1 - Allied Health Professions Federation

British Association for Music Therapy
British Association of Art Therapists
British Association of Dramatherapists
British Association and College of Occupational Therapists
The British Dietetic Association
British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists
British and Irish Orthoptic Society
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
College of Paramedics
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
Society and College of Radiographers
Thursday, 14 May 2015 between 10.30am and 3.30pm
Training Room, CapabilityScotland, Westerlea,
Ellersly Road, Edinburgh EH12 6HY
Welcome and introductions
Rachael King, Convenor AHPFS
Janice McNee, Representative, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Kenryck Lloyd Jones, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Robert Peat, Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists (left at 2.30pm)
Kirsty Dewar, College of Occupational Therapists
Gaby Stewart, College of Occupational Therapists
Gen Smyth, British Association of Dramatherapists
Marie Gascoigne, Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
Kim Hartley, Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
Karen Fenna, British Association of Arts Therapists (left at 1pm)
Tony Chenery, British Association of Arts Therapists
Margot McBride, Society & College of Radiographers
Maria Murray, Society & College of Radiographers
Emma MacLean, British Association for Music Therapy (from 12.30pm)
Mary McFarlane, AHPFS Secretariat
Tracy MacInnes, Scottish Government
2. Apologies
Dawn Mitchell, Vice Convenor
Fiona Monaghan, British Association of Prosthetists & Orthotists
Joyce Thompson, British Dietetic Association
Neil Freshwater, British Dietetic Association
Gary Evans, British & Irish Orthoptic Society
Adam Longhorn, College of Paramedics
Dahrlene Tough, College of Paramedics
Karen Utting, Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists
3. Approve Minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2015 were approved.
The Convenor welcomed Tracy MacInnes, ACHPO to the meeting.
Scottish Parliament debate: members were informed that there
would be a debate on Tuesday 19 May at Scottish Parliament: AHPs
Enabling active & independent living. The debate would be led by Maureen
Watt, Minister for Public Health. She would showcase work done on the
delivery plan with a view to raising profile of AHPs.
KH suggested joint briefing for the Minister and possible questions for
MSPs. Agreed to share briefing with Tracy MacInnes (TM).
KH, KLJ and GS would discuss this and share it with members.
AHP National Delivery plan to be refreshed
About 52% of recommendations of the NDP had been achieved. Some of
those that were not achieved were around integration. It is anticipated that
integration objectives will be carried forward. At the time of publication
there was no clear structure for AHPs in local government, problems with
engagement occurred in areas without joint responsibility. Occupational
health, vocational rehabilitation, population health, inequalities and CYP are
areas that need to be included in refresh. Recently appointed AHP Lead in
CYP, Pauline Beirne, would have input to the refreshed plan.
The NDP should mirror 2020 Vision: what will health and social care look
like then. Consultation will take place as previously.
Suggest this might be opportunity for PBs to ask for conversation with
Maureen Watt.
New Appointments in Health team
Kathleen Calderwood has been appointed as new CMO; Fiona McQueen has
been appointed as Chief Nursing Officer. TM would be stepping up to
CHPO role during Jacqui Lunday-Johnstone’s maternity leave.
Advertisement for ACHPO vacancy for this period.
Workforce issues
Gynaecologists not doing graft implants so there is a need for more for pelvic
floor physios.
Financial challenges
TM informed members that there were negotiations with key stakeholders on
what can be commissioned. Financial case for any work will be key. Work
by NES for example – looking at Quality improvement and leadership/
building capacity. Need to push improvement methodology as day to day
needs and look at delivering in a different way. TM had met with
Academic Heads and encouraged them to think about how to address these
problems. (Fiona Coutts)
Ann Murray (National Falls lead) has training in methodology: look at how
to use her knowledge to support boards.
Kim Hartley commented on RCSLT discussions with NES about leadership
capacity – could be example of use of Professional Body’s budget to
common cause. Need to look for other sources of funding.
