Neurobiological and Genetic Bases of Mental Activity

. – Neurobiological and Genetic Bases of Mental Activity
1. The study of living nature
- The expermiental method: development, necessity and limits.
- Living organisms: the life cycle, reproduction, homeostasis, interaction with the
The levels of organization and the fundamental processes of the living
The cell: the basic unit of living organisms
Cellular theory: origin and development, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
The principal cellular organisms: structure and function
Cellular cycle and division: mitosis and meiosis
Control of the cellular cycle: points of restriction
Molecular mechanisms of insurgency and tumoral invasiveness.
3. Molecular bases
- Principal elements and classes of composites present in living material
- The informational macromolecules: DNA, RNA and protein, the structuralfunctional relationship
4. Transmission of hereditary characters
- Mendel’s Law and modern genetics
- Determination of sex, heterosomic hereditary
- Molecular genetics: from the structure of nucleic acids to maps of the human
- Mutations and genetic variability
- Regulation of gene activities.
5. Syndromes from chromosomal aberrations, neurocognitive and genetic aspects
- The normal and pathological human caryotype
- Autosomal neuploidies: Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s
- Heterosome aneuploidies: Turner’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome
- Deletions of chromosome traits: “Cri-du-Chat” syndrome, Williams syndrome,
Prader-Willi syndrome, Angelman syndrome
- The Fragile X syndrome, as an example of a mutation from “expansion”
The autistic spectrum
Neurological and genetic bases
The new “broken mirror” theory
Classic autism, Asperger’s syndrome and Rett syndrome
5. Genes and behaviour
- Single genes and initial behavioural traits
- Mutations in single genes: motor and cognitive deficits (example: Huntington’s
- Complex behavioural traits: polygenic model (example: schizophrenia,
bipolar disorders and borderline disorder)
6. Anatomy and the development of the nervous system
- Peripheral nervous system: sensory and motor division
- Organization of the central nervous system: brainstem, bulb, bridge,
mesencephalon, cerebellum, diencephalon, cerebral hemispheres
- Basal nuclei
- Limbic system
7. Elements of cognitive neurosciences
- From nerve cells to cognitive processes
- Cognitive processes and the cerebral cortex
Nature and transmission of the nerve impulse
The cells of the nervous system: neurons and glial cells
Electrical transmission: membrane potentials, ionic channels
Synaptic potential and action potential
Depolarization and repolarization
Synaptic transmission: synapses, neurotransmitters and neuromodulators
Neurotransmitters and pharmaceuticals
9. Mirror neurons
- Their discovery, the implications at the theoretical level and possible practical
consequences (examples: autistic syndrome and post-ictus rehabilitation)
The main recommended texts:
1) W. K. PURVES, D. SADAVA, G. H. ORIANS, H. C. HELLER, Elementi di biologia e genetica, Casa
Editrice Zanichelli, First edition 2007, Reprint 2009.
2) E.R. KANDEL, J. H. SCHWARTZ, T. M. JESSELL, Fondamenti delle neuroscienze e del comportamento,
Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, First edition 1999, Reprint 2005.
3) HENDELMAN, Atlante di Neuroanatomia funzionale, Casa editrice Ambrosiana, First edition
The course will be divided into lectures that will define the approach to the subjects in
the programme and will indicate a method of study; examples will also be illustrated of
resolution of some biological problems that will allow the student to assess their own level
of understanding of the material. Integrated periods of in-depth study and of evaluation will
be held in the practical lessons.
A written test and an oral must be passed.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice