Sophocles King Oedipus Blindness, Tragic Irony, Three Way Cross

King Oedipus
Blindness, Tragic Irony,
Three Way Cross - Roads, Swollen Ankles
ENG2D7 - Ms. Yasin
King Oedipus - Blindness
King Oedipus - Blindness
Oedipus is famed for his quick sightedness and
comprehension, however when he learns of the truth that
he has been blinded from for many years, he decides to
blind himself.
..."Where is there any beauty
For me to see?
Where loveliness of sight or sound? Away!"...
(Sophocles 63)
King Oedipus - Blindness
Teiresias is blind yet he can see farther than others.
..."I know, as you do not, that you are living in
sinful union with the one you love, living in
ignorance of your own undoing"... (36)
The Blind Prophet - Teiresias
Blindness - What is this saying about Human
Lets look at some of the twitter quotes....
Human beings can demonstrate remarkable
potential, intellectual powers and insight. The
capacity for human knowledge is great, even the
smartest human being is liable to error. This can
also suggest that the human capability for
knowledge is ultimately quite limited and unreliable.
King Oedipus - Tragic Irony
When Oedipus and Jocasta hear the story of how Liaus was
killed, neither of then can face the possibility of what the
truth means to them.
This point calls the whole truth seeking that Oedipus is
seeking into question.
Jocasta is furious ..."Doomed man! O never live to learn the
truth"... (55)
Oedipus demands the truth ..."Let all come out, However
vile! However base it be"... (55)
How far will you go to seek the truth??
King Oedipus - Three Way Cross Roads
King Oedipus - Three Way Cross Roads
The cross roads are a place where a choice
has to be made. Crossroads symbolize
moments where decisions have to be made.
But choices are still possible.
Think about this in relation to the Oedipus'
truth seeking quest.... and his act of self mutilation
King Oedipus - Swollen Feet
Oedipus is left with a scar since birth. His ankles
are pinned together.
Symbolizes the fate of Oedipus.
His movements have been constrained and
confined since birth.
His fate has already been decreed right from his
King Oedipus - Swollen Feet