Important to apply principles that work across the board - Do it Once for
Scotland – find examples of good evidence based practice – use this
throughout the country not just locally.
AHPFS meeting with Cabinet Secretary for Health
TM had picked up on the points about AHPFS representation on Integration
Board. She spoke to colleague about this. The steering group and
implementation group is being reformed with intention of making one new
group to focus on delivery of Integration. TM has asked for representation
of AHPFS on the group – will hear more. New group will probably not
meet until after summer. Geoff Huggins is head of team on Integration.
(TM to share copy of her request with members).
Student Support
A review of student support is being carried out. Cab Sec met with
colleagues from HEIs – student support to form part of NMAHP review.
Review of health clearance, PVG, uniforms, travel and accommodation costs
while on placements. TM warned that there are different issues and
terminology in Nursing and Midwifery – funding streams are different within
government (student nurses receive a bursary).
Scottish Government had confirmed to academic heads that immunisation
and PVG would be funded centrally for 2015/16. TM will confirm time
scale of review so that members know when it will be addressed. KLJ
suggested there might be a need for consultation on the issues raised.
Help for smaller professions
There was no update on this – the focus of the group was to be the subject of
internal discussions with workforce team, so it should stay on agenda.
Refresh of Scottish Government’s SR10
Adam Longhorn had requested that AHPFS look at how to influence the
draft replacement for this - opportunity to raise development of AHP services
with Boards.
Loss of AHP Consultant posts
Members had expressed concern at the recent loss of three AHP consultants
– seemed a high proportion to lose at one time. TM explained that Scottish
Govt cannot increase head count so a solution was to develop AHP
consultant or Lead posts to deliver on work – usually 18mth to 2 yr
secondments. The focus of these posts would be on particular areas of work
eg Heather Hall in the Alliance; Elaine Hunter at Alzheimer Scotland,
Yolanda Strachan and Jenny Ackland at Age Scotland. A post around
vocational rehabilitation was being developed. The Consultants were placed
in third sector bodies that were keen to work with govt to do particular work.
SG had been up-front about fixed term contracts. The contracts were seen as
a development opportunity but there was no guarantee of future employment
– need to look at exit strategy more carefully. Organisations benefit from the
placement but were not required to provide any funding though it had been
anticipated that there might be an expectation of future employment once
benefit of person in post was seen. TM reminded members that there is
always a risk that at the conclusion of such a secondment the employee may
not get back the job they left. There was also an issue over different level of
payment of AHP consultants in third sector compared to the health service.
It was agreed that it was worrying to lose these leadership posts. Members
asked TM for a list – Scottish Govt currently funds 15 or 16 posts. It was
noted that Boards also appoint and fund Consultants; 20-25 are employed by
Health Boards.
Need for ownership of funding. Nurse consultant posts continue to be
funded – but not AHPs. Public awareness of AHPs is different from
nursing – lack of profile. Need to get smarter and address challenges.
Importance of building capacity.
Robert Peat informed members that AHP Consultants in his service – one in
dementia and one in older adults – have been locally funded on a trial basis.
Nurse consultants had been tried in similar way and were now permanent.
Margot McBride said she asked Nicola Sturgeon if she was still committed to
the programme she had supported as health sec – support for AHP fellowship
award and practitioner levels for all AHPs. She was assured of the
continuing commitment. Margot McBride highlighted particular need in
diagnostic radiography/radiotherapy: anticipate 85% increase in demand by
Kenryck Lloyd Jones asked about Self referral: did this apply across other
AHPs not just MSK. TM to check.
Community of practice
A two year delivery report was to be uploaded – TM will send link to Sec for
AHP strategic w/f Steering Group – revised Terms of Reference. Maria has
redrafted these: discuss as Federation then forward to TM.
Workforce integration group
TM reported that a Workforce Integration Group was being set up within
Scottish Government. AHP team will have a routine monthly meeting with
workforce colleagues. Members were invited to inform TM of any issues
that should be raised.
Workforce development group
Members asked if there had been any progress on this. TM to check.
