Intermediate Guitar Syllabus

Central Visual and Performing Arts High School
Course Syllabus: Intermediate Guitar
Teacher: Bill Drennen
Room: 407
Course Description/Overview
The main goal is for student to begin to develop the ability to play the guitar in a variety of guitar-based music
from traditional to contemporary genres. Some of these genres are classical, jazz, blues, folk, country, and rock.
The student is required to perform music for an audience in a variety of settings. The performances could be solo
or as part of a group. Attendance and participation at all scheduled public and school performances including
those outside of the school day are required for all students involved in the performance.
The class also contains the study of music theory as it relates to the guitar.
Course Content
Performing music
Practicing & study skills
Tuning the guitar
Technique exercises
Instrument maintenance
Ear training
Music theory
Music reading
Playing scales & arpeggios
Melodic improvisation
Professional musician behavior
Course Materials
Guitar pick (guitar students only). These are available for .25 cents from the teacher at cost.
Guitar or bass guitar(student can bring their own or use one supplied for in-school use only)
Books - Sound Innovations for Guitar by Bill Purce and Aaron Stang
- Fretboard Logic SE by Bill Edwards
- Everybody’s Guitar Ensembles 1 by Philip Groeber, David Hoge, and Ray Sanchez
The Austin Classical Guitar Society Guitar Curriculum Library
Various handouts and pieces of music
Course Policies
No hall passes except in an emergency. This is a policy of Central VPA High School
No hats or headgear are to be worn in the class. This is a policy of Central VPA High School
Anyone who persistently plays an electric guitar too loudly after being warned will be denied electric guitar
privileges for a length of time to be determined by the teacher.
Do not move your chair or music stand unless told. The chairs and music stands have been arranged in order for
everyone to be able to hear their guitar.
If you miss a test because of absence, talk to the teacher as soon as you return. It is up to you to remember to take
the test.
Follow the school dress code as written in the student handbook.
You must dress appropriately for a performance when performing.
The clothes needed for formal performances are – black button up collared dress shirt, black dress pants (no black
jeans), black socks and black dress shoes.
No embroidery or designs are permitted on the clothes. Girls may not have to wear socks depending on the shoe
style. If you do not dress appropriately for a performance, you will not perform and be graded as missing the
Class rules are –
No horseplay
No eating or drinking
No electronic devices
Be respectful to the teacher and others
Consequences are –
conference with the teacher
phone call to parent/guardian
referral with a phone call to parent/guardian
conference with teacher, administrator, and parent/guardian
Due to the severity or re-occurrence of a rule being broken, a step in the consequences may be skipped.
A = 90% and higher
B = 80% - 89%
C = 70% - 79%
D = 60% - 69%
F = 0% - 59%
45% of final grade – Participation in class – usually 5 points are possible each class time as
 1 point for attendance
 4 points for all other tasks
45% of final grade – Tests and Assignments – written or playing (playing tests may be video recorded)
10% of final grade – Semester Final Exam
Performances – each performance replaces a test grade lower than 100% with a 100% grade.
Performance opportunities are at the discretion of the teacher.
If you miss a planned performance, your grade will be lowered by 10%.
Course Procedures
Sit and complete the “Do Now” task for the day.
Student should get their guitar from the instrument room when instructed (the instrument room will be unlocked
for only 5 minutes for students to get their guitars). It will not be unlocked again until the end of class. Failure to
get your instrument for the day will result in the loss of daily participation points.
Make sure you and your guitar are ready - Check the tuning, sound from the amp, pick, etc..
Before class begins, get anything you need from the teacher (picks, strings, assistance with getting ready). Once
class begins the teacher will not stop teaching the class to help with these things until it is convenient.
Read the objectives on the board.
The teacher will begin to provide instruction and direct what will happen next.
Approximately 5 minutes before the end of class, the teacher will direct the class to put things away. At that time
you will put the guitar away and make sure your chair and music stand are in the proper place.
Sit in your chair until the bell rings unless the teacher asks you to wait to be dismissed.
To Achieve Success In This Course
Participate and keep trying to play the guitar. Each student progresses at different speeds. Sometimes your
progress might be very slow, so participate every day, be patient and persistent and you will do fine.
Do what is asked of you. You will not be asked to do anything that is not useful to play the guitar. A lot of the
little things can be useful and you might not understand how useful until later.
Try to learn how to play other music outside of this class. Anything you can play will help you progress.
Additional Information
E-mail –
Phone – (314) 771-2772 Mr. Drennen ext. 41407
Teacher website with course information –
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