Initial input for ToR for International Contractors




Technical Workshops

Components and input for ToR of the International Contractor(s)



April 2014

OECD Secretariat


Assessment frameworks and items…….

• Questions

• How will you facilitate the countries to situate the framework in relation to their curriculum and priorities?

• What approach will you take to facilitate decision making by the countries with regard to item selection?

• What would your approach and methodology be to ensure that development of any national items does not impact on the assessment as a whole?

• How would you manage the trade-off between targeting and framework coverage?

• What are the kinds of adaptations that are permissible and desirable to ensure crosscultural validity?

• How would you ensure that the countries are clear on the items and framework coverage?

• Constraints

• Must use the PISA frameworks

• No developing of new items

• Requirements

• Have to ensure sufficient framework coverage and coverage of full range of proficiency levels

Test designs

• Questions

• How would the scaling model you employ ensure comparability to international PISA results and will they propose alternative, exploratory studies to look at better options for the P4D countries?

• What would your approach be to test targeting?

• How would you ensure that items are selected from all the proficiency levels even if there are more easier items?

• How would you propose a test design that allows for subscale and reporting from one domain?

• How would you ensure adequate linkages between P4D and previous cycles of PISA to facilitate comparability?

• What would be the best test design to allow paper and pencil and elements from PISA 2015 (computer delivery)?

• What would be the most fit for purpose test design with regard to assessment material time, units, clusters and booklet design?

• How would you ensure PISA standards are met?

• Constraints

• All items must be drawn from the secure pool

• Test must be two hours

• Three clusters to ensure comparability with PISA

• Requirements

• Compliance with each of the PISA standards, including sampling, adaptation, security of items, etc.

Proficiency levels, analysis and reporting

• Questions

• What kinds of analysis will you include in the country reports to respond to policy issues and priorities identified by the countries?

• How would you address country specific and analytical priorities that have implications for several of the procedures, starting with the sampling?

• How would you support the capacity building that relates specifically to computation of indices and score generation?

• Constraints

• Results for the countries are confidential to the countries.

• Requirements

• Analytical outputs address the policies and priorities that have been identified by the countries.

• Analysis and reporting has to allow students to demonstrate the full range of proficiency levels in all three domains.

• Must provide additional information in cases where large numbers of students perform below the lowest proficiency levels?

Capacity building

• Questions

• How would you address the capacity building priorities of the countries, including sustainability beyond the project?

• What is your experience of building capacity for student assessment in developing countries?

• How would you ensure that capacity building priorities that are not immediate requirements of the project are met within the time-scale and budget of the project?

• What innovative approaches to data collection that still adhere to PISA standards can be considered?

• How would you support the peer-to-peer learning activities that are part of the project?

• Constraints

• Delivering capacity building within the project time-scale and budget

• Requirements

• Demonstrated capacity to deliver capacity building for student assessment in developing countries.


Implementation with countries

• Questions

• How are you going to ensure effective and fluid communication and engagement with countries?

• How would you assist the countries to interpret the findings and results of the assessments and consider the use of the country report?

• What would you propose for a common framework analysis for the countries and how would this allow country specific priorities?

• How would you support the countries with their communication and dissemination efforts in relation to the results of the assessment?

• How to support communication and mutual support between P4D countries?

• Constraints

• Requirements

• Bidders must provide budget breakdowns for different project implementation scenarios

• Bidders must demonstrate sufficient depth and breadth of knowledge of the context of developing countries

