Agenda Item 16 - External Funding Opportunities Annex A

Funding Bulletin
Education / Schools
Annex A
December 2015
Spending Review
In the recent press release outlining DfE’s settlement at the Spending Review one of
the key items most relevant to potential funding grants focuses on capital. With £23
billion capital investment over the Parliament supporting to open 500 free schools,
provide over 600,000 additional school places, rebuild and refurbish over 500 schools
and address essential maintenance needs.
There will be more information coming out over the coming weeks which will we be
keeping a keen eye on. In the meantime, please find below a number of current
funding opportunities that may be of interest to your school.
If you would like to consider applying for these please do seek the support of the
Funding & Investment team by contacting Don’t
forget our training workshops! We will be delivery our introductory course in January
and the advanced course in February – book early to avoid disappointment!
Current funding opportunities
Wolfson Foundation
The main objective of the foundation is the funding of capital infrastructure in the
areas of: Arts and humanities, Education, Health and disability. Special Needs Grants are made for building refurbishments, new buildings, and extensions,
purchase of specialist equipment or vehicles. Special schools and colleges are
eligible to apply under this funding programme. Secondary Schools - The
Programme is primarily dedicated to supporting the teaching of A-Levels and GCSEs
at high-achieving state-funded schools and sixth form colleges.
How much? No min. or max (distribute £30m per year)
When to apply? Stage 1 applications – 05/01/2016
Sport England – Inspired Facilities
The scheme is designed to support voluntary and public sector groups to refurbish
and improve existing facilities, or develop an existing building for sports use in the
Local authorities, statutory bodies and educational institutions are eligible for grants
ranging from £20,000 to £150,000; however, awards of up to £150,000 will be
exceptional and only available for projects demonstrating strategic rationale.
How much? Maximum £150,000
When to apply? 11/01/2016 (5PM)
Ford Britain Trust
Funding is intended to support projects which benefit the local community and
environment, children and young people, mainstream schools and education,
special needs education and people with disabilities.
How much? Small Grants – up to £250 and Large Grants - up to £3,000
When to apply? Small Grants – closed
Large Grants – 14/01/16
Erasmus+ Programme – Education and Training (2014-2020)
Erasmus Plus is the EU Programme for lifelong learning. It supports formal, non-formal
and informal learning across all sectors including Higher Education, Further
Education, adult education and schools. The aim is to boost skills and employability
as well as to modernise education and training across Europe.
How Much? Discretionary
When to apply? 15/01/2016
UK – German Challenge Fund
Grants are available to support collaborative projects between schools in the UK
and Germany. The fund targets both curricular and extra-curricular projects and can
cover the costs of resources, joint activities and reciprocal partner visits.
How Much? £5,000
When to apply? 31/01/2016
Partnership Grants
Financial assistance is available for partnership projects between teachers and
scientists that increase the appeal of science and engineering to children across the
UK. Projects will allow teachers to increase their scientific knowledge and scientists
and engineers the chance to develop their communication skills and engage with
enquiring young minds. Perhaps most importantly, these projects give school
children a taste of science and engineering today, and their relevance for society.
How Much? £3,000
When to apply? 01/02/2016
EMI Instrument and Equipment Awards
The scheme aims to support the access to music for schools, students and teachers
by supporting the purchase of musical instruments and equipment.
How Much? £2,000
When to apply? 08/02/2016
Eco-Schools – UK
The Eco-Schools programme aims to make environmental
awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of
the school for both pupils and for staff, and to engage the wider
The Eco-Schools programme can help schools to:
 Improve the school's environment.
 Reduce litter and waste.
 Reduce energy and water use.
 Devise efficient ways of travelling to and from school.
 Promote healthy lifestyles.
 Encourage active citizenship.
 Build strong partnerships with a variety of community groups.
 Develop international and global links.
How Much? Discretionary
When to apply? None Specified
Foyle Foundation
The Foundation aims to benefit charitable causes in either the Arts or Learning. The
Main Grants Scheme supports charities whose core work covers Arts and Learning.
The Small Grants Scheme is designed to support smaller charities in the UK, especially
those working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide
range of activities.
State funded secondary and primary schools are eligible to apply for projects with
direct educational benefit, but must explain why their project cannot be funded
from statutory or other projects funding.
How much? Max £500,000
When to apply? Stage 1 application – at any time
The Foyle Schools Library Programme
The aim of the Programme is to help schools to improve their library services. Priority
will be given to funding library books. Projects requesting funding for library software
or IT equipment, for use within the library, will also be considered. If the school has a
PTA, Friends or Fundraising arm that is a charity then they should apply for the library
funding on behalf of the school
How much? Max £10,000
When to apply? Stage 1 application – at any time
Awards for All - England
Grants are available for voluntary groups, schools, local authorities and health
bodies in England to carry out projects that will improve their local community.
How much? £10,000
When to apply? At any time
Young Enterprise
Education programmes that provide young people across the UK with the
opportunity of gaining experience of business, helping them to understand the role it
plays in providing employment and creating prosperity.
Schools, colleges and higher education institutes with students in the eligible age
ranges should contact the charity to participate in the programmes.
How much? Discretionary
When to apply? At any time
Our Support
The Funding & Investment team can support you and your school to identify
and secure external funding and investment, providing an end-to-end
support offer using our six step approach.
If any of the funding opportunities highlighted above are of interest or to find out
more about how FiT can support you please email
FiT Workshops
The Funding and Investment Team training workshops throughout the year
designed to help your organisation become confident and competent in
writing funding applications.
Workshops are delivered by two members of the Funding & Investment Team
to ensure there are opportunities for both group and 1-2-1 discussion
throughout the day.
Our workshops are charged at £150 per delegate for the first delegate with
each subsequent delegate charged at £75. All prices are plus
To register your interest or to book your place, please email
EU Funding: Bidding for Success - Thursday 10th December
A new Workshop offered by the Funding and Investment Team, this programme of
training has been designed to help organisations make the most of this lucrative
funding stream. The training takes each delegate on a journey from an introduction
to EU funding right through to understanding budget setting and the principles of
making sure your bid is eligible.
Workshop highlights:
Advice on how to access the current EU funding programme
Understand which funding streams are suitable to your organisation
Addressing potential pitfalls; including State Aid
Partnership facilitation
An Introduction to External Funding – Dates to be announced
This workshop will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure that
you are getting the basics to securing external funding. The workshop comprises of a
mix of group work and discussion and has been tailored specifically for those
working within the public and voluntary & community sector.
Advanced Bid Writing Training
Our Advanced Bid Writing Workshop is aimed at individuals who already have some
experience or understanding of the funding process either through our own
introductory course or writing their own funding applications.
During the workshop delegates will build on existing knowledge and focus in more
detail on the components of a strong funding application and you will leave with
the knowledge and skills required to write a high-quality bid application to maximise
your chance of achieving funding success.
Bespoke Training Packages
We know that your organisations training needs may be very specific. We can
provide individual quotations and build bespoke packages on request on subjects
including European Funding, Social Investment and Partnership
Please contact us to discuss your schools requirements.
FiT Testimonials
“Thank you for the very interesting and useful bid writing workshop... It was one of
the most professional presentations I have attended and the information you
provided will be invaluable. A week later I am still very enthused by your talk and I
cannot wait now to begin gathering my information to write a good bid.”
Diana Davis - Our Lady of Ransom Catholic School