lecture notes-growth kinetics-web

Cell Growth Kinetics
- Introduction
- Growth patterns and kinetics in batch
- growth phases
- effect of factors: oxygen supply
- heat generation
- Growth kinetics (Monod Equation)
- Growth in continuous culture (ideal
Growth Kinetics
- Autocatalytic reaction: The rate of growth is directly related
to cell concentration
substrates + cells → extracellular products + more cells
∑S + X → ∑P + nX
S: substrate concentration (g/L); X: cell mass concentration (g/L);
P: product concentration (g/L); n: increased number of biomass.
Net specific growth rate (1/time):
t: the time
1 dX
net 
X dt
Growth Kinetics
Net specific growth rate (1/time):
net   g  kd
g :
Gross specific growth rate (1/time)
kd :
The rate of loss of cell mass due to cell death
or endogenous metabolism
Endogenous metabolism: during the stationary phase,
the cell catabolizes cellular reserves for new building blocks and
for energy-producing monomers.
Growth Kinetics
Net specific replication rate (1/time):
1 dN
N dt
R  
kd :
 kd
: Cell number concentration (cell number /L)
: Gross specific replication rate (1/time)
The rate of cell death (1/time)
Growth Kinetics
- Quantifying cell concentration:
- direct: no suspended solid and interference
cell mass concentration – preferred
dry weight, optical density (turbidity)
cell number density:
Petroff-Hausser slide (hemocytometer), plate counts,
particle counter
Growth Kinetics
- Quantifying cell concentration:
- indirect: direct method is inapplicable. (mold solid state
Cell mass can be determined by measurement of
protein, DNA or ATP. e.g. 1mg ATP/g dry weight
bacterial cell,
100 mg ATP/L , then the cell mass: 100/1=100 (g dry
weight cell)
Growth Kinetics
- Growth patterns and kinetics in batch culture
- growth phases
In batch culture:
- lag phase
- logrithmic or exponential growth phase
- deceleration phase
- stationary phase
- death phase
Typical growth curve for a bacterial population
Batch Growth Kinetics
Lag phase
A period of adaptation for the cells to their
new environment
• New enzymes are synthesized.
• A slight increase in cell mass and volume, but no
increase in cell number
• Prolonged by low inoculum volume, poor
inoculum condition (high % of dead cells), age of
inoculum, nutrient-poor medium
• Multiple lag phases: (diauxic growth) medium
contains more than one carbon source
Diauxic growth
Typical growth curve for a bacterial population
Typical growth curve for a bacterial population
Batch Growth Kinetics
Exponential growth phase
In this phase, the cells have adjusted to their
new environment and multiply rapidly
• Balanced growth –all components of a cell grow at the
same rate.
• Growth rate is independent of nutrient concentration,
as nutrients are in excess.
• The net specific growth rate determined from either
cell number or cell mass would be the same.
Batch Growth Kinetics
Exponential growth phase
The first order exponential growth rate
expression is:
  net X , X  X 0 at t  0
Integration of the above equation yields:
 μnet t , or X  X 0e  nett
X and X 0 are cell concentrations at time t and t  0
 net is constant.
Typical growth curve for a bacterial population
Batch Growth Kinetics
Exponential growth phase
 net   R  μm
μm is the maximum specific growth rate (1/time)
Doubling time of cell mass: the time required to double
the microbial mass:
d 
ln X / X 0
 net
ln 2
 net
 net
Doubling time of cell number: the time required to double
the microbial cell number:
ln N / N 0 ln 2
d 
d d
Typical growth curve for a bacterial population
Batch Growth Kinetics
Deceleration growth phase
Very short phase, during which growth decelerates
due to either:
• Depletion of one or more essential nutrients
• The accumulation of toxic by-products of growth
(e.g. Ethanol in yeast fermentations)
• Period of unbalanced growth: Cells undergo
internal restructuring to increase their chances
of survival
Typical growth curve for a bacterial population
Batch Growth Kinetics
Stationary Phase:
With the exhaustion of nutrients (S≈0) and build-up
of waste and secondary metabolic products
- The growth rate equals the death rate.
- There is no net growth in the organism population.
- Cells may have active metabolism to produce secondary
Primary metabolites are growth-related: ethanol,
Secondary metabolites are non-growth-related:
antibiotics, pigments.
Kinetic Pattern of Growth and
Product Formation
Growth-associated Mixed-growth-associated Non growth-associated
Batch Growth Kinetics
Stationary phase
- Cell lysis may occur and viable cell mass may drop.
