
Erin Befus
Prof. Christensen
EDU 460
11 February 2015
Reading Response # 4 ch. 8
1. Write a short 4-5 sentence paragraph summarizing the chapter.
Textbooks are at the center of most social studies teaching, since they play such a dominant
role teachers need to know how to use them to acquire the most student learning possible. The
approach to the textbook is very important: first students prior knowledge should be activated
(kwl, prereading plan, graphics) secondly students should become familiar with difficult
vocabulary words (semantic maps, contextual redefinition), most importantly teaching
strategies for reading comprehension (Reciprocal teaching, QARs, study guide,). Alongside of
teaching with the textbook students should be learning from informational books, and
children’s literature that tie in the topic being covered in the history book.
2. Make a bulleted list of specific ideas or examples that will be helpful for you as a
future teacher. (Include the page number of where the idea is located.)
 Making Graphic organizers of an entire chapter so that students can see the main
ideas before reading and as a class they can write down questions or thoughts to
come back to. (pg. 199)
 Contextual redefinition great way for students to understand vocabulary because
they start with their knowledge, than share with others, than learn more and
finally compare their answer to what the actual definition of the word is. (og. 200)
 When using the textbook as a teaching resource: link past content with current
content, place history in a clear time period and location, activate background
knowledge, vocabulary, state purpose, read textbook section, focus on the most
important info. (208)
 NCSS/ Children’s Book Council make a list of notable books, published in the
journal Social Edition when get a list from here teacher can assured of quality.
(pg. 211)
3. Ask a thoughtful and authentic question to the writer regarding this section of
reading. (Add any background that might be needed to understand the question
you are asking the author.)
When incorporating fiction into a social studies lesson what strategies would you use to make
sure students are enjoying the book as a piece of good literature but also understanding it
connection to the topic?
4. What assumptions or ideas did you have about what you read that you are now
questioning or looking at differently or deeper?
I had never thought of how much informational and children’s literature can be used alongside
a history textbook. It creates more interest and just adds extra information that is memorable.
When I teach social studies I hope to incorporate informational texts and children’s literature into
my lessons.