Coral reefs are made up of polyp skeletons.
1. Univalve means single shell.
2. Bivalve means two shells.
3. A crab is a crustacean that runs sideways.
4. The oyster produces pears.
5. The shrimp is a small crustacean and also is a scavenger.
6. The lobster is a carnivorous crustacean with two large pincers.
Marine Animals:
1. The emperor penguin is the tallest of all penguins.
2. Baby whales are born underwater.
3. The elephant seal is the largest of all pinnipeds.
4. The walrus lives near the North Pole.
5. Most penguins live near the continent of Antarctica.
6. Seals that have small outer ears are called true seals.
7. Pinniped means wing-footed animal.
8. Whales are warm-blooded animals.
9. Sea mammals have a layer of blubber to keep them warm.
10. The walrus is a pinniped that has a set of tusks which he uses as a fifth leg.
11. The wandering albatross is the largest of all flying birds.
12. The sea otter is one of the few animals clever enough to use tools.
1. Low tide is the tide that occurs when the water has reached its lowest point before rising again.
2. Spring tide is the tide that experiences the highest high tides and the lowest low tides.
3. Neap tides are the tides that occur when the sun and moon are at right angles to the earth and
pull in different directions.
4. High tide is when the water has reached its highest point before it starts falling again.
5. The regions between low-tide and high-tide lines where most ocean plants and animals live are
the intertidal regions.
6. All living things must contain some water in order to exist.
7. A molecule is the smallest part of a substance that still has the quality of that substance.
8. The ocean covers ¾ of the earth’s surface.
9. Underground places where water collects are called aquifers.
Mollusks – cowrie, conch, sea snail, oyster, clam, mussel
Crustaceans – shrimp, lobster, crab
Be able to label the steps in the water cycle