Interactive Timeline


Storyboard for Timeline

By: Natalie Cavazos


Printing Press

The printing press came from

Europe by Gutenberg.

The idea came from the screw-type wine press of

Rhine Valley.

He is also accredited for printing the worlds first book. The 42 lined (per page)

Gutenberg Bible.


Graphite Discovered

Was named by Abraham

Gottlob Werner.

It is used in pencils, they called them lead pencils yet there is no lead in them.

It is considered the highest grade of coal, though it is not used as fuel because it is hard to ignite.


Slide Rule

The inventor was an English mathematician William


The Circular ruler was invented first and the straight slide ruler was later invented.

They were used until the first hand held calculator was invented.


QWERTY Machine

Christopher Sholes creates a machine to print the alphabet.

He was a newspaper editor and printer in Milwaukee.

His first draft was two rows of the letters alphabetically placed.


First Radio Signal

Guglielmo Marconi sent the first radio signal in Italy.

In 1899 he sent one across the English Channel.

Two years later the letter ‘S’ was sent from England to

New Foundland. This was the first successful


Radiotelegraph message.


Democracy and Education

John Dewey

An American philosopher and educational reformer.

Was a major voice of progressive education

Wrote Democracy and



Lev Vygotsky

Focus was on developmental psychology

Proposed a theory of the development of higher cognitive functions for children


Jean Piaget

A Swiss developmental

Psychologist, focused primarily on children’s education

Placed great importance on the Education of Children

Director of the

International Bureau of



Keyboard Simplified

Dr. August Dvorak and brother-in-law Dr. William


They have been called a variation of names, the

Simplified keyboard, or the

American Simplified keyboard.

Dvorak proponents claim this layout uses less finger movement, increases typing rate, and reduces errors.


B.F Skinner

A Harvard Professor of


Invented the Skinner Box,

Also known as the operant conditioning chamber

Invented the teaching machine


Robert Gagne

An educational Psychologist

Known for his Conditions of


Gagne was involved in applying concepts of instructional theory to the design of computer based training and multi-media based learning


Plato computing system

Developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana


One of the primary developers was Donald


The rights to Plato are now owned by Plato Learning.


Education Center

Digital library of education research and information.

Sponsored by the U.S.

Department of Education

The collection included

Journal articles, books, research synthesis, and conference papers.

Technical reports, dissertations, policy papers, and other educationrelated materials.


Atkinson and Shiffrin

Invented the memory model and the modal model

Modal model was presented in 1968

Richard Atkinson and

Richard Shiffrin


Jerome Bruner

A psychologist who made contributions to human cognitive psychology and cognitive learning theory

Received a B.A from Duke

University and a Ph. D from


Published the Process of




It is a multi media authoring tool that allows people to communicate ideas on diskette, CD-ROM, or internet.

Was founded by a classroom teacher in 1978 and developed by Robert

Wagner Publishing.

A software that helps emphasize technology as a personal creative tool.


Howard Gardner

A developmental


A professor of cognition and education at Harvard

He is best known for his theory of Multiple


Published Frames of Mind:

The theory of multiple intelligences in 1983


World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee wrote a proposal of a data base and software project.

In 1990 he wrote a more formal proposal to build a hypertext project called

World Wide Web.

A NeXT computer was used by Berners-Lee as the worlds first web server. As well as write the first Web

Browser WorldWideWeb.


NJStar Communicator

A popular traditional

Chinese Microsoft Windows add on.

It supported Chinese,

Japanese, and Korean input.

Microsoft later provided language support in updates for their internet explorer.


WebQuest Page

Provide teachers with programs to keep students on task while online.

Introduces units, concludes unit, and provides a cumulative activitiy at the end of the unit.

For classrooms all over the world.


MIT Courseware

Puts all information from undergraduate and graduate courses online.

Partly free and available to anyone, anywhere.

As of November 2011 they had 2080 courses online.


Interactive Textbooks

The laptop computer mixes with the students notebook and textbook.

Books are published in Dual

Format, which includes a

CD-ROM in the back.


Electronic Textbooks

First wide spread use of electronic textbooks.

The internet is accessed and entirely through wireless, hand held, and pocket computers.

Email is replaced by video letter system.


Smithsonian Center

Helps the museum community in acquiring and strengthening its understandings in museology.

it helps serve the educational and informational needs of the field.
