Ch. 3 Settling the Northern Colonies (part 1 pp. 43

Ch. 3 Settling the Northern Colonies (part 1 pp. 43-53)
New England Colonies – 4 – Mass, Conn, RI, and NH
KEY POINT: Although bound together by a common language and a common
allegiance to Mother England…The Northern and Southern colonies establish;
1 Different Patterns of Settlement
2 Different Economies
3 Different Political Systems
4 Different Values
The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism
Martin Luther begins the PR in 1517…Luther declares that the Bible alone was the
source of God’s word…inspiring countless souls…some of which help found America.
One Particular reformer, John Calvin of Geneva, Switzerland, influenced the
Puritans and Pilgrims of England and they are the 1st to settle the New England
Colonies…Mass, NH, Conn, and RI.
Calvinism (also called Congregationalism) becomes the dominant Religious Belief
of the NEers and many others; Scottish Presbyterians, French Huguenots, and the
Dutch Reformed Church.
CALVINISM EXPLAINED: Calvin in his book, “Institutes of Christian Religion,”
explains his beliefs-doctrine…
God was all-powerful and All-Good… Humans, because of Original Sin (ADAM AND
EVE), were weak and wicked. God was All-Knowing and thus knew who was going
to heaven and hell…Those going to heaven… THE ELECT, were PREDESTINED to do
so, the others…PREDESTINED to go to hell…and no amount of GOOD WORKS…could
change this. How could any human know their fate???…. Doubts troubled
Calvinists…so they consistently sought signs of A CONVERSION EXPERIENCE - the
receipt of God’s free gift of GRACE…This was said to be an intense personal
experience where God revealed to THE ELECT their destiny to go to heaven…this
experience, meeting God, would certainly transform them and thereafter they would
lead “sanctified lives” and be VISIBLE SAINTS.
PURITANISM EXPLAINED: After Henry the VIII breaks from the Catholic church in
the 1530’s …The Church of England (COE) (Anglican or Episcopalian today)
retained many aspects of Catholicism…Some English reformers wanted to
TOTALLY PURIFY the COE from these aspects…This purification/Calvinism was
especially appealing to many who were economically disadvantaged (those now
poor sheep farmers who lost their livelihoods in the woolen districts from
ENCLOSURE) and it gave them spiritual comfort… and these reformers made it their
mission to PURIFY THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, thus were called PURITANS…
All English subjects became members of the COE… and this bothered many
PURITANS, who were frustrated that they had to attend church with the
DAMNED…they believed that only VISIBLE SAINTS- those that had had a
CONVERSION experience (which told them they were part of the ELECT and thus
going to heaven) should be eligible for church membership...This group of Puritans
were opposed to this were called SEPERATISTS-PILGRIMS. These separatists
worried King James…this to him was a direct challenge to his authority…and he
would begin to persecute these separatists in England.
The Pilgrims End their Pilgrimage at Plymouth- “It is not with us as with other
men, whom small things can discourage.”
One group of SEPERATIST PURITANS flees James’s persecution to Holland
(Netherlands-Dutch) in 1608. They did not like the experience here and longed to
build a haven for purified protestants…this group negotiated with the VA CO. and
secured a right to settle in Jamestown…102 persons (not all separatist puritans)
sail on the MAYFLOWER in 1620 for VA… however after 65 days at sea…miss VA
altogether and eventually settle in Plymouth Bay (future Massachusetts)
Before leaving the ship they consent to the MAYFLOWER COMPACT- a brief
agreement to form a gov’t and to submit to the will of the majority – signed by 41
Adult Males. This was not a constitution, but certainly, a valuable precedent for
written constitutions later and a step toward genuine self-gov’t. The Adult male
settlers soon come together and begin… meeting in TOWN MEETINGS –the great
laboratory of liberty. (Direct Democracy)
The stories we learn as children about the 1st Thanksgiving involve this settlement
at Plymouth in 1621…the little colony of Plymouth never important economically
or numerically only 7000 by 1691 eventually merges with the much larger
Massachusetts Bay Colony…yet they established some lasting legacies that would
characterize all of NE …such as an economy of Fur, Fish, and Lumber… The Beaver
and the Bible were the early focus…William Bradford, who wrote- “Of Plymouth
Plantation,” would be elected annually as Governor 30 times… and was a great
leader. Eventually…these hearty PILGRIMS demonstrate they would not just survive
but prosper and many follow…see map p. 46 THE GREAT PURITAN MIGRATION
(1630 - 1642) OVER 20,000…easily surpassing immigration to the South.
