APHG Unit 2 Concept List

APHG Unit 2 Concept List: Population (& Migration)
1. demography
2. The “J” curve (global population growth trend,
why and where is population explosion around
3. location and characteristics of major population
clusters (historically and emerging)
4. sparsely populated areas (characteristics)
5. be able to spatially describe and analyze
population distribution (density, concentration,
pattern, rural vs. urban)
6. ecumene
7. arithmetic density, agricultural density,
physiological density (be sure you know what
“arable” means)
8. demographic indicators: crude birth rate (CBR),
crude death rate (CDR), natural increase rate
(NIR), total fertility rate (TFR),infant mortality
rate (IMF), life expectancy (note regional
geographic distribution of high and low
demographic indicators)
9. doubling time
10. demographic equation
11. demographic transition model (DTM) (be sure
to know what is happening demographically in
each stage)
12. reasons for rapid population growth
(agricultural revolution, Industrial Revolution,
medical revolution)
13. zero population growth (ZPG) – replacementlevel fertility?
14. The DTM was based off of which country’s
experience? Explain why.
15. population pyramids (age cohort)
16. dependency ratio
17. sex ratio
18. demographic momentum (hidden momentum)
19. overpopulation, carrying capacity
20. environmental impacts of population change on
water use, food supplies, biodiversity, the
atmosphere, and climate
21. Thomas Malthus (exponential growth vs.
arithmetic growth)
22. neo-Malthusians
23. Malthus’ critics (Ester Boserup and Karl Marx)
24. role of economic development in controlling
population (2004 UN conference declaration)
25. anti-natalist policies (strategies to lower the
Crude Birth Rate, one-child policy, female
26. pro-natalist policies (strategies to increase the
Crude Birth Rate, underpopulation, eugenics)
27. epidemiologic transition stages: know how
stages relate to DTM (also know definitions for:
epidemiology, famine, pestilence, pandemic,
degenerative disease)
28. migration, mobility, circulation/cyclic
29. immigration (in-migration) vs. emigration (outmigration) shown with migration and counter
30. Ravenstein’s migration laws (3 types push/pull
factors, distance of migration (gravity
model/distance decay, step migration),
characteristics of migrants =migration
31. refugee (asylum seekers): international refugees
vs. internally displaced peoples (those who
migrate within their country)
32. intervening obstacle vs. intervening opportunity
33. international vs. internal migration
34. voluntary vs. forced (involuntary) migration
35. internal interregional vs. intraregional
36. Wilbur Zelinsky’s Migration Transition Theory
37. global migration patterns
38. USA immigration patterns (from other
39. undocumented immigrants, coyote (hired to
transport illegal immigrants)
40. chain migration
41. consequences of migration (ESPeN)
42. obstacles for immigrants (quotas & attitudes)
43. brain drain, guest workers, remittances
44. interregional migration in the U.S.(Rustbelt &
Sunbelt), Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, Europe, and
45. urbanization vs. counter-urbanization (also
called exurbanization) vs. suburbanization