Vamonos - La Clase de Ms. Coimbra

Write out the following sentences in Spanish only.
1) I am studying.
2) You are dancing.
3) He is playing.
4) We are eating.
Hoy: Prueba
Viernes, el 12 de febrero: PBA?
Lunes, el 29 de febrero: Duolingo (200 XP) due
6.5 Present Progressive
el 10 de enero
Nuestra Meta
ML1.IP1 The students exchange simple spoken and written
information in the target language, utilizing cultural references
where appropriate. The students: o G. Ask questions and
provide responses based on topics such as self, o H. Use
sequenced information such as alphabet, days of the week,
months, seasons, and numbers 0-100 in context.
Present Progressive Review
To describe what is happening right now…
The present tense of estar + present participle
To form the present participle of a verb, drop the ending of the infinitive and add ando or -iendo. This is the –ing equivalent in English.
-ar verbs
esperar → ando
-er verbs
comer → iendo
-ir verbs
escribir → iendo
Present Progressive
Remember, only use the present progressive for actions that are “in progress”
Estudio espanol.
I study Spanish.
Estoy estudiando espanol.
I am studying (right now, in this moment) Spanish.
A Few Irregulars:
Stems that end in vowels Stem-Changing Verbs
When the stem of an -er
or -ir verb ends in a
vowel, change the -iendo
to -yendo.
leer → leyendo
oír → oyendo
creer → creyendo
ir → yendo
To form the present participle of -ir
stem changing verbs, change e →i and
o → u and then add -iendo to the stem
of the verb.
servir : sirviendo
pedir : pidiendo
decir : diciendo
dormir : durmiendo
preferir: prefiriendo
These sentences are in the present tense. Change what is bold into the present
progressive. You should have 12 sentences in the present progressive.
Ejemplo: Yo estudio historia.  Yo estoy estudiando historia.
1) Ella conoce a mi padre. (conocer)
7) Mis hermanos leen un libro. (leer)
2) Las doctoras ayudan a pacientes. (ayudar)
8) Tú vas al mercado. (ir)
3) Juan y yo trabajamos mucho. (trabajar)
9) Adela y yo dormimos ocho horas. (dormir)
4) Tú vives con tu hermana. (vivir)
10) Mi primo bebe mucha agua. (beber)
5) El hombre construye la casa. (construir)
11) Los meseros sirven la comida. (server)
6) Yo pido una ensalada. (pedir)
12) Yo juego al baloncesto. (jugar)
Prueba 6.1
¡Buena suerte!