It was noted that the Minister for Public Health is in charge of AHPs. AHP
matters also of interest to the Health Secretary. The value and role of AHPs
needs support from all parties: joint brief for debate should be shared as soon
as it is ready.
It was agreed that AHPFS should liaise with TM before the next meeting
with Shona Robison, probably in the autumn. Members would be asked for
comments and issues they would like to flag up at this meeting.
The Convenor thanked Tracy MacInnes for the comprehensive update on
AHP matters and Scottish Government.
4. Matters arising
Developments to help Smaller professions on hold – see above
Student immunisation – see above
Links with ADSG – Convenor to follow up with Billy McClean once
Work Plan has been finalised.
QSV funds – a portion of funding from Scottish Government was not
spent. AHPFS to use remaining funds for promotion of QSV. KLJ/GS
– under work plan.
Conference on Integration on 28 April attended by 150 people.
Six different key stakeholders each put forward three key points on how
to make integration work. KH and GS put together a presentation on
behalf of AHPFS. Seeking common ground with potential partners in the
health family. Better engagement required with decision making,
leadership, new ways of working, developing team working and
interfaces - fit with integration.
This event provided an opportunity for working with other bodies on
areas of mutual concern. Others picked up on budget allocation and
representation at the right tables. We are stronger working together.
Develop clear view from AHPFS.
The Convenor thanked KH/GS for attending the event and for presenting
on behalf of AHPFS.
It was noted that a report by BMA/RCN on the roundtable event was
expected but had not yet been issued.
The event had been a useful model for a future event. At the meeting
with Cabinet Secretary it had been suggested that a partnership event
might be held to engender network literacy. There was clearly an
appetite for cross profession working and it was good for AHPs to be
seen as key players. (NB put Conference on work plan.)
Health professions discussion on sustainability in Health 23.2.15
Five representatives of AHPFS attended. After the event the salient
points were circulated for comment to those who attended and a report
was to be issued at the end of March. How will report be used?
There was tension around demographics and a feeling that a financial
crisis is pending. Need to do things differently, but still looking at a
medical model: sickness service rather than prevention and early
intervention. AHPs are well positioned and well skilled to take over in
joint work. Links between AHP model and progress need to be
Distribution of power and influence around the table has to change.
Promotion and listening go together. Promote in a different arena –
ensure public are aware of what they should be getting.
H& S Committee on Sustainability and Seven day working
KLJ reported on roundtable. Discussion focussed on how many doctors
are in hospitals at weekends. Provision in community settings won’t get
focus. Asking if hospitals are more dangerous places at weekends
makes for unfair comparison. AHPs and RCN talked about patient flow
– prevention of admission to A&E. Hospital provision on 7 day service
would require 40% increase in funding – is this the best place for the
increased funding to be applied? AHPs diagnostics and outcomes are
cheaper and more efficient. What is sustainability about – should be
about patient flow, not about why more people die in hospitals at
weekends. Positive response to points made but didn’t fully take up.
The transcript of the session is available on-line. There is insufficient
data collection to look at bed savings etc. Evidence is key to proving the
worth and cost effectiveness of services. There are training issue on
both undergrad and grad programmes – need more capacity.
Heather Cameron is representative on the task force looking at
Sustainability but she has been unable so far to attend meetings of
AHPFS. She is getting papers very late so there is no opportunity to
seek input from AHPFS.
The Convenor suggests that there should be a proforma for feedback to
AHPFS. There needs to be a more effective flow of information between
group and reps. The AHP voice in that forum is not being heard as the
system does not work.
The Convenor stressed the importance of responding promptly to
anything about Seven Day services and the work of the Sustainability
group, particularly in relation to AHP workstream.
It was suggested that AHPFS might work jointly with ADSG on the
availability of stats to demonstrate the impact of AHPs. Change fund
work in every health board should be available.
Care in the community is important too – need for support if discharged
from hospital at weekends. Not just important to have staff in hospitals.
