Tuck Everlasting Interview Project and Assignment 1

Tuck Everlasting: Prologue & Chapters 1-8
The Tucks have mixed feelings about living forever. Use the chart to note their attitudes about
what has happened in their lives since they drank from the spring. In the second column, summarize
in a few words their feelings about living forever.
Comments character has
made in book
Feeling about living
Personal Response: After you have read this section, what do you think will happen
next in the story? Why?
Analyzing Literature: Answer in complete sentences and put in BLUE
1. Briefly describe the Fosters’ house and yard. How do they reflect the Fosters’
2. What does Mr. Tuck dream? What does the dream suggest about Mr. Tuck’s
attitude toward his life?
3. What thoughts does Winnie express to the toad? How does she feel about her
life? How does the weather reflect her feelings?
4. What draws Winnie to the woods? What is Jesse Tuck doing when Winnie first
sees him? What does she think of Jesse?
5. What secret do the Tucks share with Winnie? Why do they kidnap her? How
does Winnie feel about the Tucks?
6. Who overhears the Tucks’ secret? How do the actions of this character create
suspense, or tension, in the plot?
Vocab to know:
axis [ak_sis] n. straight line around which something rotates
contemplation [kon´təm pla ̄_shən] n. process of thinking something through
disheartened [dis ha_ rt_ənd ] adj. discouraged
implore [im plo_ r_] v. to beg
primly [prim_l ̄e] adv. stiffly; daintily
recede [ri se ̄ d_] v. to move backward; to withdraw
rueful [ro ̄ ̄o ̄_fəl ] adj. sad
venture [ven_chər] n. bold or risky act
100 Years Timeline and Interview
Due: ____________________ (complete two parts)
PART ONE (choose one option)
OPTION ONE: Using a piece of large white construction paper given in class,
construct a time line of your life if you were to live 100 years above the line. What
would you like to accomplish? What are large milestones? Include at least 15
events in your life span. Include 10 original drawings. Divide your life into three
divisions. They do not need to be of equal size. Create a metaphor/simile for your
life span of 100 years and then how it relates to that division in your life.
Below the line, create a timeline for a person age 50 or older that you
have interviewed. Include their milestones (15 events) and include 10
illustrations to accompany the timeline events. Ask the person how he or she
would divide his or her life into three parts (does not have to be equal).
Create a metaphor/simile with that person for his or her life and each
OPTION TWO: If you know how to use Prezi, you may use this to complete the
above as an option. All items above must be in the presentation. There must
be one presentation with both your timeline and the person you interview’s
PART TWO (must do)
Choose a person age 50 and above to interview. Record the interview using your
tablet. You will ask and respond appropriately to a minimum of 10 questions on
your chosen topic. On the day of the presentation, you will play back the interview
for the class to watch.
Topics may include:
Technology during your life time, changes politics and laws in your lifetime, the
changing roles of women and men, advancements in medicine/health, etc
Topic chosen: ____________________________________________________
(to be approved by teacher) Teacher initials: ______
12345678910Person I am interviewing: _________________________________________