Class One - Glapthorn School

Glapthorn C.E. Lower School Curriculum Leaflet
Traditional Tales
Spring Term 2015
National Curriculum
Communication and Language: As communicators, we will listen to our favourite traditional tales, anticipating
key events and discussing what is happening.
Physical Development: As athletes, we will begin to learn about a healthy diet, and explore ways of enacting our
favourite tales. We will follow Real PE.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Using Goldilocks, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Little Red Riding
Hood and Little Miss Naughty, we will learn about our own and others’ behaviour, discussing its consequences.
Literacy: As readers, we will begin to use our favourite story characters to write letters and captions. We will
begin to write sentences to produce class books about our favourite stories.
Mathematics: As mathematicians, we will create pictograms of our favourite stories. We will use our favourite
storybook characters to solve addition and subtraction problems.
Understanding the World: As scientists, we will experiment with what happens to porridge when it is left for an
extended period of time. We will also explore what happens when we plant bean seeds.
Expressive Arts and Design: As artists, we will try to create a safety device for Mr Bump to prevent him from
getting hurt.
Curriculum Drivers that enrich our curriculum
Outdoor Learning
Our Community and Beyond
As outdoor learners, we will:
As members of our community and beyond, we will:
Attitude to Learning: Teamwork,
Independence, Problem Solving
In developing our personal skills, we will:
Use the allotment and our outside environment to
grow beans for Jack and the beanstalk.
Use the Glapthorn village and the woods to go on a
bear hunt.
Use the local village of Glapthorn to design and
Work in groups to create our Mr Bump Safety Device.
create our own bear hunt.
Work collectively to produce class books based on our
Attend the Oundle literary festival and meet a famous favourite stories.
Visit Oundle Library and use this to set up our roleplay area as a library.
Participate in Book Fortnight and ask parents to
come into read their favourite story.
Things you can do at home
Take your child to the local library and borrow a book.
Read lots of books with your child, perhaps We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, Mr Bump, Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. What does your
child like/not like about the book? Can you describe the main characters? Who is your favourite? Who do you dislike in the story? Why? Can you describe where it is
set? Would you like to go there?
Retell your child’s favourite stories, using puppets or props to enact it.
Draw pictures of the story’s setting and main characters.