The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
-Non-Separatist PURITANS (NOT PILGRIMS) are the next wave of migrants to
New England… in 1629 (8 years after the small group of separatist pilgrims come on
the Mayflower)-- King Charles I begins to persecute the remaining puritans,
who sought to reform the COE from within not separate, and they begin the
-They secure a Charter to form the Massachusetts Bay Company, BOSTON,
becomes its center. This enterprise was blessed with over 1,000 immigrants starting
larger than any other English settlement (Town in a Box) over 20,000 come during
the next 12 years. These immigrants were educated and some prosperous. Their
leader became John Winthrop their 1st Governor (Gov. for 19years) He believed he
had a “calling” from God to lead this new religious experiment in the wilderness –
This gave many of the earliest settlers a shared sense of purpose…they believed
they had a COVENANT with God to build a holy society that would be a model
for humankind (his speech to the newcomers “A Model of Christian Charity,” is
given to them aboard the ship Arabella before they depart to begin this challenge,
his idea of a “City upon a hill,” is still a key part of our identity as Americans
today, some say the beginning of AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM.
-The MBC follows the pilgrims economically and NE bases its economy on Fur, Fish
and Shipbuilding…and it became the most influential and biggest of the
Building the Bay Colony
-A common or shared sense of purpose shaped these colonies in NE.
-They create the CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH –“ESTABLISHED,” in all NE colonies
except RI…
-To be able to VOTE…you had to be a “freeman” an adult male who belonged to the
church (a VISIBLE SAINT) about 2/5ths of the MEN could vote (the Franchise)
-TOWN GOV’T (town meetings) were more inclusive than Provincial elections
(above)… all male property holders and in some cases others--enjoyed the ability to
publicly discuss local issues and vote by a show of hands- majority rule (direct
democracy) ***huge***
-However the provincial gov’t was not a democracy… they distrusted the
“commoners” as the meaner sort and thought of democracy as the “worst” form of
Gov’t.. Great quote “ if the people be governors-who shall be governed.”
- ONLY “freemen-visible saints” annually elect the Governor and Assembly… AND –
which applied to everyone… even though all paid taxes to the ESTABLISHED
CHURCH (congregational) why Massachusetts is called the “BIBLE
- Influential Clergymen – John Cotton- defended the gov’ts duty to enforce
religious rules…Jonathan Edwards, another influential clergyman, wrote the
famous sermon, “sinners in the hands of an angry god,” which stated the path to
hell was paved with the skulls of unbaptized children…
- People had the right to hire and fire clergymen and set his salary… they were also
-They share a common belief in the PROTESTANT WORK ETHIC (huge for our
National identity) … a serious commitment to work and engagement in worldly
- They passed laws to hope to limit human excesses such as BLUE LAWS in Conn.
For example which forbid kissing in public… origins of Morality being legislated to
the people.. even today 
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
Those that opposed the “shared belief” of Puritanism…
- Quakers, “The Society of Friends,” were banished and persecuted (fined,
flogged, and even hung)
- Anne Hutchinson – a Woman…mother of 14, intelligent, was brought to trial in
1638- and later Banished…. Her ideas challenge the idea that Men could interpret
God’s will… Laws are of Man not God… leaders considered her common sense
approach to religion very dangerous (Antinomianism)*** extra credit opp. For
further research 
- Roger Williams – popular minister in Salem… extreme separatist, supported the
Indians, said that the charter from England illegal, similar to Hutchinson questioned
the authority of civil gov’t to regulate religious behavior – he believed in a
separation of church and state… Banished and created Rhode Island…
Rhode Island (Rogue’s Island or the “Sewer” –from the perspective of the Bay
1636 – creates Providence colony (becomes RI) builds the 1st Baptist Church in
the colonies, establishes complete freedom of Religion - even for Jews and
Catholics…no “established church” -- RI becomes the MOST LIBERAL English
Settlement in the New World…
- Simple manhood suffrage (vote) later narrowed by property qualifications…
“Little Rhody” became strongly individualistic and independent… a statue of the
“Independent Man” stands on top of the statehouse in Providence…
- Secures a Charter in 1644 from the English King..
