Animal testing

Taylor Presley
Corcoran 3rd
What is Wrong with Animal Testing
Years ago, before all the new technology, we have used animals in testing products to see
if they would harm humans. Even though we have all this new technology at our disposal, we
still resort to using animals as test subjects. Even though some scientists and individuals think
that animal testing is still okay to use, animal testing is nevertheless a horrible practice still used
today because it is cruel to animals, the information is misleading, and because of the new
technological advances that can test products humanely.
“Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs and other animals are
locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across America.” (“Animals Used for
Experimentation”) The animals that are locked up cower in fear from anyone that passes by.
They do not know when they are going to be used as another test subject. “The stress, sterility
and boredom causes some animals to develop neurotic behaviors such as incessantly spinning in
circles, rocking back and forth, and even pulling out their own hair and biting their own skin.”
(“Animals Used for Experimentation”) After all this cruelty, fear, and stress these animals die at
the hands of corrupt scientists every day. One of these cruel experiments that they test on albino
rabbits is called the Draize Test. “They use white albino rabbits because of their sensitive eyes
and also because of the formation of their tear ducts stops tears from draining away all of the
foreign substances.” (Cruelty Involved in Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation”)
Scientists then rub different substances, such as toothpaste, shampoo, and oven cleaner just to
name a few, into their eyes to see what kind of damage occurs. These tests can last up to 18 days
with the rabbits eyes held open with clips. Sometimes the rabbits end up breaking their necks
trying to escape the pain that they have endured. This is a cruel endeavor that these rabbits go
through every day with products that Americans use every day. “A research scientist at
Huntingdon Life Sciences was recently caught on videotape punching 4 puppies in the face.”
(“Cruelty Involved in Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation”) This “scientist” is trying
to help humans by punching innocent puppies in the face which is completely unethical and
cruelty towards animals. “The scientist tried to back up his crime by stating that he was only
trying to do the puppies a favor because the product that he just made them sniff was giving them
terrible effects on the body.” (“Cruelty Involved in Animal Research, Testing, and
Experimentation”) This “scientist” should not have forced those puppies to sniff that substance if
all he was going to do was punch them, that is animal cruelty. Animal testing is cruel and should
be stopped because of the pain and torture these animals go through with the different types of
tests and the corrupt scientists behind animal experimentation.
Animal experimentation should not be used today because the information received from
the different tests is misleading to how humans will react. The Draize Test the albino rabbits go
through is wrong and misleading. First thing is that when a substance, such as toothpaste, is
rubbed into their eyes is left in their eyes up to 18 days. This is wrong and misleading because
humans would never have a substance such as toothpaste in their eyes for that long of a time
period. Another reason why this test is misleading because rabbits and humans do not have the
same eye tissue. The damage received from having toothpaste in a human’s eye and in a rabbits
eye will be entirely different. The pain and suffering the rabbits go through is unnecessary and
not beneficial in any way. Some products, such as liquid detergent, oven cleaner, bleach, and
other highly toxic products are both harmful to animals and harmful to humans and it is pointless
and cruel to have to put animals through unnecessary pain and abuse. “… No amount of animal
testing can change the fact that many of these products are harmful if ingested or used in a way
no intended by the manufacturer.” (“Cruelty Involved in Animal Research, Testing, and
Experimentation”) Many drugs and products are useful to humans but are dangerous to animals.
“… Penicillin can help people’s lives, but actually kills guinea pigs. Another drug is aspirin,
which, in fact, causes birth defects in mice, monkeys, rats, cats, guinea pigs, and dogs.”
(“Cruelty Involved in Animal Research, Testing and Experimentation”) Sometimes, even though
when a product is tested on an animal and there is great damage dealt to the animal that product
might still go into the market. “Even if the product harms animals, it can still be marketed to
you.” (“Animals Used for Experimentation”) If products that are tested on animals are found out
to be harmful to them, why put those products on the shelves for consumers to buy? Is that what
the animal testing is for, to see if it harms them and if it does to not put that product on the shelf?
“Studies in esteemed publications such as the Journal of the American Medical Association and
the British Medical Journal have repeatedly concluded that because of the fundamental
biological difference among species, animal tests do not reliably predict outcomes in humans.
These same studies also concluded that the overwhelming majority of animal experiments fail to
lead to medical advances that improve the health of humans and, in fact, are dangerously
misleading.” (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”) Humans cannot rely on animal testing any
longer because the data that comes from tests and experiments is misleading and cannot be
trusted. And scientists need to stop pointless experiments that are not going to improve or help
understand what kind of damage a substance can do.
Even though humans have superb technology at their disposal animals are still used as
test subjects. Because of the new technology that has been produced over the last few years
animal testing should no longer be necessary. “Pioneering contract research laboratory CeeTox
uses human cell-based in vitro (test tube) toxicity screening to test drugs, chemicals, cosmetics,
and consumer products.” (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”) This humane method would replace
horrible tests on animals that involve pumping different substances into their lungs and stomachs
and pouring different kinds of chemicals onto their raw, shaved skin. “ VaxDesign’s
groundbreaking Modular IMmune in vitro Construct (MIMIC) systems uses human cells to
create a working dime-sized human immune system for testing the safety and effectiveness of
HIV/AIDS vaccines… is faster than animal tests.” (Alternatives to Animal Testing”) If this type
of testing is faster, humane, and effective why do we still test on animals? If MIMIC is not used
than scientists will use the ineffective and cruel tests on monkeys where they are infected with
HIV-like diseases and then are forced to endure a great amount of weight loss, major organ
failure, problems with breathing, and neurological disorders before they die or are killed. The
worst thing about animal testing is that in America taxpayers pay scientists to perform cruel tests
on animals and to no avail. “Non-animal methods usually take less time to complete than the
cruel, archaic animal tests that they replace. In addition, they cost only a fraction of what animal
experiments cost and are not affected by species differences that make applying tests results to
humans difficult or impossible.” (“Alternatives to Animal Testing”) If there is a more affordable
and effective method in testing products than why not use it? There are so many different
alternative methods to animal testing that is cheaper and more effective that it makes animal
testing invalid in most ways, if not all ways.
Animal testing has been used for centuries, but should now be abolished. Reasons being
that its cruel to animals that go through testing such as the Draize Test with albino rabbits, the
data received from the experiments are misleading because of biological differences among
species, and because it is cheaper, humane, and more effective if alternative methods are used
instead of continuing to use more expensive, cruel, ineffective animal experiments. “ Pain is an
intrinsic evil whether it is experienced by a child, and adult, or an animal. If it is wrong to inflict
pain on a human being, it is just as wrong to inflict pain on an animal.” (Andre)
Works Cited
“Alternatives to Animal Testing.” Web. 01 Jan. 2012
Andre, Claire and Manuel Velasquez. “Of Cures and Creatures Great and Small.”
Santa Clara University. Web. 01 Jan. 2012.
“Animals Used for Experimentation.” Web. 01 Jan. 2012
“Cruelty Involved in Animals Research, Testing, and Experimentation.” 02 Jan. 2012