Unit 3 Study Guide

Unit 3: Romanticism & Transcendentalism
Study Guide
Romanticism Time Period Details:
 Dates:
 Main characteristics:
o What types of things did they focus on?
What does ‘romantic’ mean in this context? (NOT love stories)
Romantic authors that we read:
Dark Romanticism
o How does this differ from Romanticism?
Who were some Dark Romantic writers?
Transcendentalism Movement Details:
Remember: Transcendentalism isn’t a time period, it’s a literary movement within the Romanticism time period
 Dates:
 Main Characteristics:
o What types of things did their writing focus on?
What did Transcendentalists base their beliefs on?
Transcendentalist authors that we read:
Texts Read
“Psalm of Life” by ______________________
What was the speaker trying to convince the reader to do?
“Self Reliance” by _____________________
 What is an aphorism?
List some examples of aphorisms from “Self Reliance”.
How did the speaker feel about individualism?
“The Devil and Tom Walker” by _________________________
 Name several symbols from this story:
What lessons were learned from this story?
How do these lessons fit with the classic features of Romanticism?
“Civil Disobedience” by ______________________
 What was the historical context of this essay? (What was going on in the world/what was the speaker
rebelling against?)
How did Thoreau feel that people should react to their government if they did not agree with
“Civil Disobedience” is a _________________ source.
“Fable” and “The Park” by _________________________ (poems)
 The moral/lesson of “Fable” is:
“A Rose for Emily” by ______________________
 Who was Emily Grierson?
Who was found dead in Emily’s house?
Based on the story of Emily’s life, what can we infer about why she would kill him and keep his body?
How does this fit Dark Romanticism?
“The Raven” by _____________________
 Who is the speaker mourning the loss of? (Who does he miss?)
How does the tone of the poem shift?
Literary Terms covered in Unit 3:
You will be given passages/excerpts from things we read and will be required to identify the literary term that is
 Allegory
 Aphorism
 Imagery
 Symbol/symbolism
 Parallelism
 Alliteration
 Assonance
 End Rhyme
 Internal Rhyme
 Superlative/comparative/Positive adjectives (Grammar handout)
 Superlative= Compares three or more (Most, biggest, tallest)
 Comparative= Compare 2 items/people/etc. (more, bigger, taller)
 Positive= Just describe (red, big, tall, etc.)