Chapter 16 – Quiz From the authors' perspective, which of the

Chapter 16 – Quiz
From the authors' perspective, which of the following terms would be LEAST acceptable in labeling
uncommon sexual behaviors?
a. atypical
b. variant
c. deviant
d. paraphilia
Paraphilias are ________ sexual behaviors.
a. atypical
b. perverted
c. deviant
d. illegal
The term atypical sexual behaviors is used in the text to convey:
a. that the few specific behaviors discussed are the most common paraphilias.
b. extremely deviant sexual behaviors that only occur in males.
c. that while the behaviors are atypical, they exist in many gradations and in many people.
d. that the specific behaviors discussed only occur as a full-blown paraphilia.
Which of the following statements regarding atypical sexual behavior is FALSE?
a. Research indicates that women engage in these behaviors more often than men.
b. They are also called paraphilias.
c. Atypical behaviors often occur in clusters.
d. Some atypical sexual behaviors are illegal.
Which of the following statements concerning atypical sexual behavior is FALSE?
a. People who are unwilling recipients of atypical sexual behavior may be psychologically traumatized.
b. People who are unwilling recipients of atypical sexual behavior are not necessarily negatively
c. Men tend to be more likely to engage in atypical sexual behavior than women.
d. Individuals who engage in atypical sexual behavior find that it usually enhances their sexual/intimate
relationship with a partner.
Research seems to indicate that individuals with one paraphilia:
a. are more likely than average to have a substance abuse problem.
b. are less likely to have legal trouble.
c. often have another, more embarrassing paraphilia that they are trying to hide.
d. are more likely to have several other, similar paraphilias.
Stanley theorizes that the cluster effect of paraphilias is LIKELY due to:
a. one atypical sexual behavior reducing one's inhibitions to other atypical sexual behaviors.
b. erotosexual differentiation
c. operant conditioning to several additional atypical sexual behaviors.
d. hedonic adaptation to one atypical sexual behavior.
One notable impact of atypical sexual behaviors is:
a. people often become more satisfied with sexual and intimate relationships with their partners.
b. people often find it difficult to establish satisfying intimate relationships.
c. people often become more outgoing and self-confident.
d. an increased occurrence of alcoholism.
Many minor sexual offenses are considered to be "nuisance offenses", but this classification is being
revisited because:
a. some offenders progress from minor offenses to more serious forms of sexual abuse.
b. all of these offenses have a sexual component to the crime.
c. some victims of these crimes become sex offenders themselves.
d. not all offenders are registered as sex offenders after being apprehended.
Which of the following individuals would MOST likely be described as a fetishist?
a. A man who uses partial asphyxiation as a way to enhance orgasm.
b. A man who becomes sexually aroused whenever he sees a woman with large breasts.
c. A man who likes to wear white lacy lingerie when he has sex with his wife.
d. A man who cannot reach orgasm unless he is masturbating with a woman's high-heeled shoe.
Which of the following reasons would be LEAST likely to explain why people may engage in
sadomasochistic behavior?
a. Sadomasochism may help individuals overcome hyperactive sexual desire or sexual aversion.
b. Sadistic behavior may temporarily alleviate feelings of inferiority.
c. Masochistic behavior may provide a guilt-relieving mechanism for people who believe sex is sinful
and immoral.
d. Sadistic or masochistic behavior may heighten physiological arousal.
________ are the MOST reported group to engage in erotic asphyxia.
a. Masochists
b. Sadists
c. Married couples
d. White males
An exhibitionist obtains sexual gratification from:
a. cross-dressing.
b. inflicting pain upon another person.
c. secretly observing other people who are naked.
d. exposing his genitals to an involuntary observer.
All of the following are suggested as effective ways to respond to obscene phone calls EXCEPT:
a. use a police whistle to blow in the caller's ear.
b. pretend you are deaf and cannot hear the caller.
c. screen via answering machine, or caller i.d.
d. quietly hang up the telephone.
Generally speaking, voyeurism is expressed by:
a. iIndividuals who are shy and reserved when in large groups of unfamiliar people.
b. individual with a poor self-image and poorly developed sociosexual skills.
c. individuals who also express exhibitionistic tendencies.
d. males in their early 20's with feelings of inferiority and inadequacy.
Your text refers to a relatively new form of voyeurism enabled by technology called:
a. Surreptitious Voyeurism.
b. Internet Voyeurism.
c. Cybervoyeurism.
d. Video Voyeurism.
Voyeuristic behavior may include which of the following activities?
a. Dressing in clothing emblematic of one's own sex for sexual gratification.
b. Rubbing or pressing against a fully-clothed person in a crowded public place.
c. Engaging in behaviors associated with somnophilia.
d. Boring holes into the walls of public dressing rooms.
Video voyeurism:
a. may actually involve the use of either videos or DVDs.
b. refers to a preference for renting pornographic videos over real life activity.
c. are seen in some selected store windows in large cities.
d. refers to high tech, small and difficult to spot video cameras.
All of the following are noncoercive paraphilias EXCEPT:
a. coprophilia.
b. frotteurism.
c. fetishism.
d. klismaphilia.
A study by Templeman and Sinnett found that ________% of college men had engaged in one or more
frotteuristic acts.
a. 5
b. 21
c. 50
d. 12
A sexual variation in which a person obtains sexual gratification by having intercourse with a corpse is
a. klismaphilia.
b. coprophilia.
c. mortuphilia.
d. necrophilia.
The traditional term for men who have insatiable sexual needs is:
a. nymphomania.
b. hypoactive sexual desire.
c. hypogonadism.
d. satyriasis.
All of the following are phases of sexual addiction described by Carnes EXCEPT:
a. despair.
b. ritualistic behaviors.
c. denial.
d. preoccupation.
Sexologists disagree about the existence of sexual addiction because:
a. the disorder is not distinguishable from other compulsive disorders.
b. all of these.
c. the disorder negates individual responsibility.
d. there are no clear criteria about what normal levels of sexual activity are.
Generally speaking, most professional treatment programs for sex addiction are:
a. available only at a few locations in the United States that specialize in sex addiction.
b. available on an out-patient basis at most hospitals.
c. modeled after the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
d. currently under development and have not yet been evaluated for recidivism rates.
The term "paraphilia" is currently used to describe sexual behavior that is uncommon.
Studies show that individuals who engage in atypical sexual behavior find that it enhances their sexual
relationship with a partner.
Many of the coercive paraphilias discussed in the text are illegal.
The most common serious offense to be associated with fetishistic behavior is usually burglary.
A distinguishing feature of transvestic fetishism is that the clothing articles are actually worn instead of
just being viewed or fondled.
Available research reveals that a large number of people who practice sadomasochism overstep
boundaries and become involved in activities that are physically and emotionally dangerous.
It appears that many people who participate in sadomasochistic activities are motivated by a desire to
experience dominance and/or submission rather than to inflict or receive pain.
Autoerotic asphyxia often results in death.
A few men who engage in exhibitionism progress to more serious offenses.
Research has revealed that a significant number of people who work in morgues or funeral homes
engage in necrophilia.