Doctor's Note - Seneca - School of Information & Communications

Getting Acquainted & Course Expectations
 This course introduces you to micro processor
operating systems using Windows Vista
 An excellent example of a micro-computing
environment because Window Vista is:
Excellent Developer Platform
Now pre-installed on most new hardware
What will you learn?
Key hardware & networking concepts
How to install and administer Vista
How application and system software work
together from a programming perspective
Windows Shell scripting to automate tasks
Overall to make you a skilled user so that you can
solve programming, administration, or help desk
Week 1
Student Centered
 3 hour student-centered lab – collaborative setting
 teacher present for 2 hours, lab monitor for 3 hours
 For Success…
 Bring Lab Manual to every class
 Read the lab carefully as you complete each step
 If you have a problem ask your classmate if he/she has a
solution, if not…
 Ask the instructor or lab monitor for help
 Write the solution so you will remember how to correct
the problem yourself
Instructor Centered
 2 hour lecture in classroom setting
 For Success…
 Prepare for the lecture by reviewing your text and slides
before class
 Be on time
 Take lots of good notes
 Ask relevant questions
 Be respectful of the learning environment of your fellow
Graded work
 Completed Labs
 Mid Term Test
 Assignment
 Final
 Total
Week of
All weeks
Week 6
Starting week 5
Week 14
To pass this course…
 You must get 55% or more on the overall course, and…
 You must get 55% or more on the final exam, and…
 Your weighted test + exam mark must be 55% or more,
 You must complete any 8 out of 10 labs
Class Policies
 Late Policy
 Missed Tests/Quizzes
 Cheating and Plagiarism
 Information Technology
Acceptable Use Policy
Late Policy
 Late Assignments:
 20% per College Day
 This means that to receive full marks for labs they must
be completed by their due date as posted on the website
 Note: even if the Lab Assignment is 0verdue, it must be
completed to receive a final grade
Class Behavior
 You have a right to study and work in “an environment
that asserts the personal worth and dignity of each
 regardless of origin, age, sex, colour, physical or mental
ability, language, politics or status, all students will be
treated with respect
Missed Tests
 If you miss a scheduled test a Doctor’s Note or other
supporting document must be provided before a makeup
test can be written
 You should contact your instructor
immediately upon missing a
Cheating and Plagiarism
 You are expected to be
honest and forthright
in your academic
 Falsifying research
 Stealing the words or
ideas of others
 Cheating on an
 Zero Tolerance
Click here to view Seneca Academic Honesty Policy
Information Technology
Acceptable Use Policy
 Basically:
 Do not use another student’s account
 Do not use the facilities for commercial gain
 Do not view/store Pornographic material
 Do not create a “denial of service” attack
 Do not copy/remove information not in your home
directory without permission
 Failure to adhere to this Policy:
 could result in suspension of usage privileges, or other
discipline as appropriate
Your professor…
How about you?
Introductions of Partner
 What is your partner’s name?
 What are your partner’s hobbies/interests?
 What does your partner hope to do after graduating?
 What does your partner hope to learn from taking this