Maryam AL-Naemi Cinematography - Pan's Labyrinth analysis and

Maryam AL-Naemi
Cinematography - Pan's Labyrinth analysis and its social impact
First of all in the scopes of this paper it is important to rely to the background of
the Pan's Labyrinth. It is the Mexican dark fantasy film, which has been both written and
directed by Guillermo Del Toro. The Esperanto Films is both the producer and distributor
of this movie. The story takes its place in Spain in the timeframes of 1944 (May- June),
which has been in the period of early Francoist, five years after the Spanish Civil War.
Both the fantasy and real world are interwoven in the film. The core emphasis of
the fantastic approach is put on the abandoned labyrinth’ overgrowth and on the creature
of mysterious faun. The main character o the movie- Ofelia often interacts with this
The Spanish Maquis (who has fight against the Francoist regime) has been
hunted by Falangist, Captain Vidal, the stepfather of Ofelia, when the pregnant mother of
Ofelia grows increasingly ill. Some strange and magical creatures have been met by
Ofelia and these creatures have lead her to the old labyrinth garden. The Animatronics,
make-up, and CGI effects are practically applied in the film.
While reoffering to the effects, applied in the movie, it is important to outline the
following information. The computer-generated imagery is applied in the film in order to
create some of the effects, but in majority of cases, using the animatronics and complex
make-up makes the effects. The Maze movie has made the great inspiration for the
authors of the film.
It is important to pay additional attention on the fact that the noises have been the
preferred effects of Del Toro. Combination of the CGI and animatronics make the effect
of mandrake root. The core intension of the author in this case was making the fairies "to
look like little monkeys, like dirty fairies", but still the animation company was inspired by
the idea of giving them leaves-made winks.
In the beginning of the film there is a blank, black screen in combination with the
feverish panting sound. Also, there is a Javier Navarrete’s haunting theme humming.
After that the scene takes its place in Spain, as the woods are hold by the guerrillas
against the triumphant Franco regime.
The camera of cinematographer is mobile and catches the moist exciting
parts-the first fantasy sequence and the emotions of the actors, reflected in their eyes.
All the key events are accompanies by the voiceover-told stories (Shafer 288-310)
Genre. A Pan's Labyrinth is a fantasy film, which represents the human spirit
integrates it with the supernatural and magic, events and exotic fantasy worlds.
Sound. It is possible to state a fact that Pan’s Labyrinth is the masterpiece of
Guillermo Del Toro’s in terms of sound. The layers of meaning are added by the sound to
the already existing picture. Both political and historical backdrop of the end of the
Spanish Civil War are combined in Pan’s Labyrinth, while also adding the tool of the dark
gothic fantasy world – in order to improve the general impression of the target audience.
Maryam AL-Naemi
The abiding memory of the audience, related to the film mainly involves the lush
visuals and the sound, binding the two worlds of the film into one common. Certain
sounds signify the later invasion and transition from one world into another one.
The subtlety is the core source of the sounds’ powerful effect, initially the filmmaker
has placed the underlining importance on the sound effects.
While discussing the cinematography, it is important to outline the following
aspects: shots and angles and to support them with an evidence (from Appendixes 1-10)
Shot itself indicates the way the object or the body of an actor is visible within the
frame of the camera.
The extreme long shot is when the people are seen that the great distance, it is
possible to see that such technique has been applied in the 'PAN’S LABYRINTH' the
long distance is set in such case (Appendix 1)
The long shot is made when the stage play is the distance from the viewer to the
object. (Appendix 2)
In the case of full shot, the frame is filled by the actor’s body (Appendix 3)
Extreme close-up – is used to show the small part of the actors; face or bodyeyes, hands, smile etc (Appendix 4).
Deep-focus shot in this case the eye of the viewer is drawn into the scene- all the
above listed techniques are integrated. (Appendix 4)
While taking in account the fact that all the above listed types of the shots have
been applied in the discussed movie, it is possible to make a conclusion that Guillermo
Del Toro has been tending to recreate the entire atmosphere of the plot, feelings of the
main heroes and to a draw the viewer’s attention to the particular issues.
The next issue to be discussed in the angles, used in the 'PAN’S LABYRINTH'.
The position of the camera in relation to the particular photographed object
determines the angles.
Bird’s-eye view – the direct overhead position is chosen for the Scene
photographing. I such manner it is possible disorient the viewer and to show the
particular hero as a small and unimportant one (Appendix 6)
In the case of the high angle, the subjects are also made small and unimportant
and the viewer may be provided with the sense of power to some extent (Appendix 7)
The eye level angle is considered as the most common one, which is, not
dramatic. It is usually applied for telling the most important information concerning the
particular character (Appendix 8)
In the case of the low angle, the character seems more powerful and important.
(Appendix 9)
 Fear, discomfort are evoked at the case of using the extreme low angle (Appendix
Maryam AL-Naemi
The disorientation or drunkenness are reached by using the oblique angle
(Appendix 11)
Social impact
While discussing the social impact of the film, it is important outline the following
information. Nowadays it is very hard to overestimate the influence of mass media on the
social life. It provides us with big quantity of information- movies, news, informative and
educational TV-programs etc. In order to pick needed information from the flow of
differently oriented information, it is necessary to outline the general principles of its
‘consumption’ and to understand the principles of its work.
It is possible to state a fact that the culture and the underlying message of the
'Pan’s Labyrinth' has made the great impact on the social life. This movie was widely
watched and discussed by wide auditory; some of people like that movie, others do not,
but it is still discussed, watched and it does not lose its popularity.
There is such an attitude towards dark fantasy films: some people feel
comfortable and do not consider their life problems, while watching such, such people
live together with their heroes, enjoy the effects, applied in the movie and do not care
about their own and global problems. The dark fantasy films’ development allows stage
director (or letter-writer) to outline new ideas in the current culture and to create new
mass culture – they include into the plot of the movies those issues and aspects, which
would make significant influence on the social life: beginning from the fashions and
accomplishing with the behaviour ideas. People would follow their beloved characters of
monies and in such manner they would be trying to be alike to the serials’ main heroes.
Maryam AL-Naemi
Works cited
Hall, S. Encoding and Decoding in the Television Discourse Birmingham: CCS,
1973, print.
Morley, David The 'Nationwide' Audience: Structure and Decoding. London: BFI.
1980 print Bobo, Jacqueline Black women's responses to “The Color Purple”. Jump Cut,
no. 33, Feb. 1988, pp. 43-51
Shafer, Craig "Amazing journey: Fantasy both frightening and beautiful lurks in
this award-winning labyrinth". New Times SLO. 2008, print
Maryam AL-Naemi
Appendix 1Long Shot
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Appendix 2Full Shot
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Appendix 3Medium Shot
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Appendix 4 Close up
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Appendix 5 Deep focus
Maryam AL-Naemi
Appendix 6 Bird’s eye-view
Maryam AL-Naemi
Appendix 7 High Angle
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Appendix 8
Low Angle
Maryam AL-Naemi
Appendix 9 Extreme Low Angle
Maryam AL-Naemi
Appendix 10
Low Key