KLJ drew attention to a publication from CSP on the cost of falls: physio
saves £1.50 per person.
Convenor to contact Heather Cameron.
Improving patient flow event 17 3 15
Very concentrated on medical model. Surgical procedures etc. Working
with three health boards: a lot of money being spent. Funding focussed
on front-line services.
AHP budgets cut at Scottish Government level – have there been
equivalent cuts to nursing, primary care.
Maria Murray confirmed that funding for AHP work in NES was an
issue. She calculates that they have lost about 40% of funding from
Scottish Government for AHPs. MM had asked about cuts to other areas
in NES – nursing and midwifery seem not to be similarly affected. NES
AHP Advisory Forum – major discussion. It was suggested that if there
is evidence of discrimination against AHPs this could be used in media
campaign. (see AHP Advisory Forum Minutes.)
Age Scotland proposal for Partnership
Links with retirement networks for ‘Parish AHP’ project: volunteers
must be HCPC registered. Two radiographers have signed up.
Convenor would like to invite Age Scotland and Alliance representatives
to join a future meeting of AHPFS.
5. Professional Body Reports
The Convenor requested that verbal reports be brief and only relate to
matters on which comment from the group is needed. Written reports
received will be included with Minutes.
 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Pelvic health campaign – mesh surgery: the Cabinet Secretary has responded
that all women should be getting Physiotherapy. The service is not
adequately funded.
Falls tool to be sent out next week – highlights cost savings.
 Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists
Robert Peat reported on a Strategy meeting that Chief Executive attended:
HEIs and how we work with them.
Integration – looking at growth in demand and lack of funding
MSK new four week target will be hard to achieve
Phil Mackie, public health consultant, has prepared draft report – share with
AHPFS (topic)
 College of Occupational Therapy
Gaby Stewart reported new campaign on Occupational Therapy – conference
in June. An event in Grampian prison will be attended by Princess Anne.
Highlight the role of Occupational Therapy in criminal justice.
Perth launch.
Published new Housing leaflet on benefits of Occupational Therapy.
GS wonders if there is anything that can be done to encourage local
authorities to set up appropriate structures to facilitate integration.
Culture clash between NHS and Local Authorities and Social work
departments: these relationships are very important.
It was noted that Chief Social workers have been appointed as heads of joint
Robert Peat commented that Integration is a threat to individual professions
and what you get depends on where you are – postcode lottery.
 British Association of Dramatherapists (Appendix I)
Gen Smyth reported that she compiled NHS Borders Mental Health Service
Research & Evaluation which will be presented at an event on the
Coordination of integration of adult health and social care on 15 May. The
new Borders integration officer, Susan Mannion, will attend; also attending
will be Commissioners for CYP services in Borders. Twenty services across
Borders will be represented – lots of data. Emphasis on referral reported
feedback compared to patient recorded.
Two strands to Dramatherapy – heavy on training – Media campaign this
year has given good exposure.
HCPC Arts Therapies promotional campaign was launched on 15 April
 British Association for Music Therapy
Emma MacLean reported on new opportunities for Music Therapy as result
of new government.
Music therapy and dementia network has been set up. Research needed.
Strategic alliance with QMU on OT, art therapy and music therapy.
Music Therapy week: 22 – 26 June.
Conference on Neurological music therapy in June.
Music Therapy and Art Therapy courses at QMU have been revalidated for
next five years.
 Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
Introduced Marie Gascoigne as newly appointed representative.
Kim Hartley reported that she had been generating manifesto messages –
keen to put together collective AHP message for 2016.
Intelligence bank being developed across UK – sustained collection of good
news stories etc. Have other PBs got templates for gathering information, or
other ways of making this work.
CYP – working with Pauline Beirne, AHP advisor in CYP services in
Scottish Govt. AHP Children’s Plan will be out for consultation over the
summer. Due out late June. Shared messages would be good.
KH wondered if it would be appropriate to convene an Extraordinary
meeting for CYP engagement after the plan is published so that joint
feedback can be submitted from AHPFS.
