Zapatista and Cuban Revolution study guide key

Zapatista/Cuban Revolution Study Guide Key
1. Explain why the Zapatistas did not like NAFTA. They were afraid it would
cause poor Mexican farmers to go out of business.
2. Describe what almost caused a nuclear war between the United States and
the Soviet Union. Castro allowed the Soviet Union to build a nuclear launch
complex in Cuba.
3. Place the following events in order: 2 Cuba becomes the first Communist
country in the Western Hemisphere.
1 Castro’s Revolution overthrows
government in Cuba.
3 The relationship between the United States
and Cuba is strained.
4. On January 1, 1994, a guerrilla army called the Zapatista National Liberation
Army started an uprising in the Mexican state of Chiapas. Explain why.
They wanted the Mexican government to help the poor.
5. Describe who in Mexico supports the Zapatista National Liberation Army
(EZLN). The indigenous people of Mexico
6. Explain why the United States placed an embargo on Cuban goods after the
Cuban Revolution. Cuba took over property owned by Americans.
7. Explain what the Zapatistas did to show that they were against NAFTA.
They took over several towns in southern Mexico.
8. Describe how Batista (the former leader of Cuba) and Castro are alike.
They both became dictators.
9. Describe the areas of concern for the Zapatistas. Housing, healthcare,
education, and jobs for the poor in Chiapas.
10.Describe one result of the U.S. stopping trade with Cuba after the Cuban
Revolution. Cuba’s economy suffered.