Scott_Benson_Lesson Plan 11 - URI

Scott Benson
Lesson Plan Week 11
Introduction/ Excite (10mins)
a. Today We’ll be discussing chapters 26, 27 and 29
b. Prewrite: Reflect on your time at your internships so far. Is there anything
you would change? Has this been a good experience for you? Would you
recommend this class to your friends?
Room For Debate
a. If anyone did it incorporate in discussion of each chapter
Go over readings and journals (25-30mins)
a. Chapter 26
i. What were Albert Shanker and Ray Budde’s original ideas for
charter schools?
1. Saw charters as a way to empower public school
teachers to devise their own innovative curriculum and
methods and to free hem from excessive regulation and
2. Ray Budde free teachers from unnecessary bureaucracy
3. Albert Shanker seek out the most difficult to educate
students and the drop outs and at risk of dropouts
a. How have these original visions changed?
b. Do you agree with the original concept or the new
ii. Read the 5 law changes from page 250-251
1. Do you agree with these changes?
2. Do you think they would be able to change the charter
school system for the better?
b. Chapter 27
i. As we have discussed before The achievement gap is related to the
poverty levels in America
1. What are the problems that poorer students deal with that
wealthier ones don’t?
ii. Access to routine or medical care.
1. Did you know this affects children’s learning?
a. I.e. more sick days, not being able to see to read
i. I personally didn’t connect the dots till I
read this chapter
iii. Summer Learning
1. I personally knew I forgot half of what I learned over the
summer but always seemed to make up for it each year.
a. Did you think that summer education was so
b. Did it surprise you that if the students were behind
before they were even farther behind after the
c. Chapter 29
i. What did you think of Ravitchs requirements to be a teacher
1. 4 year degree work with mentors
ii. Principals?
1. Be master Teachers
2. At least 7 or 8 years as a teacher
iii. Superintendent?
1. Strong background as a teacher and principal
2. Read quote on page 275
iv. Do you agree with Ravitch that it is wrong for non-educators to
lead and create policies that affect the educators?
v. Read quote on page 276
1. “The Education profession must become more professional,
not less…”
d. OpEd Due April 24th by 5pm
i. Opinion Editorial (OpEd): Using knowledge you have
attained through the reading/viewing/listening, your Our
Room for Debate assignments and your experience at your
internship, write a 700 word (approximate--no less than 500
word) OpEd about what the U.S. (or RI) should do to improve
K-12 education and post on time to Sakai Assignments—
Wrap Up
a. I hope all of you thought if you were interested in being a TA next
semester if you are please see me after class
i. email Dr. Kern
b. Extra Hours
i. Thursday 4/16 from 3:30-5pm we will have UCAP students here
visiting URI! If you guys Attend you will receive either 3 hours
on your hours trackers or 2 missed Journals
1. 3:45-4:10pm Meet at Memorial Union Bus Circle. Walk
through the MU and talk with students about student
activities and great things about URI. Walk through
Multicultural Center. Continue on to the URI Library and
proceed to the CML 1st floor, where we will meet.
2. 4:10-4:20 Welcome and Talent Development, access to
college talk.
3. 4:20-4:45 CML Big Thinkers--25 minute activity max.
4. 4:45-4:55 Alima intro about student clubs and 1 dance
5. 4:55--Walk students back to MU Circle and their bus OR
6. 5pm Hope Dining Hall, Give URI gear bags.
ii. Book Drive
1. Two new books = 1 hour or 1 journal
2. Books will need to come in with a post-it note with intern’s
first and last name on it
3. To be collected at each recitation beginning April 13th
through May 8th
4. I will send you a list of books as soon as we have it
What’s due next week (5mins)
a. Assign Readings - Chapters 29 and Chapter 30
b. Room for debates
c. Journals due Sunday
d. DON’T FORGET HOURS TRACKERS They are ½ of your
participation grade for attendance now