World Religion Power Points

World Religion Power Points
Your group needs to create a power-point presentation on the status of a religion today.
The criteria for your power-points are as follows:
1. Include the name of your religion and some brief background information,
such as the founder, the date of its origin, and the region of its location.
2. Include the basic philosophies and beliefs of the religion.
3. What makes this religion unique?
4. What are some interesting customs of this religion? Is there any way to
identify practitioners of this religion?
5. Where in the world is this religion practiced today?
6. You must include a graph, imported from Microsoft Excel, showing some sort
of statistic concerning your religion. It may be based on the increase or
decrease of practitioners, or on the percentage of certain populations, or on
another relevant statistic that you may find. You may also want to chart the
countries where this religion exists with the different percentages. Then
convert the chart into a graph.
7. You must research your religion well enough to find out if there have been
any wars or conflict of any kind concerning it. Chances are there will be. You
must cover them sufficiently in your power point. Be sure you are clear on the
conflicts of the past, and those that are still happening. Both need to be
sufficiently covered. (This is the core of your power point).
8. Do not end on a negative note. What are some positive contributions of this
religion to society or mankind in general? What are some good things from
this religion that we can learn from?
9. Finally, what are some possible solutions to the conflicts discussed? What
were the solutions to those of the past? If there is still ongoing conflict, your
group must engage in critical thinking exercise and clearly present your
solution to the problem.
10. In addition to the power point, your group is responsible for presenting an oral
report to the class on what you learned in researching this religion. What did
you like the most? What things did you least like about this religion? The
oral report is not to be a reading of the power point itself!! The oral
report is to be additional information that is not included in your power point.
This aspect of the presentation will carry a lot of weight!!
You will have a Contemporary Comparative World Religion Test at the end of
everyone’s presentation. Questions from all presentations will be on the test, so you
must pay attention to each other’s presentation. Good Luck and Have Fun!!
Religion Matrix
Creation Myth / Narratives / Stories
Relationship with God
Goal of Life
Sacred Texts
Rules for Moral Conduct
Religious Holidays
Particular Dress / Clothing
Hierarchy / Organization
Islam Christianity