Creating Characters and Blocking a Monologue

Creating Characters
The process through which an actor creates
a character (whether a specific character
from a play or a character for a skit or
pantomime) is called The Characterization
 This
process involves the actor tapping into
several possible sources for help
Characterization Process
By using any of the following five elements, you can help
create a fully developed character
Observation and Experience—watch others and remember what
you see and hear
Sense Memory—using your own memories of sights, sounds,
smells, tastes, and textures to help define a character in a certain
Emotional memory—technique of calling upon your own memories
of intense emotions to understand your character (inside-out
Action Generated Memory—technique in which you perform the
action associated with the emotion in order to kick start the
emotion (outside-in)
Motivation and Behavior
What is a motive?
clear reason to do or say ANYTHING
 Motive
determines your objective—your goals or
When analyzing a scene or monologue, first
ask yourself two questions
 What
is my motive?
 What is my objective?
Once you have determined those….
Motivation and Behavior
Figure out the following
Obstacles—what stands in the way of you achieving
your objective? (hint—the obstacles create the conflict
Strategy—what is your character’s plan to overcome the
Stakes—what does your character stand to gain or lose?
Outcome—what is the result of the action (strategy)
your character takes (in the scene…monologue…the
whole play)?
Marking your beats
When analyzing a monologue (or a scene),
you can divide your character’s changing
emotions into beats
 Beat:
the smallest emotional unit for a
character in a scene
 Determined
by the actor
 Sometimes creates a pause in the line
 Each beat should correspond to a new emotion felt
by the character
 By dividing a scene or monologue into beats, you can
create emotional levels
Blocking a Monologue
Blocking: the process of planning and
coordinating any movement on the stage
 In
a play, blocking in determined by the director
and becomes a collaborative process with the
 For a monologue, the actor must block himself.
Blocking a Monologue
Rules for Blocking
 Never
move without a purpose
 Check the stage directions—sometimes the
playwright has ideas about where and when to
 These
are not law; however, you must make the final
Understanding Stage Directions
All stage directions are written from the
perspective of the actor as he faces the
 SR:
stage right
 SL: stage left
 C: center stage
 U:upstage (or away from the audience)
 D: downstage (or toward the audience)
Stage Areas
Stage is generally divided into 9 locations