The China Open Door Policy

The China Open
Door Policy
By: Carla Martin, Olivia Frasco, &
Callie Ridenour
What happened…
• At the end of the 19th century-China was at a
political and economic disorder.
• After the Spanish American War-America owned
the Philippines and it was a good strategic plan
because this would allow easy trading.
• The China Open Door Policy would allow trading
including all nations through the Chinese Market.
• The Secretary of State, John Hay, put this operation
in writing which is known as the Open Door Notes.
• Maintain an active trade
• Equal access to commerce between nations
• John Hay’s intentional motive was to create an
open market with all nations so that other great
powers cannot gain full control over China, which
would prevent disputes between the powers fighting
for control of China.
Justifications/Mafia Don
• The China Open Door Policy is beneficial to the
United States because it would help American
traders and the economy. It would stop Great
Britain, France, Russia, Germany, and Japan to try
and gain power over China because everyone
would have equal commerce. This benefits the
Americans so that they control the trade that takes
place though China and are not forced into trading
under the control of other countries.
• John Hay’s decision shows that the China Open
Door Policy was that of a Mafia Don rather than a
How the United States involvement was
beneficial/The Final Result
• Yes-it was beneficial for the U.S. because they
gained an active trade along with expanding their
• It also helped build relationships between the
America and other foreign countries.
• For example-the U.S.-East Asian relations.
• China also greatly benefited from this.
The Open Door Policy allowed China to
overcome their problems...
• Stimulated economic growth
• People's standard of living improved-not only on basic essential
material products, but also on leisure entertainment and hobbies.
• Foreign investments increased
• New advanced technology emerged
• New jobs were created
• However, it also triggered negative effects on China...
• Due to the rapid economic developments in China, serious
environmental problems resulted (such as pollution)
• The air pollution consequentially brought lung disease to the
population, leading to many deaths
The Boxer Rebellion
• The Boxers are a violent, Ancient Chinese Society
who were anti-foreign relations and rebelled against
their government in the 1890’s.
• Many lost their lives and China lost hundreds of
thousands of dollars from their attacks.
• In 1900, America stepped in to help gain control
over the rebellious group.
• This gained the U.S. tremendous support towards
putting the China Open Door Policy in place.
Work Sited…