Nature of Morality

Nature of Morality
Why to study Ethics
Answer all these questions in just yes or
1:You did not help a person who met with an accident in front
of you and was lying on the road waiting for someone to
give him assistance?
2:Have you ever bribed someone for getting your work done?
3:Have you ever discriminated someone because of his caste,
creed, gender or any other thing?
If the answer of any of the above mentioned points is
yes then my friend its time for you to learn ethics:
Origin of the word Ethics
The word ethics comes from a Greek word
Which means character, behavior and
Different views about Ethics
A few years ago, sociologist Raymond Baum hart asked business
people, “What does ethics mean to you?” Among their replies
were the following:
 Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or
 Ethics has to do with my religious beliefs.
 Being ethical is doing what the law requires.
 Ethics consists of the standards of behavior our society
Definition of Ethics
Ethics: Man is a social animal. Man himself has derived certain principles
govern his own individual and group behavior , their basic objective is
always mutual existence and peace . By ensuring security and protection these
standards helps in the survival of the particular
community and thus its members. These
standards of behavior are called “ethics.”
Ethics: Refers to well-based standards of right and wrong that prescribe what
humans ought to do,
usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society . Ethics, for example, refers
to those standards(accepted behaviors) that impose the reasonable obligations to
avoid stealing, murder, assault and fraud.
Definition of Ethics
 Ethics also refers to the study of
Morality :refers to the human conduct, which is….
“what is right and what is wrong”……..
Ethicists use the term ethics to refer primarily to the study of morality,
just as chemists use the term chemistry to refer to the study of chemical
Business Ethics
By business ethics we mean the study of right and
wrong (good and bad) human conduct in business.
 would it be right for a store manager to break a promise
to a customer and sell some hard to find merchandize to
someone else.
 Would it be right not to hire a person on the base of
religion, color, nationality etc.
 Promoting a person purely on his competencies.
Importance of business ethics
Good image:
Business conducted on ethical bases enjoy good image.
Balance the needs and wishes of stakeholders:
Business ethics requires businesses to think about the impact of its decisions on
people or stakeholders who are affected by those decisions.
Employee Retention: A successful Business Ethics program establishes
a culture where fair rewards system prevails.
Setting the Example :Ethical Business Practices
points out that businesses demonstrating the highest ethical
standards are also the most profitable and successful.
Moral Vs Non moral standards
 Moral Standards:
These are concern behaviors
that is of serious consequences
to human welfare . it can seriously
injure or
benefit people like…….
Helping an injured person
Helping needy person
Origin of Moral Standards
During childhood moral standards are
absorbed from family, friends and various
societal institutions. Later in life
experiences, learning and intellectual
development help a person in forming
these standards……………………….
Moral Vs Non moral
In a business context moral standards would
 Whether products are harmful or healthful.
 Work conditions are safe or dangerous.
 Personnel procedures biased or fair.
Moral Vs Non moral
 Non moral standards:
Non moral standards are
what falls outside the sphere
of moral standards
Non moral standards: are
those conducts or actions
that is not of
serious consequences.
Moral Vs Non moral
 Wearing shorts to a formal dinner party is non moral
 Coming in informal dress to office is also a non moral
 Attending calls during a meeting is also a non moral
 Saying (thank you) to someone.
1: Etiquettes
Refers to any socially
acceptable code of behavior.
it comes in the context of
Non moral standards,
because its consequences are
non serious in nature.
Etiquettes: Are something that is
concerned with manners.
1: Etiquettes
1: It is a bad etiquette to chew with one’s
mouth open in a public place.
2: Push your chair back into place upon
leaving a dinner table is a good etiquette.
3: It is considered a good etiquette
to say “please” or “thank you” to
4: it was considered bad manner
in America for blacks and whites to
eat together.
2: Law
Law…Means rules and guidelines
approved by a state for the public.
Legal acts… Are those acts
which are in accordance with the law.
Illegal acts…. Violating the law. A
Note: laws differ from country to
2: Law
A: An action can be illegal but ethically right.
Helping Jewish family to hide from the “Nazis”
was against German law in 1939.
but it would have been ethically right.
B: An action that is legal can be ethically wrong.
It may be perfectly legal act for the
chairman of a company to layoff employees,
but ethically it is not permissible.
Religion involves moral instructions, guidelines
and values.
No one of you is a believer until he loves for his
brother ,what he loves for himself.
 Good people are those people that consider what is
best for others is best for them. (Hinduism)
 Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.
Opinions of philosophers…
A: Some philosophers think that ethics
is based on religion which means that it
is the religion that provides ethical guidelines.
B: Some are of the opinion that ethics is
not dependent on religion. like materialists
they don’t believe in any religion then on what basis
(personal standards) they say
“this is right and wrong”
Outcome…Religion is a source of
morality, but morality is not completely based on religion.
Ethical Relativism (Theory)
Relativists are of the opinion
that ethics is just what a particular
society happens to believe what is
“right and wrong”.
Morality is something that is related
to particular society. What is right
in one society may be wrong in other.
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Ethical Relativism (Theory)
Abortion is condemned as
immoral in catholic Ireland
but it is practiced as morally
neutral form of controlling
population in Japan.
Abortion is an immoral act…but
permissible in Japan
Not permissible in Ireland.
Relativism and the “Game” of business
Relativist like Albert Carr…. Are of the opinion
that, Business has its own norms and rules that
is different from society.
“What is right in business may be considered
wrong in society”
Marketing strategy in business is permissible which is
used for deceiving customers, but deceiving someone is
not permissible in society.
Conscience is a little voice inside of us that
guides us in our actions.
These are instructions of our parents that
we have internalized .
When you were children you were probably told to tell
the truth and if caught lying you were probably punished.
Limits of Conscience
How reliable guide is this conscience …
People say that always “follow your
But following your conscience is not
always helpful.
Should we keep our promise to a
colleague or come to the aid of an
old friend.
Code of Ethics
A Code is a statement of policies or rules that
guides behavior.
International Perspective: Code of ethics for Gov’t Service in USA
1:Put loyalty to the highest moral principle.
2:Uphold the constitution, laws and regulations.
3:Give a full day’s labor a full day’s pay.
4:Seek to find economical ways of getting tasks accomplished.
5:Never discriminate unfairly by giving privileges or favors to anyone.
6:Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of
7:Expose corruption wherever discovered.