File - My E

Mitchell Rueckert
BUS 1050-003 ESSAY
Professor Engh
1. Ascetic Aloofness: The ability to escape from ones unrighteousness. R.H.
Tawney: The Social Organism from Religion and the Rise of Capitalism:
Foundation of Business Thought: Alan and Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
Missionaries use ascetic aloofness when they leave the world behind.
2. Architectonics: the unifying structural design of something R.H. Tawney: The
Social Organism from Religion and the Rise of Capitalism: Foundation of
Business Thought: Alan and Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
The Architectonics of the Eiffel Tower are amazing.
3. Authoritative rule: The Whip of authority that gets things done. Robert L.
Heilbroner: The Economic Revolution: Foundation of Business Thought: Alan
and Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
Policemen use the authoritative whip when pulling someone over.
4. Avarice: Excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain. R.H. Tawney: The
Social Organism from Religion and the Rise of Capitalism: Foundation of
Business Thought: Alan and Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
Donald Trump is over avarice.
5. Communism: A theory advocating elimination of private property. Charles
Darwin: Natural Selection: as found in Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
The communism of china is still practiced today.
6. Corporate Greed: The greed that businesses have to become wealthier and
wealthier. Charles Darwin: Natural Selection: as found in Merriam-Webster
The desire of Toyota to continue to become wealthier without looking at the
loss shows their corporate greed.
7. Domestication: to adapt (an animal or plant) to life in intimate association
with and to the advantage of humans. Charles Darwin: Natural Selection: as
found in Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Dogs live with their masters therefore they have under gone domestication.
8. Economic Revolution: The massive change in the economy that lead to many
great things.
The major changes in agriculture throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.
9. Equilibrium: a state of adjustment between opposing or divergent influences
or elements: Charles Darwin: Natural Selection From the Origin of Species: as
found in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary.
In Marketing we can use the point of equilibrium to find our break even
10. Indifferentism: Belief that all religions are equally valid. R.H. Tawney: The
Social Organism from Religion and the Rise of Capitalism: Foundation of
Business Thought: Alan and Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
Most of the world practices indifferentism.
11. Industrial Revolution: The change in the industries, change to mass
production. R.H. Tawney: The Social Organism from Religion and the Rise of
Capitalism: Foundation of Business Thought: Alan and Sandomir, Pearson,
Boston, 2007.
The change in agriculture in the 18th and 19th centuries.
12. Market System: Each should do what was to his best monetary advantage.
Robert L. Heilbroner: Foundation of Business Thought: Alan and Sandomir,
Pearson, Boston, 2007.
Companies in the world today must use the marketing system or they will
13. Monasticism: Of or relating to monasteries or to monks or nuns. R.H.
Tawney: The Social Organism from Religion and the Rise of Capitalism:
Foundation of Business Thought: Alan and Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
Many people practice Monasticism to separate themselves from the world.
14. Natural Selection: it is a power compared with mans selection. Charles
Darwin: Natural Selection From the Origin of Species: as found in Mariam
Natural Selection shows the way we have changed through out time to
become better,
15. Quietism: A passive or withdrawn attitude. R.H. Tawney: The Social
Organism from Religion and the Rise of Capitalism: Foundation of Business
Thought: Alan and Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
Many when angered use quietism as their way of coping.
16. Remuneration: recompense, pay back: Charles Darwin: Natural Selection
From the Origin of Species: as found in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary.
The Remuneration is too great he will never remunerate us.
17. Renunciation: the act or practice of renouncing: R.H. Tawney: The Social
Organism from Religion and the Rise of Capitalism: Foundation of Business
Thought: Alan and Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
The government sends out renunciation for the things they say.
18. Repudiation: The refusal of public authorities to acknowledge or pay a debt.
R.H. Tawney: The Social Organism from Religion and the Rise of Capitalism:
Foundation of Business Thought: Alan and Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
Criminals repudiate their fines after committing a crime.
19. Socialism: A system of society or group living in which there is no private
property. Charles Darwin: Natural Selection: as found in Merriam Webster
Socialism is the middle ground of many governments.
20. The Moral Law: Causes people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so
that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any anger:
Sun Tzu: The Art of War: Foundation of Business Thought: Alan and
Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
Religions use the moral law to control their followers.
21. The Profit Motive: individuals being provided incentive to relinquish something.
Type One Error: There is something there but you fail to notice it. Edward
Engh. Thinking.
A spider bit me because I committed a type one error.
22. Type Two Error: You think that something is there but there really isn’t.
Edward Engh. Thinking.
My phone vibrated, no it didn’t I was only imagining.
23. Usury: the lending of money with an interest charge for its use;
especially: the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates, Thomas
Aquinas: Of the Sin of Usury: Foundation of Business Thought: Alan and
Sandomir, Pearson, Boston, 2007.
The credit unions offer loans for cars and houses these are types of usury.
24. Variation: divergence in the structural or functional characteristics of an
organism from the species or population norm or average, Charles Darwin:
Natural Selection From the Origin of Species: as found in Merriam-Webster’s
The variation of birds is remarkable.