study guide for badminton

Study Guide for Badminton
The Chinese were the first to play a game related to badminton
that used a shuttle in the 5th Century
Battledore refers to the racquet and the game was played by
trying to keep the shuttlecock in the air
Attacking clears are long and lower to the court, not allowing
much time for your opponent to adjust to the shot.
Defensive clears are long and higher in the air, giving you more
time to get back into position for the next shot.
Overhead clear is typically used to force your opponent to the
backcourt in order to exploit the opening in the frontcourt that
would result.
Underarm clear is typically played from the front court area. It
can also be played high and deep or flat and deep, but that
depends on the situation.
The dimensions of a badminton court are 20 feet by 44 feet.
The lines along these measurements mark the sidelines for
doubles play and long service lines for singles play.
The net is placed on the net line which is middle of the court.
The short service line is marked 6 feet 6 inches from the center
The center line is the line that divides the court from the short
service line to the back boundary line.
The singles side line is marked 1 1/2 feet from the edge of the
outer boundary.
The back boundary line is the same for singles and doubles play it
is the outermost back line on the court.
The long service line for doubles is marked 2 1/2 feet inside the
back boundary line.
The net measures 5 feet tall in the center.
Scoring- goes to 21 with every fault being a point for the
opposing team; Court-wide and short lines are used for doubles
Serving- a player must serve in the box diagonal from where they
are. If the team serving has an even number of points - they
serve on the right. If the team serving has an odd number of
points-they serve on the left
2 styles
 staggered one person in front and one in back
 one person on the left and one on the right
3 types of Net Play:
1. Net Shot: arching shot played from the net area back to your
opponent’s net area
Objective: force your opponent to hit a weak lift or hit shots that
do not clear the net
Tips for executing an effective net shot:
Keep racket in front of your body
Lunge forward aggressively with your racket leg
Extend arm and keep the racket high to ensure shuttle is hit
as early as possible
The racket face must be parallel to the floor
Let the shuttle bounce off the racket face
The previous tip will cause the shuttle to tumble over the
Hairpin Net Shot: A net shot played when the shuttle has fallen
close to the ground
Objective: Same as a regular net shot
Tips for executing an effective hairpin net shot:
 Slice or lift racket a bit upon contact with the shuttle
2. Net Kill: played when opponent has hit a loose shot over the
net providing an opening to strike the shuttle down from net area
Objective: strike the shuttle quickly downard to your opponents
net area
Tips for executing an effective net kill:
Hold racket head high enough to take the shuttle above the
net level
The key is to be quick to the net
Use your wrist with little or no racket arm
movement: minimizes chance of coming into contact with
the net
3. Net Lift: underarm clear played from the net area
Objective: move opponent to the back court or create more time
for yourself
Tips for executing an effective net shot:
Deceive opponent by moving forward as if you are hitting a
net shot
Just before contact unlock wrist in a whip-like fashion and
send shuttle to opponent's back court
Swing racket upwards as the shuttle drops in the hitting