POG discussion on AHPFS / relationships with POG.
Margot McBride asked how SLT workforce copes with demands for stroke
services etc. KH explained that the issue is the number of posts available,
not the availability of graduates.
 British Association of Art Therapists
Tony Chenery reported that the UK AGM takes place shortly and Scottish
AGM/Council later in year.
Policy Officer post will be advertised later in the year as the need for
capacity in Scotland has been recognised.
Tony Chenery announced that he is retiring, and that this would be his final
meeting of AHPFS.
 Society & College of Radiographers (Appendix II)
Maria Murray reported that there are over one hundred Consultant
radiographers in the UK . Recommendation that Radiographers working at
Advanced and Consultant level should apply for CoR Accreditation.
Contribution to public consultation on proposals to introduce Independent
prescribing by radiographers across the UK – four devolved administrations
fed into this.
AHA awards: Two radiographer supplementary prescribers got the first prize
in these awards.
Satellite centre to Beatson Institute is opening at Monklands – first patients
will be treated in November.
Maria Murray also reported that she had attended a meeting of the NES
Leadership and Quality Improvement Steering Group (see Appendix III)
6. Work plan
Work Plan 2014-15
Members looked at the review of 2014-15 work plan which KH had
produced. Members were to be congratulated on what had been achieved
during the year.
It was suggested that members look at the items that were not completed and
consider whether it was appropriate to take these forward into 2015-16 work
plan, or whether they were no longer priorities.
Work Plan 2015-16
Key objectives to be agreed from the headings: categorise objectives using
flip chart. Everything covered under five headings listed. Marie Gascoigne
agreed to expand this to incorporate the objectives included in the table.
Convenor thanked Marie Gascoigne for a new angle on the Business Plan.
Terms of Reference have already been agreed.
Members should consider what change they want to see and agree a set of
common issues. Return to the three burning issues identified for the BMA
The five headings should be standing items on future agenda – to be revisited
and updated at each meeting.
Members were asked to notify Convenor which parts of the plan they are
particularly interested in:
Influencing – Gaby Stewart (including CJ)
Business planning – Margot McBride and Convenor
PR – Refresh of leaflet – KLJ and Margot McBride
Measuring impact – Maria Murray and Kirsty Dewar
Janice McNee offered to share CSP communication plan as it might be
possible to adapt this for AHPFS use.
 Representation on Scottish Government Integration Implementation
group: need to agree draft circulated by KH. Should appoint asap. Look
for external applicants also. Emphasise importance of feedback to
AHPFS. Ask Alysson Taylor for information – KH to circulate revised
Process for selecting the representative agreed. Nomination pack to be
sent out within two weeks – by beginning of June. Applications to be
returned by mid June to Convenor and VC. Open to policy officers as
Panel will discuss applications by teleconference – Convenor, Vice
Convenor (or Margot McBride), Kirsty Dewar. Feedback to applicants to
be provided by chair of panel.
Representation on AHP Career Fellowship Selection Board
Margot McBride has represented AHPFS on the Board. It was agreed the
duties should be rotated among members. The Fellowship Scheme is
open to AHPs: CPD will be looked at closely for funding; professional
courses also considered. Need to consider impact on patient pathway
when awarding funds. Much depends on how the forms are completed.
Applications are sent to Board to assess and then review panel attend
meeting to agree awards, usually two meetings per year.
Janice McNee was selected as AHPFS representative on the panel. Sec
to let NES know. Enquire whether it is appropriate for her to share
applications with other PBs to obtain their input and knowledge.
Representative on NES AHP Advisory Group
The Convenor invited nominations to replace Tony Chenery as AHPFS
representative on this group. Marie Gascoigne accepted nomination. Sec
to notify NES of change of rep.
Meeting of Academic Heads Group
Maria Murray had attended a meeting of the Academic Heads Group on
12 May. She reported that the group was keen to re-instate a joint
meeting with AHPFS once a year. Agreed to discuss this at next
meeting of AHPFS.