A second growth phase may occur and cells may grow on
lysis products of lysed cells (cryptic growth)
- Endogenous metabolism occurs by catabolizing cellular
reserves for new building blocks and energy-producing
monomer (maintenance energy).
The rate describing the conversion of cell mass into
maintenance energy or the loss of cell mass due to cell
 k d X , X  X so at t  0
where S  0,  g  0
X so is the cell mass concentration at the
beginningof the stationaryphase.
Batch Growth Kinetics
Death Phase:
The living organism population decreases with time,
due to a lack of nutrients and toxic metabolic byproducts.
The rate of death usually follows:
 k d ' N , N  N s at t  0
k d ' is the first - order death rate constant (1/time)
N s is the cell concentration at the
end of the stationaryphase.
Batch Growth Kinetics
Yield coefficients: defined based on the amount of
consumption of another material.
Growth yield: Y X / S  
Product yield: Y P / S  
Growth yield based on consumption of oxygen :
YX /O  
S  S assimilation S assimilation S growth energyS maintenance
into biomass
into an
Batch Growth Kinetics
Yield coefficients: defined based on the amount of
consumption of another material.
S  S assimilation S assimilation S growth energyS maintenance
into biomass
into an
At the end of the batch growth period, the measured yields are
apparent as of endogenous metabolism occurring, Kd > 0,
which changes the metabolic pathways of the substrate
Batch Growth Kinetics
Effect of factors:
- Dissolved oxygen (DO)
- aerobic fermentation requires oxygen
- oxygen gas is sparingly soluble in water
- specific growth rate may be limited by DO if DO is
below a critical oxygen concentration.
Critical oxygen concentration: the growth rate becomes
independent of DO concentration.
bacteria and yeast: 5%-10% of the saturated DO
mold: 10%-50% of the saturated DO
The saturated DO is 7 ppm at 25oC and 1 atm
Batch Growth Kinetics
Effect of factors:
- Dissolved oxygen (DO)
As oxygen is continually re-supplied, DO concentration can limit
the growth rate but the extent of growth (mass of cell formed)
would depend on other medium components such as glucose.
The rate of oxygen transfer (OTR) from the gas to liquid phase is
given by:
OTR = No2 = KLa (C*-CL)
KL is the oxygen transfer coefficient (cm/h),
a is the gas-liquid interfacial area (cm2/cm3)
KLa is the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (h-1)
C* is saturated DO concentration (mg/l);
CL is the actual DO concentration (mg/l);
No2 is the rate of oxygen transfer (OTR) (mgO2/l.h)
Batch Growth Kinetics
Effect of factors:
- Dissolved oxygen (DO)
When oxygen transfer is the rate-limiting step, at steady state,
the rate of oxygen consumption is equal to the rate of oxygen
If the maintenance requirement of O2 is negligible compared
to growth, then
g X
YX / O2
 k L a(C * C )
Sufficient oxygen supply:
OTR ≥ the rate of oxygen consumption
Batch Growth Kinetics
Effect of factors:
- Dissolved oxygen (DO)
Question: Oxygen is to be supplied for yeast production. If
oxygen consumption (uptake) rate (OUR) is 15g/l medium-h
for a required yeast growth, and the oxygen transfer rate
(OTR) is 10 g/l medium-h. Is such oxygen transfer rate
sufficient to maintain the required yeast growth? If the
required growth has to be maintained, how to improve the
oxygen transfer rate?
Answers: OUR=15g/l medium-h > OTR=10 g/l medium-h
insufficient oxygen supply rate.
Oxygen transfer rate is limiting.
g X
YX / O2
 k L a(C * C )
Increase kLa or C*-C
Batch Growth Kinetics
Effect of factors:
- Temperature
- Psychrophiles (Topt<20oC)
- Mesophiles (20-50oC)
- Thermophiles (>50oC)
Temperature affects growth, product formation and ratelimiting step (e.g. oxygen transfer)
- pH
- affects the activity of enzymes and therefore growth rate.
- optimum pH for growth may be different from that for product
formation. (citric acid production by A. niger)
optimum pH for bacteria: 3-8, yeast: 3-6, molds, 3-7, plant 5-6,
animal 6.5-7.5
Batch Growth Kinetics
Effect of factors:
- Ionic strength: affect the transport and solubility of
certain nutrients: oxygen
- High substrate concentration: substrate inhibition