New England Spreads Out
Along the Conn. River was one of the most fertile areas in all of NE (farming) and
attracted settlers quickly…Hartford and New Haven are settled in 1635 and
1639 by the 1at Westward bound settlers from the Bay colony.
- Founded by Reverend Thomas Hooker
_ Wrote the 1st Modern written constitution in our History****called the
Fundamental Orders - later becomes its 1st State Constitution…
- Granted a charter in 1662 that combined both Hartford and New Haven into
Makers of America – The English
-Population explosion combined economic depression and religious
repression to motivate many to come to the new world.
- 75% of those who migrate to Va. and My. in the 17th century are white
indentured servants…
- INDENTURED SERVANTS: Sign a contract ranging from 4-7 years, mostly young
men, provided the necessary labor for the tobacco… 50% of these die before the
end of their contracts…”survivor or freedom dues” are awarded to the servants
at the conclusion of their contract- for a while it included 50 acres of land, but
soon only included clothing, an axe, and a few barrels of corn. After economic
fortunes improve in England in the 1660’s fewer are willing to come and more
plantation owners turn to African Slaves as the source of labor (other reasons
as well)
-Make Sure to study Map of Rowley, Mass. On Page 51 very impt**** (typical
NE town)
New England settlers- most immigration occurs from 1629 -1642 (called the Great
Puritan Migration) over 20,000 come to the Bay Colony [Mass]…(more to the West
- The Puritans migrated in FAMILY GROUPS { towns in a box}… most farming
communities, however, other economic interests and opportunities
develop…fishing, textile manufacturing, fur trading, lumbering, ship
building…This allowed for the NE economy to be more dynamic and as all
others very dependent on the Atlantic Trade.
-Politically they develop fiercely independent towns..
p.52 – NE Spreads out ….continued
The coast of Maine (part of Massachusetts until 1820) Sir Fernando Gorges found
a colony for fisherman in 1623…
New Hampshire also is centered on fishing…and is separated from the Bay colony
in 1679 by the King and made a Royal Colony..
Puritan Versus Indians
Wampanoag Indians … Squanto… knew English… helped with the Plymouth
Pilgirms 1st Thanksgiving…
- As more English arrive…. Confrontations begin… 1637 Pequot War, Mystic River
- An attempt to resist the English led to intertribal unity, Metacom (called King
Phillip by the English settlers) attacked the settlers [CALLED KING PHILLIPS
WAR]****** throughout NE… attacking 52 towns and 12 destroyed entirely…
Hundreds die… however the War ends in 1676, when Metacom is captured and his
wife and son sold into slavery… he was beheaded, drawn and quartered…his head
put on a pike which was put on display for years in Plymouth…
Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence
Other than the Iroquois Confederacy…the 1ST EXPERIMENT IN UNION was begun
in 1643 with the NEW ENGLAND CONFEDERATION****VERY IMPT. (During
Cromwell’s reign)
- Primary Purpose(s): a common defense against Indians, Dutch (NY) , and French.
And to help with Inter-colonial issues such as runaway servants and debtors
- Each member colony had 2 votes.
-Members were largely Puritans.. Bay Colony, Plymouth Colony, New Haven,
and Hartford.
****The NE Confederation “was the 1st notable milestone on the long and rocky
road toward colonial unity.
Benign Neglect or Salutary Neglect [HUGE}***** The idea that England, so far
away and busy with other interests, allowed the colonists over a 150 year
period to DEVELOP AS THEY WANTED… into semi-autonomous
commonwealths… HOWEVER, with the RESTORATION of Charles II to the throne
things temporarily change and give us a short insight of what will occur when the
Colonies are ruled by a More Controlling Britain… in 1763… Charles the II returns
in the 1660’s with an idea to CONTROL THE COLONIES… and conflicted with the
colonists who had been left on their own… and the Colonists begin to resist
especially in Massachusetts… in punishment they remove Conn. From Mass..’s
control in 1662, Give RI its own charter, and most specifically revoke the charter of
the Bay Colony… in 1684.
Andros is Coming AAAAAAghh