Policy Officers’ Group
Reported that a meeting of the Policy Officers Group had taken place on
11 May. Communication about POG and its role to be shared with
members. Consideration being given to inclusion of non-AHP bodies in
The Convenor apologised for over-run on what had been a busy meeting.
She thanked members for their attendance and for their contribution to
discussion. She thanked Tony Chenery for representing BAAT on AHPFS
and wished him well in his retirement. Good wishes were extended to Gary
Evans, BIOS representative, who is also retiring.
A vote of thanks was given to Eric Mitchell, Capability Scotland, for
providing the use of their Boardroom.
8. Dates and venues of forthcoming meetings
Thursday, 10 September 2015 – NHS Education for Scotland, West Port
Thursday, 26 November 2015 – Eric Liddle Centre, Morningside
Thursday, 11 February 2016 – Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Gyle
Report on The British Association of Dramatherapists (BADth)
Relief Aid
In liaison with colleagues in Nepal whom I delivered Dramatherapy Training to, I have
coordinated local fundraising for urgent supplies for those affected by the recent earthquake.
Dramatherapy in the News 1 - BBC Three Counties Radio
Dramatherapist / Artistic Director of May Contain Nuts theatre company, Gerald Maiello was
asked to do a radio interview on BBC three counties radio on Sunday 19 April between 12pm. Gerald talked about their upcoming project, where they are collaborating with trestle
theatre base to create a piece around self harm, starting this month, and also about
Dramatherapy. The project will run from April to September. You can still listen to this
interview by visitinghttp://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02pcrq6
Dramatherapy in the News 2 - From Stratford to Rio: using Shakespeare to treat mental
Dramatherapy in the News 3
Dramatherapist Kim Dent-Brown was interviewed by the BBC on Wednesday 22 April about
the Brazil dramatherapy story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-32241100. You can find the
programme by visitinghttp://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02p66mf
HCPC Arts Therapies Campaign
Arts Therapies Promotional Campaign was launched on the 15th April 2015.
The Arts Therapists landing page www.hcpc-uk.org/artstherapists is now live and has been
updated with the logo and copy about the campaign, plus links to case studies and the Q&A.
There is also an article that was published in the National Health Executive publication for
1-3 - Opening the Map - Dramatherapy in Europe - EFD Conference in Athens
8-9 - Training Courses in Neuro-Dramatic-Play and Embodiment-Projection-Role in
Glastonbury with Dr Sue Jennings. Also 17/18 July.
8-10 - Psychodrama Experiential Workshop with Anna Chesner
(registered Dramatherapist, Psychodrama Psychotherapist) at the Maudsley Hospital London.
Contact chesnera@aol.com020 7515 6342 www.londoncentreforpsychodrama.org
15 May – NHS Borders Community Mental Health Service Research & EvaluationGenevieve Smyth
16–17 - Psychodrama and the Brain Open Access Workshop
at London Centre for Psychodrama at the Maudsley Hospital c/o Anna Chesner
20 - Attachment, Survival and Human Relationships.
With Mandy Squires and Gillian Downie. 10am-4.30pm Gestalt Centre Wales, Chepstow,
NP16 5ER, just over the bridge from Bristol. Contact Gillian g.downie2@ntlworld.com
5 - Training day. Empowering children to tell their stories
9.30am-4.00pm. £105.00 lunch included. Diane Ball and Bernadette Smith T.Bay services,
Westmorland Hotel. Email bernadetteanddiane@hotmail.com
12 - FATAG Conference - 33rd Conference, London
13 - Dramatherapy and Dementia – a BADth CPD day in Central London.
Dementia is an increasingly visible topic of interest in the media and reports of new
treatments and potential cures regularly make headline news. Yet this visibility contrasts
strikingly with the stigma and fear that society in general regards dementia and those who
live with it. How do we engage creatively and hopefully with this client group and what can we
offer that enhances and enriches their lives as well as those caring for them?
