Biography of an Interesting Cultural Theorist

Biography of an Interesting Cultural Theorist
By the end of the course students will be able to explain the major ideas related to the study of
culture of leading figures in the humanities and social sciences:
Surinder Bhardwaj,
Franz Boas,
bell hooks,
Ruth Hubbard,
Samuel Huntington,
JeeYeun Lee,
Lila Abu Lughod,
Marshall McLuhan,
Margaret Mead,
Ziba Mir-Hosseini,
Gayle Rubin,
Edward Said,
Cornel West,
Mayfair Mei-yui Yang)
Thor Heyerdahl,
Claude Levi-Strauss,
Ruth Benedict,
Eric Wolf,
Zora Neal Hurston,
Lewis Henry Morgan,
Clifford Geertz,
Paul Farmer,
Marcel Maus,
Edward Burnett Taylor,
Lester Frank Ward,
Emile Derkheim,
Max Weber
Format: interactive presentation, presentation shared electronically, video, handout
What to include:
- personal life i.e. birthplace and birthdate, childhood, education,
- accomplishments (briefly),
- theories i.e. findings, known for, how theories are applied,
- theoretical frameworks theorist used
- motivation
- challenges
- video clips
- photographs
descriptive language
APA format bibliography
As we discussed, assessment and evaluation will be based on information, creativity/interest
level, organization, presentation/communication skills and APA style bibliography.