Irrelevant sentences ppt

Irrelevant Information
Note: If it does not support the
main idea, it is irrelevant!
To Make a list, I used my favorite
notebook and purple ink pen.
What do you want for Christmas?
Every year, my family asks me what I
want. This year, I decided that I would
make a list because I had so many ideas.
To make a list, I used my favorite notebook
and purple ink pen. After much
brainstorming, I narrowed it down to the
three things that I want most this year. I
decided I wanted a bike, clothes, and gift
cards for Christmas.
Dogs, cats, and hamsters can also
make good pets.
Not many people think so, but tarantulas
make the best pets! Dogs, cats, and hamsters
can also make good pets. When I had a
tarantula, I would sometimes give it baths and
take it on walks. One time my pet tarantula
walked around the entire neighborhood with
me. People gave me some strange looks, but it
did not bother me because I knew I had the bet
type of pet to have. Tarantulas make good pets
because they are quiet, do not make messes,
and are inexpensive to care for.
Summer is too hot for me and
winter is too cold.
I laughed in delight as swirling reds, yellows, and
browns danced around my head as the leaves
whooshed up into the air. Diving into piles of leaves is
one of my favorite fall pastimes. It always seems like
fall comes later and later every year, but I think it is
because I am eagerly expectant for the cool days and
chilly nights that autumn brings. Summer is too hot for
me and winter is too cold. Having bonfires with friends,
baking breads and pies, and hiking in parks are three
things I enjoy doing in the fall.
The internet is full of information
when you need to look something
Do you know anybody who likes to collect
stamps for a hobby? Stamp collecting is very
popular today. There are several magazines
and internet sites about where to find the best
stamps. The internet is full of information when
you need to look something up. If you are
thinking of becoming a stamp collector, I
suggest starting with the stamps that have
cartoons on them. Stamps are fun to collect,
easy to store, and are also good investments.
Favorite childhood memories are
often shared with others when
people recall them.
Musicians often choose and arrange notes
to create interesting harmonies. These
harmonies evoke feelings in the listeners.
Musicians may try to evoke feelings of
happiness or sadness. Sometimes the notes in
a harmony evoke childhood memories. Favorite
childhood memories are often shared with
others when people recall them. There are
major components in making a good harmony
are rhythm, loudness, and level of intensity.
My favorite dinosaur is
Tyrannosaurs Rex.
Can you imagine that there was a time when
prehistoric animals roamed the earth? Although
these fascinating animals have been extinct for
many years, they may have lived on the very
land that we live on today! Imagine dinosaurs
walking where you have walked. My favorite
dinosaur is Tyrannosaurs Rex. I think that the
most fascinating prehistoric animals are the
wooly mammoth, saber-toothed tiger, and the
Exmoor pony.
Outdoor activities such as hiking,
rafting, and canoeing are all filled
with adventure.
Being a responsible camper requires that you
follow important guidelines to ensure the safety and
comfort of yourself and everyone else who is
involved. Camping can be a fun and adventurous
experience if you let it be. Still, camping can be
miserable for everyone if you do not prepare in
advance for the elements of the world outdoors.
Outdoor activities such as hiking, rafting, and
canoeing are all filled with adventure. When you go
camping, it is important that you have a camp
kitchen, a safe sleeping area, and firewood to burn.
The days are not long enough to do
everything I would like to do.
Have you ever wondered how to best help those
around you? There are many ways to offer
assistance to people. The possibilities are
endless and whatever you do, you will have the
satisfaction of knowing that you helped
somebody. The days are not long enough to do
everything I would like to do. Collecting food for
a local shelter, reading to small children at the
library, and volunteering to clean up a park are
three ways to help people.