Click here to ECDC 2016 Conference RFP

Ethiopian Community Development Council, Inc.
22nd National Conference & Network Training Sessions Proposals Form
Beyond Shelter for Refugees and Immigrants:
Moving from Protection to Integration
We invite your submission of a proposal in the following thematic categories. Please indicate your
selection with an (X) in the box.
Community Outreach
These sessions will focus on enhancing and increasing community connections and newcomer support
systems. Sessions might include:
Developing and conducting meaningful fund-raising activities.
Using outreach (e.g., social media platforms) to increase volunteer assistance, donations, and agency
capacity building;
Building and sustaining welcoming communities for refugees;
Addressing xenophobic and/ or anti-Muslim sentiments, and how to combat these attitudes;
Misconceptions about the screening and vetting process for refugees;
Culturally competent literacy programs that target hard to reach adult refugees;
Challenges and Successes in establishing and sustaining meaningful partnerships with local, state, and
federal agencies and organizations; or
Youth leadership development activities.
Cultural Orientation
This session will highlight best practices in:
Providing culturally and linguistically appropriate cultural orientation to refugees;
Training of trainers;
Improving cultural orientation services for specific populations; or
Monitoring and evaluating the success of cultural orientation efforts.
Serving Vulnerable Populations
Sessions include how refugee service agencies provide and/or ensure access to culturally- and
linguistically-appropriate services and support to refugees with special needs. Topics may include:
Refugees with health and mental health issues, including, but not limited to: children’s health issues;
and other common health conditions affecting refugees; domestic violence; health services for women
and girls; HIV/AIDS; reproductive health; sexual- and gender-based violence; substance abuse;
suicide; and youth and mental health;
LGBTI refugees – managing identity and resettlement/integration in the U.S.;
Single parents – managing responsibilities and obligations;
Refugee minors – ensuring adequate support and supervision, especially for those resettling with
extended family members;
Young adult or elderly refugees who lack familial support;
Access to the Affordable Care Act or affordable health care services; or
Best practices in providing client-centered long-term intensive case management.
Addressing the Needs of Highly Skilled Refugees and Immigrants
This session will help service providers understand how to effectively work with this group of
individuals. Topics may include:
Job development and networking strategies for skilled positions;
Guidance for managing the process of foreign credential evaluation and recertification;
Opportunities to access education and training programs;
Challenges and Best Practices working with SIV-holders and their families; or
Managing Expectations.
Employment and Economic Empowerment
This session will focus on refugees’ empowerment through employment and self-sufficiency. It will
highlight topics such as:
Skills trainings, employability assessments, and understanding of US work ethics;
Effective ways to removing language and other barriers to employment;
How to develop culturally sensitive jobs for refugees;
Provision of post-employment services;
Employment opportunities and available resources to refugees; or
Employment retention best practices.
Integration for Women and Girls
This session will focus on the shift of gender dynamics refugees may face when adjusting to life in the
United States and how to empower women and girls to integrate into their new communities. Potential
topics may include:
Empowerment programs and initiatives to increase women and girls’ leadership and participation
within their communities;
Effective ways to support and strengthen their protection;
Challenges to culture and/or religion pertaining to gender roles; or
Domestic violence.
Role of the Media
These sessions focus on the media’s role when reporting on refugee crisis. Content could cover:
Impact social media has on making the public aware of the refugee crisis;
Media’s role in shaping the public’s view of Africa; or
Effective ways to use the media to strengthen refugee support.
Protection from Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
This session will focus on how service providers can help in both preventing sexual exploitation and
abuse by providers, and in responding to allegations of exploitation and abuse. Content should cover:
Inter-Agency Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse; or
Developing and operationalizing agency’s code of conduct and client grievance/complaint policy.
Ethiopian Community Development Council
22 National Conference on African Refugees and Immigrants
April 26 – April 29, 2016
Holiday Inn Arlington at Ballston ● Arlington, VA
Beyond Shelter for Refugees and Immigrants:
Moving from Protection to Integration
Submission Process:
Save this form to your desktop (for example, as “2016 ECDC RFP”).
Complete the form and save it (for example, as “Last Name, First Name 2016 ECDC RFP”).
Email completed form to .
NOTE: In order have your proposal considered; please remember to provide us with all information
requested, including all speaker names and biographies.
Category: (See descriptions above)
• Community Outreach
• Cultural Orientation
• Serving Vulnerable Populations
• Addressing the Needs of Highly Skilled Refugees
• Employment and Economic Empowerment
• Integration of Women and Girls
• Role of the Media
• Protection from Sexual Abuse
Workshop Title:
Abstract: Please give a brief description of the session and the intended objective (200 words or less)
Type of Presentation
Single Presenter
2-3 Presenters
Number of Presenters
Time Required:
Please note that sessions are no longer than 90 minutes.
Audio Visual Needs
Please indicate:
Overhead Projector
Contact Information of Session Organizer
Mailing Address:
Contact Information of Additional Presenter(s)
Mailing Address:
Contact Information of Additional Presenter(s)
Mailing Address:
NOTE: ECDC will not cover accommodations or travel costs.
Submit your workshop concept proposal as Last Name, First Name 2016 ECDC RFP and e-mail it as an
attachment by 5 p.m. on Monday, February 8, 2016 to:
Evaluation and Selection Process
All submitted presentations and proposals will be reviewed by the conference planning committee and
will be selected based on the content and relevance of the topic. Presenters will be notified in March
Biography: Please provide us with short biographies of each presenter (350 words or less each).
Proposals without biographies will be considered incomplete. If you have more than three speakers, send
other bios as attachments to the above email address with the submission.
Session Organizer/Speaker:
Second Speaker:
Third Speaker:
For further information about RFP Sessions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Meaza Belachew
Conference Coordinator
Ethiopian Community Development Council
901 South Highland Street
Arlington, VA 22204
Phone: (703) 685-0510, Ext 259
Fax (703) 685-0529