7.03 Fitness Lifestyle Final Review: Print this out and make notes on

7.03 Fitness Lifestyle Final Review: Print this out and make notes on it to use during the final exam!
Final Review FLD v7
You will have 3 hours to complete your final - you may not “click back” through the course, so make sure
that you use this study guide wisely to help you with the test. The exam will consist of multiple choice,
short answer questions and essay. There may be two answers for a given question.
Things you will need to review
1) What makes up fitness?
2) Excuses for physical activity
3) Best time to exercise during the day
4) Body Fat Percentage
5) BMI
6) Stress (good and bad)
7) Guidelines for sleep
8) Creating goals
9) Brain Foods
10) Benefits of drinking water
11) Importance of Flexibility
12) Benefits of Cardiovascular conditioning
13) FIT Principal
14) Food Group Serving Sizes
15) Ballistic/Dynamic Stretching
16) Poor Diet Consequences
17) Importance of Fat
18) Nutritional Labels Facts
19) Nutrients
20) FIT- What is F.I.T. and varying workouts
21) Components of a workout
22) Benefits of walking/jogging
23) Cardiovascular Machines
24) Benefits of Heart Rate monitors
25) Modifying workouts
26) Picking a personal trainer/gym
27) Losing a pound of fat
*Please remember that there will be questions pulled from your old quizzes.
You must follow these instructions carefully to earn full points on the essay- there is one that is worth 64
or 65 points!!
For it be sure to answer the scenario by setting up the workout plan and nutrition plan for a week.
1. Develop a daily menu (breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks) for the scenario for seven days. Be sure to
consider the lifestyle described in the scenario when designing meals.
. Use the food pyramid to nutritionally balance the menu.
. Include between-meal snacks
. Include some serving sizes
2. Set maximum amounts for daily calories and fat consumed (review lessons 4.08 & 6.07).
3. Design a one week exercise program for the scenario. Remember to consider the time you have and
resources it will require. Your workout plan should include following:
. warming up
. flexibility (including a stretch of each major muscle group)
. cardio, with exercise(s) and times
. strength, with exercises and numbers of sets and reps
. cooling down (repeat of the stretches)
Read carefully. The directions are at the top of the page not directly above this essay - so pay attention!
You must type your answer directly into the student comment box or copy and paste from a word
document. You cannot send attachments. Please save a copy of your essay answer you submit so you
will have reference in case something does not come through.