The opportunity to hear and work with John Killick, renowned in the field of dementia studies,
is one not to be missed. Participants will also learn about the dementia context, a research
perspective as well as practical ways of working with the condition.
2-6 - Roehampton University Dramatherapy Summer School
3 - Training Day.Working with miniatures with children
9.30am-4.00pm. £105.00 lunch included. Diane Ball and Bernadette Smith T.Bay services,
Westmorland Hotel Email bernadetteanddiane@hotmail.com
1-8 - 12th Annual Summer School in Romania with Dr Sue Jennings.
20-22 - End Games, a marionette production about dementia and memory loss.
Kate Middleton, Puppet Theatre Barge, London Tickets £12 www.puppetbarge.com
4 - ICRA Conference - Arts Therapies and Dementia in the 21st Century
on Friday 4th September at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
5-7 - 2015 BADth Annual Conference
16-19 - Ecarte Conference
'Cultural Landscapes in Arts Therapies' - Participation, diversity and dialogue' - in Palermo,
Sicily. Visit www.ecarte.info
G Smyth
5 May 2015
The Society & College of Radiographers (SCoR)
Professional Officer Report for the AHPfS
(May 2015).
The new Clinical Imaging Network (SCIN) is now up and running – under NSD. The 4 priority
areas are:
o National procurement of clinical image reporting services (e.g. reporting hub)
o GP access to imaging
o 7 day working
o Quality improvement
Website is
SCoR are urging all Scottish radiographers who are working at advanced and consultant
practice levels to apply for CoR Accreditation. See https://www.sor.org/careerprogression/advanced-practitioners/advanced-practitioner-accreditation and
the accreditation is achieved via CPD Now.
Activity within the CoR Image interpretation module of the E-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH)
education platform has seen a major increase - the project accesses went up +800 hours in
April compared to the same month in the previous year, over doubling from ~800 hours to
>1600 hours. The main website is www.e-lfh.org.uk – then go to “Projects” to see what is
available. Do encourage your colleagues to use this free CPD site.
Both the SoR and the CoR have launched their new Strategic Plan for the next 3 years – The
SoR mission statement focuses on society healthcare through promotion of social justice and
public service. The CoR mission focuses on standards for education & practice, research
activity and working with patients & other service users.
SCoR had launched its manifesto which could be used for the 2016 Scottish manifesto - it
includes “The role of the radiographer in..” leaflets - http://www.sor.org/aboutradiography/promotional-resources
The Society of Radiographers has emphatically rejected proposals from the HCPC to increase
registration fees by 12.5 per cent.
The organisation is involved in the public consultation on proposals to introduce independent
prescribing by radiographers across the UK.
Maria Murray
May 2015
NES Leadership & Quality Improvement Steering Group
4th March 2015
To whom is the AHP Federation Scotland members
report is being
sent to?
Resume of
I attended the re-named NES Leadership for Improvement
Group / Event /
Steering Group (on behalf of AHPfS) – issues discussed were
the fact that the NES Education Projects Manager role
overseeing this project had been advertised (Susan Shandley
moved onto another NES role) but now SGHD had stalled on the
funding – they are reviewing all work programmes to see if they
are still viable in this financial climate.
A review of all leadership and QI resources has been
undertaken in the first year – from various sources, including
professional bodies.
A discussion took place about each AHP Director having a
capacity and capability plan for their own Board.
Outcomes / Key
Implications for
The NHS HIS QI Hub is open to all – all AHPs should do the
foundation part (3 modules) at the very least - Foundation
learning resources introduce staff to widely used improvement
methods to help support them achieve the outcome they are
aiming for.
Highlight the Foundation learning resource to all NHS AHP
contacts in Scotland.
Keep an eye on the fact that the CHPO office is reviewing all
work programmes to see if they are still viable in this financial
climate. This may impact on other AHP projects.
A good meeting but for the “elephant” in the room – funding. No
confirmed date of next meeting as yet.
Maria Murray
Date: 2nd April 2015