
Children soldiers in Chad
By Angela, Sophia, and Sarrah
- Flag of Chad
Location and Climate
Chad is located roughly in he middle of
Africa. Chad is bordered by Libya to the •
north, Niger and Nigeria to the west,
Sudan to the east, Central African
Republic to the south and Cameroon to the
The climate in Chad varies on the location.
In the northern regions of Chad, climate is
usually very warm and dry. Other regions
are mostly wet have very high humidity. The
southern portions of Chad have rainy
season that start in May and continue until
October. The rainy season begins in June
and ends in September.
Fun Facts
Chad stretches for about 1,800
kilometers from its northernmost point to
its southern boundary
Chad average width is about 800
Its area is about 1,284,000 square
kilometers. That is about the combined
areas of Idaho, Wyoming, Utah,
Nevada, and Arizona.
Introduction Continuation
Government of Chad:
-The Government of Chad has been ruled and controlled by Idriss Déby and his
Patriotic Salvation Movement since December 2, 1990. He has been officially
declared leader on February 28, 1991
- An amendment to the Constitution of Chad, passed in 2005, allowed Déby to run
for his next term which will be his third. He ran for it and won.
-Even though Deby won the elections were commonly criticized.
- The Chad Prime Minister is Emmanuel Nadingar. Emmanuel ran in 2010 and his
term has not ended since.
The Present Situation in Chad And
How it Relates to U.S History!
- The situation of child soldiers relates to child
labor in many ways.
- Parents sometimes volunteer their children to
fight in war or are kidnapped to fight. Child
labor is when children are forced to work at a
young age.
- People use children soldiers to fight in battles
or war because children are fast and they will
do whatever an adult tells them to do.
- Child soldiers could be children that are
raised in an area surrounded by war, battles, or
just violence, which causes them to grow up as
violent person which relates to child labor
because this can effect them mentally.
- When there was child labor, children were
forced to do work, child soldiers are no
different. Child soldiers are simply children
that is being forced to fight or children that are
raised to be soldiers.
Can we Prevent Child soldier?
Unfortunately, children have been recruited
as soldiers long before the Civil War and
there may be no way to stop it permanently.
But, there are ways to help the children.
Some ways you can help these children are
- Buying clothes for the young soldiers so
they would not freeze to death.
-Donation money so our government can
help these children get a better education,
shelters, food, and clothing
-Bring awareness so people would know
about this epidemic and would donation
-Preventing the recruitment of children in to
armed conflict by providing the poor
communities with the support to resist
-Providing for the treatment of trauma that
is experienced by children who have been
recruited and their families and communities;
-Pictures from Google
Angela’s Essay:
Chad is located roughly in the middle of Africa. Chad is bordered by Libya to the north, Niger and
Nigeria to the west, Sudan to the east, Central African Republic to the south and Cameroon to the southwest. The
climate in Chad varies on the location. In the northern regions of Chad, climate is usually very warm and dry. Other
regions are mostly wet have very high humidity. The southern portions of Chad have rainy season that start in May
and continue until October. The rainy season begins in June and ends in September. The location and climate are not
the only data recorded on Chad. It also has a very long history too.
People have lived in Chad for more than a million years. In 2002, a skull was found by Michel Brunet
that is more than 7 million years old. This skull was the oldest discovered anywhere in the world. It was not until the
1st millennium AD when the formation of states began across central Chad. The first known empire in Chad
originated in the 9th century AD. This empire was called the “Kanem” Empire and was located northeast of Lake
Chad. Toward the end of the 11th century the Sayfawa converted to Islam. In the following century the Sayfawa
rulers expanded southward into Kanem. This was where the first capitol was created. The capitols name is Njimi.
Skipping a few hundred years; during WWI, Chad was the first French colony to rejoin the Allies (August 26, 1940),
after the defeat of France by Germany.
The problem with Chad is the fact that they use children as soldiers. They have used children in the
military for as long as there has been war. There were two ways they would draft children into the military. First, the
parents basically sell their children at birth. These children are then raised by generals and train for war all their life.
Or second, the children are kidnapped or taken away from their home. The government usually does this when the
child is a little bit older. In this case, the government brain-washes the child, teaches him/her that violence is good
and raises him/her on the battlefield.
These children can literally put together a gun in 1 minute or shoot a target from about 20 feet away at
age 10. These children are also trained all their life and some even die during training. Chad’s children obviously
don’t have a long life span. Those that do survive are usually either shell-shocked or so violent that they kill
everyone they see. The government uses these children in war because they are small and very easy to brain-wash at
a very young age.
Chad is a country with many problems. The U.N (United Nations) are trying to stop children
from being drafted into war. Even though we have a lot of proof why drafting children into war is bad, it
might be very hard to convince Chad’s government to stop. It might be hard to convince the Chad’s
government because it is true that children are small and much easier to handle than adults. Hopefully, in the future
children will be free of labor and war.