Newton's second law lab

SPH3U Lab 2: Newton’s 2nd Law
Name: ____________________
In this experiment, you will verify the relationships described by Newton’s
2nd Law: F = ma.
See p. 150 in Nelson Physics 11, Investigation 3.3.1 for experiment
You will be submitting a formal lab report including all the following:
Purpose: Written in your own words.
Hypothesis: Will the lab show that F = ma is true? Make an educated guess –
what will likely happen and WHY.
Materials: listed in point form (be sure to include any modifications compared to
those on p. 150).
Method: in your own words, listed in point form, with sufficient detail that
someone without a science background could follow them successfully.
Observations: Data charts, complete with units and appropriate significant
figures, as well as any qualitative observations.
1) Each partner should determine the acceleration of each their tapes using Excel.
2) For Part A partner, graph Fnet vs. acceleration (should have five data points).
Determine the slope and the significance of the slope (hint: look at the units).
3) For Part B partner, graph acceleration vs. 1/m (one divided by the mass of cart
and any added weights). Determine the slope and the significance of the slope
(hint: look at the units).
4) TOGETHER answer h – m on p. 151.
Conclusion: Summary statement that responds to the purpose.
Name: _________________
Part: __________________
TIPS (Individual)
Completes the lab in an appropriate manner and records all
observations in Excel data tables with appropriate units and
significant figures, or as qualitative descriptions.
Correctly calculates the accelerations and submits Excel files.
Correctly completes graph in Excel, determines slope using Excel,
and determines the significance of the slope.
MC (Shared)
Answer h), i), and j) correctly and completely. Be sure to list
several possible sources of error and REALISTIC ways that they
could be reduced.
All associated questions from k), l), and m) are correctly and
completely answered.
Communications (Shared)
Uses correct lab format with proper subtitles and underlines.
Clear language is used in responses. Neat and organized.
*Note that one communication mark will be automatically lost if the rubric is not
included in the report.
**If you have had difficulties with your partner and would like to be evaluated
separately on all parts please check this box and